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Early season tips for Deer hunting.


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Calling works!  Try some fawn distress calls this early season.  Try not to make the call too loud like an attack just loud enough for other deer to hear the fawn.  (This is a great for stand hunting.)  Similar to this.  This is a baby and usually the tone is slightly lower in larger fawns at this time of year. 

As the hot weather persists try hunting hard in the mornings as that is the coldest part of the day and when many deer are active.    If you want to temp some bucks try tickling the antlers together like 2 young bucks testing each other, contact grunts are also very effective.  No knock down fights at this time of the year usually so go light and give at minimum 20 minutes before calling again.  Your scent rises in the AM so if you really like the stand hunting till noon time is a good cut off time.  (That falling scent later in the day can bring your smell back to the ground and alert deer to your presence, don't wear out your hot stands to early!)  Not as big of an issue in some area's of high wind or prevailing winds pushing your scent away from known trails.

Don't think you messed an area up if a deer snorts at you going in the dark.  If it is just one snort that means the deer was startled by you, give one snort back (Only if you think the deer did not run and is still in the area.) this often settles them into thinking you are just another deer.  If they snort more than one time the jig is up and they either saw, heard or smelled you and they are gone, they are very hard to call back as they saw you as danger.  Usually this means they had a clear look at you smelled or heard you, 2 of these will send them running.  

Cover your scent as much as possible while trying to use other scent to keep the deer occupied in your best line of sight.  This is where deer P works well.  Make sure you leave a trail of drops going away from the main P spot as most deer "Drip" while walking away.  As this is early season regular P is best not doe in heat!  Freshen or make a mock scrap in your 2nd lane of preferred shooting with a licking branch, this is where pre-orbital and interdigital scent can work well. 

What tips and tricks do you use early season and why?  

Good luck this season!  Lets make it safe!  Hope you get your best buck this year and your freezer is filled!  

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10 hours ago, NFA-ADK said:

For someone just starting off these are great tips!  Even experienced hunters can use these tips if they never tried them.  Being a bit proactive will sometimes get you much more action. 

I tooj a short drive this morning and the deer were everywhere! You were spot on about the activity level in the a.m. due to the heat.

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4 minutes ago, nyslowhand said:

Early season - food sources, but don't expect to see those big boys just yet.

believe it or not this sometimes is the best time to kill the big boy, mine are pretty much always in the same areas in the afternoon around 530pm the last few days.

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4 hours ago, Hock3y24 said:

believe it or not this sometimes is the best time to kill the big boy, mine are pretty much always in the same areas in the afternoon around 530pm the last few days.

I called in a mature 10 pt two seasons ago, mid October... couldn't get him in close enough for a good shot.  He was definitely more cautious than a 2/12 YO

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