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Leasing Ruins Conservation


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25 minutes ago, jjb4900 said:

right, like the kids who couldn't afford the latest gadgets...if you couldn't afford a toy gun, you made one out of whatever closely resembled one and you had fun or you just didn't participate....hell, I remember making all kinds of stuff out of things just to have fun and never complained or envied anyone else........or you just did like the one bad kid on the block and you stole someone else's toys

Some folk think they have a God given right to other peoples success, generated by their own sweat and blood.

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35 minutes ago, Buckmaster7600 said:



I'm just going to throw this out there but you are an ignorant individual!

With that way of thinking why have a job when the government will pay you anyways? It's not really your money because the government makes you pay taxes on it every time you make more.

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I am buying a hunting license  its not free !!! right that money pays for deer management you don't get it in  your dumb brain , don't play that cummy crap with me  son . I live in  westchester county  and own more then one property here and in Florida and in europe  I can buy up half the Catskills if I want . Im  not poor .  And for better hunting what I'm talking about is the way it should be . At least for bow hunting  they  should be aloud to go where u like  . With fire arms it can be a safty issue you can make that argument

And I would agree up to a point 

It would be 

Better for all hunters because it would help equally  distribute the deer populations 

Your not a hunter obviously your  just someone who just wants  to shoot something on your porch  it sounds  like to me or maybe you did not read all my posts about this topic . I pay more property tax then most people make in a year body and I still say people should be aloud to hunt within a safe distance of any land they want as long as it's not fenced up . Seriously what  kicks you get hunting deer in your back yard that have lost there fear of man ?   

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I am buying a hunting license  its not free !!! right that money pays for deer management you don't get it in  your dumb brain , don't play that cummy crap with me  son . I live in  westchester county  and own more then one property here and in Florida and in europe  I can buy up half the Catskills if I want . Im  not poor .  And for better hunting what I'm talking about is the way it should be . At least for bow hunting  they  should be aloud to go where u like  . With fire arms it can be a safty issue you can make that argument

And I would agree up to a point 

It would be 

Better for all hunters because it would help equally  distribute the deer populations 

Your not a hunter obviously your  just someone who just wants  to shoot something on your porch  it sounds  like to me or maybe you did not read all my posts about this topic . I pay more property tax then most people make in a year body and I still say people should be aloud to hunt within a safe distance of any land they want as long as it's not fenced up . Seriously what  kicks you get hunting deer in your back yard that have lost there fear of man ?   

You're an idiot I own over 400 acres yet I travel nearly 2 hrs to hunt at my camp in the Adirondacks because that's what I enjoy.

Don't forget to go out and vote for Hillary on Nov 9th.

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6 minutes ago, Papist said:

How would legalized trespass distribute deer populations?

Not all land owners hunt by having more hunters equally distributed on the  land like I'm saying the it would force these deer to spread out more . Not all bunch in one area as is the case in my parts of the state now .  Bow hunters don't bother anybody I can see people freaking out if your walking around with a gun near there home . At least for bow hunting it should be that way .

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11 minutes ago, LJC said:

Bow hunters don't bother anybody I can see people freaking out if your walking around with a gun near there home . At least for bow hunting it should be that way .

Me and my hunting partners, who hunt my woods, would be pretty bothered by local bow-hunters crunching around my property while we are in the stand, which is a lot during the season. How do I keep them out if bow hunters are given free and open access to my expensively taxed wood lot?

And deer are very good at finding hide-outs. What you are suggesting would likely turn our deer into almost entirely nocturnal creatures, as happens after gun opens and the orange army descends.

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Not all land owners hunt by having more hunters equally distributed on the  land like I'm saying the it would force these deer to spread out more . Not all bunch in one area as is the case in my parts of the state now .  Bow hunters don't bother anybody I can see people freaking out if your walking around with a gun near there home . At least for bow hunting it should be that way .

If I'm in my stand on my property and a bow hunter walked by me it would bother me!

