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Blank Bail


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Decided to commit a full 3 months to the blank bail.  I have shot it occasionally in the past but never for prolonged periiods without target work.  Gonna be tough not to shoot at a target for 3 months.   I hope it pays off.  We will see.  I will say that I often shoot really smoothly after even 10-15 arrows on the blank bail so I am thinking 3 months may yield some solid results. Started today with 30 - 40 arrows.  

Any of you folks spend a lot of time on the blank bail?

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I agree with the release .It does need to be a hand crafted piece of art, but more than that its form and function. If you don't have great form than you cant function properly.and without constant work you will not have enough muscle memory to create your form. No form and you will function sloppy, Thats where bad shots and wounded deer  meet in a three dimensional world. To bad for the deer.

I hate nothing more than failing at what i do. I wont go into my smoker and the summer sausage incident...It only takes a few minutes to shoot a few arrows. set up a camera use your game cam just to get some idea of what your form looks like... keep your elbows up and shoot straight. Remember pulling the trigger should be the easiest thing you do on a hunt.

my regulator took a shit when i was ready to smoke my 30 pounds of summer sausage.. Keep a plastic bag over your regulators when not in use those needle valves are not very tolerant to dust and debris.

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My target bale is blank...I usually blow up balloons to 3-4" in diameter. and stick them to the bale using a finishing nail. Gives me something to shoot for and doesn't damage arrows by shooting at the same spot all the time.

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it works for both trad and compound shooting.  really only used it for compound though.  if for compound periodically change releases, trigger springs, or change adjustment for trigger weight too.  i've heard byron ferguson used to turn out lights and shoot at a candle in pitch darkness to hone instinctive muscle memory.  i don't want to burn a place down so i might use blank paper with glow in the dark stickers, or maybe a tight beam of a resting flashlight.  my trad shooting needs help.  i shoot compound too much to devote more time to it though.

blank bail helped me squash a slight form of target panic i previously had.

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