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While out mowing/cleaning the yard I noticed that I have a few tomatoe plants growing in an area that I have not planted them in for several years.Has anyone ever had them come back regrow?Strange to myself that they are growing again.

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my grandma lived in a small suburban lot. she kept a mulch pile behind the garage. all the veggy left overs from cooking were just tossed on the pile. every summer it was fun guessing what was goimg to come up.... and alot of stuff did

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Yes…I don't have a garden anymore, but I did have them come back up before. Tomatoes from old plants that, for what ever reason, were left in the garden rot and the seed make their way into the dirt. 

I have heard of tomatoes growing after septic tank "material" had been accidentally or purposely dumped…….tomato seeds don't  digest.

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It's not just tomatoes. Every year we get some rogue potato plants all over the garden. We do some pretty thorough harvesting, but you can't get them all, and the tiller turns them into seed potatoes.


Seeds from un-harvested squash will germinate even in years when the stuff you plant won't. We had a mystery cucumber plant last year, and we didn't even plant any.

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