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Crossbow/gun and whitetail population


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13 minutes ago, nodeerhere said:

Makes plenty of sense. I gun Hunt for the camp time with friends and my son. I live to bow hunt. I mean if I could work everyday during the wk all yr to have all bow season off I would. All I'm saying is I like it the way it is. I truly think full inclusion of crossbow would have a negative impact. I just want to continue to be able to enjoy bow seaon. That's all. If that makes any sense 

I have heard that the number of deer hunters in NY state has been declining for a few years now.  Texting, smart-phones, and other distractions are surely part of the reason the youngsters are not getting into it like they use to.  Even with full inclusion, it is unlikely that this trend will be reversed.   Allowing the dwindling number of hunters access to a more efficient way to kill deer is at least an attempt to stem the loss, when it comes to managing the state's deer herd.  I hope they never come up with a better way of managing the deer herd than hunting.  They might have to if hunter numbers drop so far that they can no longer control the herd. 

Would you prefer buck contraception over full inclusion?   How about wolf or mountain lion introduction?            

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Well just for the record!! I'm not for full inclusion. But I agree with u and not messing with the herd other than hunting. And I also feel if full inclusion were a possibly I think a crossbow/bow course is a must. and don't think I'm agreeing with u guys! Lmao! 

A certificate to crossbow hunt and no bow course is crazy. It should be a bow course to do it.

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1 hour ago, nodeerhere said:

And how is this? Cause I don't shoot every deer I see? Because I hunt with a bow and enjoy that time in the woods without a bunch of knuckleheads ruining it? Hmmm... I mean I would really love for u to tell me how I'm a bad sportsman and how I give hunting a bad name! Please!!! 

Because you try to impose your beliefs on hunting to be the best and come across as the only way it should be done and pass judgement with statements like knuckheads ruining it,,, who put you in charge ...

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No! That's what I'm saying. If u have to have a course for gun and bow. U should have to have one for crossbow too. 

Whatever differences there may be mechanically between a cross bow and the long/compounds. The applicable course is the bow course. It doesn't make sense to have a third course. Shot placement, tracking, setting up for the hunt. It's the same as bow.
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Well since u just want to argue! I'll bite! I was going to agree with u with just a bow course. But then u guys are going to say I thought it was more a gun. So yeah I want to see a 3rd course! I'm even going to write a few letters to try and make it happen if it gets full inclusion!!! default_rofl.gif

Reading way too much hi to my comment. The bow course would be of more use in the education.
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    I have no intention of using a cross-bow but I do think there should be full inclusion. I also think cross-bow should be included in the bow class.

It seems more bow hunters are buying cross-bows than gun hunters. The only way to tell for sure would be to put cross-bow in as a bow instead as a ML tag. Here is one thing that will have to be looked at is how much if any will the harvest increase with more cross-bow use.

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19 hours ago, phade said:

What you attribute to Ohio not being the hunting paradise shows you aren't looking at the whole picture.

The grumbles are because the DNR have largely steered the harvest reductions because they can due to their ability to control harvest #s. They can move, close, change season dates and tag allocations without moving legislative mountains.

The DNR said they were going to take actions specifically to control deer #s in certain parts of the state as there was overpopulation. Sounds familiar huh? The difference - Ohio did it.

What you deem as a problem is actually the same thing you've noted about the DECs inability to achieve here. Except Ohio walks the darn talk.

I am simply pointing out the numbers, as a partial answer to the question asked by the original topic. The numbers show that Ohio is not some kind of super-state or utopia as depicted by some here. This is simply a case of "the grass being greener on the other side of the fence". Looking at the numbers without the emotion being attached helps to answer the original question of this thread of how the addition of crossbows could impact the deer hunting in this state. I am not saying that Ohio DNR is staffed with wizards as some have lead themselves to believe. I am simply showing you what has happened there, using their own actual harvest numbers as a potential answer to the original question of this thread. I leave it up to others to look at those numbers and determine if that is the kind of result we are looking to create. We don't have to theorize. There is a pretty clear example to provide actual experienced data. I am also pointing out that resident hunters are a bit unhappy with those results as well as the DNR itself. Read the article!


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Ohio has a different climate than here and more deer,, I was talking to my friend the other night who used to hunt years ago about what his thoughts where about the deer population, he works on commercial boulers and drives all over Ohio and adjoining states to get to his job.. 

He said its not uncommon to see a dead deer on the road once a week year round in Ohio and drving down the highway he sees deer on a regular basis in groups all the time,,, mostly does, he states he doesn't see many bucks and usually not big ones but he says the state is overrun with does ..he also said he saw a big one hit last week in the middle of the city which struck him odd as to its location...


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