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By CapDistPatriot
I couldn't even watch the video. Just pisses me off that A.) Some "people" do think this is acceptable behavior, and B.) The humane society feels the need to smear all who partake in our great sport by releasing the video. I mean, they didn't just get this from a leak, they actually took the time to file a FOIA request.
I have some sympathy for someone who poaches a deer here and there because he cannot afford food from the grocery store (out where I grew up it was quite common) and needs to feed his family, but these @$$holes are just killing for sport. Complete disrespect for the lives of the creatures God created for us.
By dbHunterNY
FYI - There's legislation in NY A556 https://www.nysenate.gov/…/bil…/2017/a556/amendment/original that has passed increases the minimum fines, increases them even more for repeat offenders, and effectively takes away license for 5 years in 48 states.
.....BUT Governor Andrew Cuomo has yet to sign it. If he doesn't by the end of this year it dies and does not become law. I know it's hunting season but spread the word! Even better let him know.
By dbHunterNY
Bills out right now to amend current environmental conservation law, increasing fines for shooting deer out of season or basically jacking them at night. NYS assembly A556 and NYS senate S387. the bills were reintroduced from last session where it almost made it to the senate floor to complete pass, but simply ran out of time. It already passed in the assembly (again) but seems to be stalling in the senate (again). to date counting all sessions it's only gotten a single no vote. it's in the senate environmental committee now.
O'Mara is the chair to get it out of committee. Feel free to call his office to show your support 518-455-2091 (albany office) and 607-735-9671 (local office). Lets get this passed before hunting season. Screw a poacher by telling friends.
By Rebel Darling
Here's a poaching story from our neighbors over in VT:
By dbHunterNY
It's been posted before.... NYS Senate Bill S4727B increases the fines for illegally taking (poaching) deer.
it's passed through committee and passed unanimously 97-0 through the Assembly and passed through the environmental conservation committee in the senate. It's possibly a couple days from a floor vote by the senate to be fully passed. it only needs to be scheduled for a floor vote, in which it will surely pass by a land slide. it just has to be scheduled. the man that has to allow and schedule it for a floor vote is.....
Senator John J. Flanagan
feel free to copy his legislative aid - mlucas@nysenate.gov
this is really close to getting passed and will give poachers much more reason for worry and reconsider doing it in the first place. take a minute to get ahold of them and let them know you support it.
FYI - you support this or you're the poacher!
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