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On 9/8/2016 at 11:25 PM, The_Real_TCIII said:

You left out that we couldn't hunt Sunday's!!

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Dang, that must have really sucked.

Comb your hair, tuck in your shirt, develop a little light banter and hit the gay country cocktail circuit. You'll have no end of places to hunt.

I've read some articles here and there on how to find hunting property and I have to admit this particular advice has never come up.

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I am buying a hunting license  its not free !!! right that money pays for deer management you don't get it in  your dumb brain , don't play that cummy crap with me  son . I live in  westchester county  and own more then one property here and in Florida and in europe  I can buy up half the Catskills if I want . Im  not poor .  And for better hunting what I'm talking about is the way it should be . At least for bow hunting  they  should be aloud to go where u like  . With fire arms it can be a safty issue you can make that argument

And I would agree up to a point 

It would be 

Better for all hunters because it would help equally  distribute the deer populations 

Your not a hunter obviously your  just someone who just wants  to shoot something on your porch  it sounds  like to me or maybe you did not read all my posts about this topic . I pay more property tax then most people make in a year body and I still say people should be aloud to hunt within a safe distance of any land they want as long as it's not fenced up . Seriously what  kicks you get hunting deer in your back yard that have lost there fear of man ?   

You sound like you have some money, you most likely have a way nicer car than me, I have a trip coming up and I would like to use it, I know you paid for it and pay insurance but it's nicer than mine and I think i should be able to use it for my trip because it's better than mine.

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I'm guessing that european countries that operate like that (you can hunt wherever) have something else going on. For example, somebody mentioned germany hunting laws recently. They look atrocious! Like super, duper bad. You get your license which takes longer than getting a medical degree, then you lease land at huge cost and as part of the lease agreement if you do not cull a certain quota of animals and/or there is crop damage, you are on the hook for it. So imagine if you paid a lease for land and then while you're at work one week a herd of deer trample/eat somebody's crop and they come back to you looking for restitution because you were not keeping their property clean.

Unless you're actively trying to breed deer in huge amounts to troll your neighbors' property, the state should stay off and no mandate for private access. Basically everyone here agrees with that. But, I would like to see some state incentive like with fishing to encourage property owners to open to hunting. Now, as for that opinion if I owned 50 acres of beautiful land I am sure my opinion would be different; I wouldn't care for it because I don't need it.

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I am buying a hunting license  its not free !!! right that money pays for deer management you don't get it in  your dumb brain , don't play that cummy crap with me  son . I live in  westchester county  and own more then one property here and in Florida and in europe  I can buy up half the Catskills if I want . Im  not poor .  And for better hunting what I'm talking about is the way it should be . At least for bow hunting  they  should be aloud to go where u like  . With fire arms it can be a safty issue you can make that argument

And I would agree up to a point 

It would be 

Better for all hunters because it would help equally  distribute the deer populations 

Your not a hunter obviously your  just someone who just wants  to shoot something on your porch  it sounds  like to me or maybe you did not read all my posts about this topic . I pay more property tax then most people make in a year body and I still say people should be aloud to hunt within a safe distance of any land they want as long as it's not fenced up . Seriously what  kicks you get hunting deer in your back yard that have lost there fear of man ?   

Guess what guy i grew up in westchester, and lived there up untill a year ago.. What do you now think your some god because you live in a rich stick up your butt community.. Now I get it your a liberal

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ya gotta love some of these over the top insulting responses, you can tell it's the weekend and cocktail hour has been in full swing for....well, more then an hour.

YES! I may have been a little drunk last night

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I have just one thing to say to you. With all you just said, it is now time you to man up and pony up. Put out your name and the addresses to these properties and the lease your buying,So all these guys crying of how hard hunting is for them, can do their own google directional map and come help you level out the deer herd. Please hurry, for times a ticking and kleenex can only make so much product, they must be running low on inventory by now.

