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Crossbow/gun and whitetail population


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No. I'm not really sure what the let off is buddy. It's and older Hoyt. There is sum. But I still have to draw and hold it! 

So should compounds have their own season? It's not fair to the guys with recurves right?

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28 minutes ago, nodeerhere said:

No. I'm not really sure what the let off is buddy.

You gotta be shittin' me right...?

A few posts ago you were telling us all what a skilled and dedicated bowhunter you are, and now you don't even know the most basic performance spec of your rig...? :rolleyes:

Poser alert...!




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13 minutes ago, wooly said:

You gotta be shittin' me right...?

A few posts ago you were telling us all what a skilled and dedicated bowhunter you are, and now you don't even know the most basic performance spec of your rig...? :rolleyes:

Poser alert...!




Right. I know I can draw and hold it smart guy. 

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Stubby ,you actually need to turn down the speed on your brain and actually read what I said: First...NOT ONCE Did I use the term POACHING.


but I can guarantee and not being a person that bets on anything but a sure thing,more will be in illegal hours than legal. Which happens now anyways, but will increase and push those movement times back even further.

Do I really need to go back through the years and pull up the threads of shooting before and after sunrise. If this would improve your comprehension of what I was referring to I am glad to do so. Though I believe most reading that understood. Now It is obviously done during gun season, we all have done EXTENSIVE reading about it this year alone...but lets get real here.It is much easier to get away with those shots with archery equipment. Then add a light gathering scope on a cross bow and ...well you should be able to decipher the rest.. How many of those taking that type of shot in gun would ever hesitate taking the same shot with a crossbow in hand...rhetorical question there. 

Now for all of the above...not even the point of the original post you referenced.

Edited by growalot
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15 minutes ago, growalot said:

Stubby ,you actually need to turn down the speed on your brain and actually read what I said:

Do I really need to go back through the years and pull up the threads of shooting before and after sunrise. If this would improve your comprehension of what I was referring to I am glad to do so. Though I believe most reading that understood. Now It is obviously done during gun season, we all have done EXTENSIVE reading about it this year alone...but lets get real here.It is much easier to get away with those shots with archery equipment. Then add a light gathering scope on a cross bow and ...well you should be able to decipher the rest.. How many of those taking that type of shot in gun would ever hesitate taking the same shot with a crossbow in hand...rhetorical question there. 

Now for all of the above...not even the point of the original post you referenced.

lol.......Now add a little white glitter on the ground and we can sit till 6-7pm during the best part of the rut... Sweeeet!

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Don't laugh FSW...I'll never forget walking out of my woods in the dark with a full moon because I had a nice buck and a couple of doe feeding on elder brush around and under my stand at least 40 mins past the sun dropping behind the hill top....Hit the corn of the lease woods and what is now the corn field and hear the distinct twang of a string release and thwack(compound)...when I stood back up..because as pointless as it was, instinct made me drop...I look up and there up in a ladder stand silhouetted against a rising bright full moon is the A hole that shot..I got to the house and called ...told them he was still out there with a flash light looking for the deer. They arrived 1 1/2 hours later...needless to say he  was long gone.

Again not the point of that original post...I believe I mentioned the point a few times in that post.

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21 minutes ago, growalot said:

Don't laugh FSW...I'll never forget walking out of my woods in the dark with a full moon because I had a nice buck and a couple of doe feeding on elder brush around and under my stand at least 40 mins past the sun dropping behind the hill top....Hit the corn of the lease woods and what is now the corn field and hear the distinct twang of a string release and thwack(compound)...when I stood back up..because as pointless as it was, instinct made me drop...I look up and there up in a ladder stand silhouetted against a rising bright full moon is the A hole that shot..I got to the house and called ...told them he was still out there with a flash light looking for the deer. They arrived 1 1/2 hours later...needless to say he  was long gone.

Again not the point of that original post...I believe I mentioned the point a few times in that post.

lol.....Yeah i was just trying to help that other guy understand your post about poaching...Not sure if it helped or not. HaHa

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Well that will happen in all seasons no matter the weapon ...just look at those rapid fire ML'ers..:mda:.but no worries...With the deer hanging out 10-3am...not flagging alerts and as I have been gathering by many hunters in recent days...laying flat and allowing hunters to walk by hanging out in road ditches, very close to camps, barns, houses and as near to where the people hunting them are staying as possible. Which makes sense to me... deer reasoning, why not let them walk past you ,not really looking there, to hunt you in the woods while you relaxing the tall grass or land dip near where they are coming from. Oh that's right...hunters are still assuming deer are dumb:rolleyes: ...all these added moving bodies will make even the dusk/ dawn debate mute...:wink:

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1 hour ago, growalot said:

Stubby ,you actually need to turn down the speed on your brain and actually read what I said: First...NOT ONCE Did I use the term POACHING.

