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Poaching Legislation Only Needs Floor Vote to Pass!


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Legislation S387 is a poaching bill that is almost passed but needs help! It increases poaching fines here in NYS for those bold enough to shoot a deer out of season or "jacking" them at night with a light, especially so for repeat offenders.  the bill even includes provisions for temporary loss of hunting privileges.  It has already passed in the Assembly.  It has made it through committee unopposed and has been read for the last time in the Senate.  All that needs to happen is for it to be scheduled for a vote on the Senate floor.  Last year it was in the same situation but later in session. Not enough people expressed how important it was to them.  It sat on a polished desk and never got scheduled and thus passed.  There are only so many legislative sessions left to do so.  Contact your Senator to let them know you want this to come to a floor vote and pass.  More importantly contact Senator Flanagan's office as his office does the scheduling.  If you live between Melville and Port Jefferson on Long Island then let him know your a voter and it's important it passes.

Senator Flanagan's offices

Albany Office: 518-455-2071

LI Office:  260 Middle Country Road, Suite 102

                Smithtown , NY 11787


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we just have one final step for this bill!  by all means call Senator Flanagan's office  (518-455-2071) to tell him how important preventing poaching is to you and tell him bill S387 needs to be scheduled for a vote by the full senate!


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both occurred at night and were found by hunters or landowners the next day.  both bucks were by no means record book bucks either, as it was figured out after the fact.  one was found by a father and young son hunting pair that had hopes of getting the youth on a buck that morning.  instead they spent the morning making phone calls and loading a rotting carcass into the utv.

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This bill is a tiny step in the right direction. Ny has more lawless than people who abide and the DEC is so understaffed they're absolutely anemic with regard to maintaining compliance with game laws. We should be appalled our hunting dollars do not grant better support of hunting laws. There is no reason why the penalties shouldn't be 10000$ each. Trespassing is another disgusting weakness. Licenses $100 and citations get negotiated to twice that if they ever get caught, cited and they stick- which is about 99.9% unlikely to happen

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senators are on break this week in terms of being in session.  i should know this week if it's scheduled on the floor calendar for the first part of June.  If not more meetings and making noise.  Will let people here know regardless.

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  • 4 weeks later...

thank you to all those that called and made an effort.  the bill has passed and will be going to the governor to sign into law.  FYI if you're a poacher start saving your money now and maybe purchase a "Jail For Dummies" book.  Also your worries of a buying a license will be over for a while.  Already convicted poacher?  just book a vacation somewhere nice or buy a small herd of cattle to feed your family.  it'll be cheaper.

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  On 6/23/2017 at 6:42 PM, dbHunterNY said:
thank you to all those that called and made an effort.  the bill has passed and will be going to the governor to sign into law.  FYI if you're a poacher start saving your money now and maybe purchase a "Jail For Dummies" book.  Also your worries of a buying a license will be over for a while.  Already convicted poacher?  just book a vacation somewhere nice or buy a small herd of cattle to feed your family.  it'll be cheaper.

What are the next steps or additional ethical hunter supporting bills rolling down the line?

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  On 6/23/2017 at 9:46 PM, gjs4 said:

What are the next steps or additional ethical hunter supporting bills rolling down the line?

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Good one is lowering universal hunting license age from 14 to 12. Leaves discretion up to parents but gets them involved sooner.

There's a lot out there. Most just don't get attention to get any where. We'll see.

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Thanks for the update though I really don't see the correlation.

Conservation trespassing, baiting, improper tag use/reporting are the core issues. Let's face it our penalties are less than some states deer licenses. The DEC is lost, or can hide behind, these and their lack of support despite them getting 4-500M in license sales each year.

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  On 6/25/2017 at 12:32 PM, gjs4 said:

Thanks for the update though I really don't see the correlation.

Conservation trespassing, baiting, improper tag use/reporting are the core issues. Let's face it our penalties are less than some states deer licenses. The DEC is lost, or can hide behind, these and their lack of support despite them getting 4-500M in license sales each year.

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the correlation is this isn't a movie of noble knights and folklore with one battle ending the whole thing.  it's the real world, politics, and public with individual agendas. unless your an idiot, nobody storms the castle if they're more than likely going to loose.  trespassing is a close next but difficult based on "innocent" ignorance.  baiting same thing but tougher.  now suddenly an old lady using her social security check to feed the wildlife (deer) in her back yard because she cares about them leading into winter and likes watching them gets a big fine and possible jail time.  now everybody says your the jerk that wanted it, despite she was in the wrong.  reporting way more difficult, especially when DEC says we can live without it and their reporting methods getting overwhelmed during prime time when most deer hitting the dirt.  Lowering the age was said because it's legislation that's already started and the precedent is already set throughout the country to lower it.  the only leg to stand on for being against it is it's too much responsibility and too unsafe at that age.  easily shot down with all the stats for the rest of the country and other spin you can put on getting your kids outside and involved in something other than "reality tv".

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  On 6/26/2017 at 7:33 PM, greg54 said:

we need full inclusion for cross bow too


i was focused on poaching but a lot of work went into it.  i'm surprised it didn't move more or pass.  it's still alive though.  before session begins this coming winter (next year) i'd expect another push.  not much you can do right now.

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  On 6/26/2017 at 7:41 PM, dbHunterNY said:

i was focused on poaching but a lot of work went into it.  i'm surprised it didn't move more or pass.  it's still alive though.  before session begins this coming winter (next year) i'd expect another push.  not much you can do right now.


Yeah I know, just have to see next year. But at least the poaching bill went thru. Throw the book at those slobs.

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  On 6/26/2017 at 8:02 PM, greg54 said:
Yeah I know, just have to see next year. But at least the poaching bill went thru. Throw the book at those slobs.

As long as it presides in local town courts they'll get away with it forever.

Apparently we need more youth and crossbows to stop lawlessness.

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