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2 hours ago, growalot said:


I have just one thing to say to you. With all you just said, it is now time you to man up and pony up. Put out your name and the addresses to these properties and the lease your buying,So all these guys crying of how hard hunting is for them, can do their own google directional map and come help you level out the deer herd. Please hurry, for times a ticking and kleenex can only make so much product, they must be running low on inventory by now.

Like to know how all that money came to be? If you read the sentences and such it shows it sure was not English class. American Anyways!  Maybe a dad hand me down or more likely a crock of Sh!t.....Er Poop! Sorry....

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3 hours ago, Buckmaster7600 said:



You're an idiot I own over 400 acres yet I travel nearly 2 hrs to hunt at my camp in the Adirondacks because that's what I enjoy.

Don't forget to go out and vote for Hillary on Nov 9th.

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Your telling me if you did not  have to pay property tax on that land if you let other hunters on there you would have a problem with that ?  Btw you guys hunt Alot of people have hundreds of acres up there and don't hunt wouldn't  you like to go to other places besides your own land ?  

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3 hours ago, Buckmaster7600 said:



You sound like you have some money, you most likely have a way nicer car than me, I have a trip coming up and I would like to use it, I know you paid for it and pay insurance but it's nicer than mine and I think i should be able to use it for my trip because it's better than mine.

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Do you pay my car insurance like I pay for a hunting license no you don't your example makes no sense next time think harder son, remember hunters pay to hunt its,not free   if I'm not near your house drive way .xct  not your concern if I'm hunting deer on  undeveloped land btw  you should not be paying tax on property that is undeveloped land in the first place I wouldn't expect people to let people go on there land with out some benefit .like a tax cut . Or 0 tax on land that's just left as woods .

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4 hours ago, Papist said:

Me and my hunting partners, who hunt my woods, would be pretty bothered by local bow-hunters crunching around my property while we are in the stand, which is a lot during the season. How do I keep them out if bow hunters are given free and open access to my expensively taxed wood lot?

And deer are very good at finding hide-outs. What you are suggesting would likely turn our deer into almost entirely nocturnal creatures, as happens after gun opens and the orange army descends.

I Would NoT  Expect You To Pay Tax On Wood Lot pArt Of Your Land If It Was Up To Me Land That's Just Undeveloped Woods Should Not Be Taxed 

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3 minutes ago, moog5050 said:

Well I agree with LJC on one thing, I shouldn't have to pay taxes on my undeveloped land.  Unfortunately, the county and school district disagree.  Just got my bill.  

maybe you could leave a box on the stoop like that do at those farm stands that use the "honor system" for payment......when we all come to hunt it we'll throw a few bucks in to help defray the cost.

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5 minutes ago, jjb4900 said:

maybe you could leave a box on the stoop like that do at those farm stands that use the "honor system" for payment......when we all come to hunt it we'll throw a few bucks in to help defray the cost.

Lol.  Sounds fair.  I will then just hunt in Europe where I can roam wherever I please.  Please toss a little extra in the box for the purchase price and my trip to Europe.  Thanks JJB.  Very generous of you. 

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15 minutes ago, moog5050 said:

Lol.  Sounds fair.  I will then just hunt in Europe where I can roam wherever I please.  Please toss a little extra in the box for the purchase price and my trip to Europe.  Thanks JJB.  Very generous of you. 

Lol seriously why the f do you have to keep paying  tax year after year  on undeveloped property in the middle  of nowhere it's a crime  .  

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It is taxed because if it was developed they could put an even higher tax on it. The government wants you to feel a bit uncomfortable about the idea that your paying for "nothing" ...

What your paying taxes on that land for is infrastructure...the roads leading you to that land..The directional signs the cops that may stroll by. The fire dept. that may have to come out or the ambulance...Now school taxes...sorry If I'm not living there shouldn't pay.....Then again if the land wasn't "tied up" there maybe a residence there..so that's pretty much a penalty tax. I just got 6 of them...

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