Do I really need to go back through the years and pull up the threads of shooting before and after sunrise. If this would improve your comprehension of what I was referring to I am glad to do so. Though I believe most reading that understood. Now It is obviously done during gun season, we all have done EXTENSIVE reading about it this year alone...but lets get real here.It is much easier to get away with those shots with archery equipment. Then add a light gathering scope on a cross bow and ...well you should be able to decipher the rest.. How many of those taking that type of shot in gun would ever hesitate taking the same shot with a crossbow in hand...rhetorical question there. 

Now for all of the above...not even the point of the original post you referenced.

I think the main point is, that regardless of what weapons are legal, there are scum that will poach. Any weapon changes won't change that. 

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No the main point was the more bodies you put out there with any weapon the more nocturnal the deer will get and the faster...so poaching with any type of weapon ...in the end..... it will not make a tinkers dang worth of difference...The guys wanting a better ,earlier chance at a buck will be just as frustrated as they were in gun season...just earlier..

That is what I find so funny about these pages and pages of debate,finger pointing and name calling ect....hunters really think deer are just going  say hay that's OK........ crowd on in on us as we are headed into full survival mode. With feeding and breeding before winter hits. We'll just go about our normal routines...

That they will........ because they actually know how to feed at night and by golly I believe they haven't a problem breeding then either...So yes first few years probably not that big an issue...but wait...and then even those testosterone driven youngster will get the memo and sooner than ever before....

Like I said....makes no difference to me...it's here already...but there are going to be some unhappy guys going WTH!  Where are all the deer these bow hunters have been seeing for years....Go back home and look behind the bushes next to your garage.....

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15 minutes ago, growalot said:

No the main point was the more bodies you put out there with any weapon the more nocturnal the deer will get and the faster...so poaching with any type of weapon ...in the end..... it will not make a tinkers dang worth of difference...The guys wanting a better ,earlier chance at a buck will be just as frustrated as they were in gun season...just earlier..

That is what I find so funny about these pages and pages of debate,finger pointing and name calling ect....hunters really think deer are just going  say hay that's OK........ crowd on in on us as we are headed into full survival mode. With feeding and breeding before winter hits. We'll just go about our normal routines...

That they will........ because they actually know how to feed at night and by golly I believe they haven't a problem breeding then either...So yes first few years probably not that big an issue...but wait...and then even those testosterone driven youngster will get the memo and sooner than ever before....

Like I said....makes no difference to me...it's here already...but there are going to be some unhappy guys going WTH!  Where are all the deer these bow hunters have been seeing for years....Go back home and look behind the bushes next to your garage.....

I saw a lot of daytime movement the last two weeks of  bow and the first week of gun. The crossbows are legal now in the last two weeks and I haven't seen the "stampedes" of evil gun hunters hitting the woods. 


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Would you like to show me any where, in what I wrote that I said a "stampede of evil gun hunters "   Never mind,. I understand you just wanted people to think I said that. Of course no one would ever think that guys are holding off buying a crossbow until full inclusion, well that thought would be... ridiculous. I also said give it time....

Though a guy from Ohio pointed out lower hunter satisfaction since inclusion....someone else mentioned Ohio forums a buzz with the same concerns...talk of their woods being "crowded" ....Which is another humorous thing to me ,seeing how holding Ohio and other states as a "look what they have" compared to pitiful old NY.  Yes ''forest through the trees" and "always greener on the other side"...We all shall see..

Edited by growalot
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38 minutes ago, growalot said:

Would you like to show me any where, in what I wrote that I said a "stampede of evil gun hunters "   Never mind,. I understand you just wanted people to think I said that. Of course no one would ever think that guys are holding off buying a crossbow until full inclusion, well that thought would be... ridiculous. I also said give it time....

Though a guy from Ohio pointed out lower hunter satisfaction since inclusion....someone else mentioned Ohio forums a buzz with the same concerns...talk of their woods being "crowded" ....Which is another humorous thing to me ,seeing how holding Ohio and other states as a "look what they have" compared to pitiful old NY.  Yes ''forest through the trees" and "always greener on the other side"...We all shall see..


Didn't say you did Grow. It is the picture that many of those opposing inclusion would have us think though. And I posted the Ohio harvest numbers since since 2002 and it seems pretty level except for a couple years. 


Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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