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The Obama Administration Was Setting Up Gun Owners For Harassment!

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Most Friday nights I don't get in as early as 1AM.  Being single, I've got better things to do than sleep.  My lady friend found all of your posts very amusing by the way.  She also believes you have a thing for sheep.

Well congrats on finding a lady who is deaf and has a weakened sense of smell. That must have been quite a search. Did you make sure she is a NRA member?

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She is a proud NRA member, believing if you are not, you are nothing. That's why she's more of an American than most of the critics on this site.  She also has a very interesting theory on why you call yourself the "doewhacker".

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    [table][tr][td]      I've just returned from the border between the United States and Mexico and I've never witnessed anything like the stinking, rotten level of murder, corruption, cover-up, and conspiracy confronting us today.

This conspiracy ignited two years ago when U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder claimed that your Second Amendment rights are to blame for the drug crimes and killings in Mexico.

Holder and other top-level Obama Administration figures -- even the President himself -- claimed that 90% of the guns used by violent drug cartels were coming from American gun dealers.

In short, they blamed our Second Amendment rights for the violence of the Mexican drug cartels.

But leaked U.S. State Department cables have exposed this as a bald-faced LIE.

These Obama Administration cables proved beyond a shadow of a doubt what the Mexican government already knew: That the drug cartels were getting guns -- along with fully-automatic weapons, grenade launchers, anti-personnel mines and other military hardware -- through Central America, NOT THE U.S.

While these leaked cables exposed the lies propping up Obama's gun control agenda, administration officials at the highest levels pushed a strategy to fit their gun control aims.

In a display of corruption and arrogance that's shocking even for this Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) launched Operation "Fast and Furious" -- an illegal pipeline for shipping guns into Mexico.

With our government's full knowledge and complicity, BATFE higher-ups ordered firearms dealers to sell these guns illegally to straw purchasers. And it wasn't just a few guns... It was over two thousand!!!

At the time, BATFE agents protested the insanity of Operation Fast and Furious, and the sheer stupidity of letting thousands of illegally purchased guns just walk over the border into the hands of criminals.

But BATFE supervisors pushed back saying, "if you want to make an omelet, you have to break some eggs."

One of those "eggs" broke on the night of December 14, 2010.

That night, 40-year old Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was in a remote Arizona canyon with a six-member tactical team that encountered a group of armed Mexican illegals.

Sources said that the "illegal entrants" were in Arizona to rob cartel drug mules and other illegals. In the initial skirmish, the Border Patrol agents fired low-velocity shotgun beanbag rounds and were met with 7.62x39mm return fire.

Officer Terry died in the exchange. And when the bandits fled, they left behind two AK-style rifles that were traced to sales made under the Fast and Furious operation.

Senator Charles Grassley (IA) and Representative Darrell Issa (CA) are defending our Second Amendment rights and fighting for justice for Agent Terry by holding Congressional hearings on Fast and Furious.

But they're being stonewalled by Obama, Holder and others who are bent on sweeping the truth under the rug.

They are withholding government documents that say exactly who ordered the operations. Government e-mails warn witnesses not to cooperate. Congressional subpoenas are being ignored.

If you want to help NRA protect our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, our freedoms and our country from corrupt government officials, then I need you to take action today.

That's why I'm counting on you to sign NRA's National Petition to Fire Eric Holder. It will only take a moment, but your signature on this petition is absolutely critical. You can sign the petition by clicking here now.

When Attorney General Holder was questioned by Senator Charles Grassley about how guns that were allowed to "walk" out of gun shops during Operation Fast and Furious ended up at a U.S. Border Patrol Agent's murder scene, Holder said, "I frankly don't know."

That one statement from our nation's top law-enforcement official cuts right to the heart of the matter and proves that Holder is either covering up for Obama, his failed gun control schemes, and the crimes committed, or he's incompetent.

Either way, he can't be trusted with the powers of Attorney General, the law enforcement agencies he commands, the sanctity of the Second Amendment, or the lives of Federal agents.

That's why NRA is launching a nationwide campaign to gather hundreds of thousands of signatures on this Petition to Fire Eric Holder, one of Obama's chief architects for his gun ban agenda.

We must act now because the Obama Administration and Holder have crossed the line.

If the Obama Administration is willing to endanger Americans by attacking our Second Amendment liberties, there's no limit to their arrogance and willingness to abuse power to achieve political gain, and they must be stopped.

Thank you for doing your part by signing NRA's petition. As always, thank you for your friendship, your support and your words of encouragement. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Yours in Liberty,

Wayne LaPierre

Executive Vice President</blockquote>  height=80 alt=Sign the Petition width=65http://graphics.nra.org/wayne/SignPetition_Button.png[/img][/t]  [table][tr][td]    height=50 alt=Order Tickets Today! widthhttp://graphics.nra.org/wayne/NRA_Footer2-11.png[/img]

[/t]  R.asp?A2.16.10312633.23787    [/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]

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There's no whining from me- just making a point.  And, I did suggest a credible news source on another thread, Puliter Prize-winning Politifact.com  The clever response from one of the yahoos was that Pulitzer prizes are awarded for fiction- another stupid statement meant to misinform the easily mislead.

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There's no whining from me- just making a point.  And, I did suggest a credible news source on another thread, Puliter Prize-winning Politifact.com  The clever response from one of the yahoos was that Pulitzer prizes are awarded for fiction- another stupid statement meant to misinform the easily mislead.

Now accurate is stupid?

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His statement was accurate....you commented it was stupid.  Appears that anything you don't agree with gets run down rather than providing counter debating points.

Was that clear enough or should I get my daughters crayons out and draw you a picture?

Get over yourself Culver.  His statement may have been accurate- but, like most of his others, it was out of context and intended to mislead.  Yes, there is a Pulitzer prize for fiction.  However, the website that I suggested won the Pulitzer prize for National Reporting.  His response was stupid because it intentionally ingored this fact.  So, take your crayons and choke on them.

And, VJP- you must know by now that I don't take you seriously and am not concerned about your opinion of me or anything else for that matter.  if you and I actually agreed on something, then I'd be concerned.

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You are guilty of just what you accuse him of. You present a site awarded a Pulitzer a credible, unbiased source. I read the article. The conclusions are very biased. If their intention was pure journalism and reportig the facts, they would have concluded (based on the datea they used) that there was no basis for the NRA claims.....AND there was no  correlation between  decreasing or removing concealed cary laws and an increase in violence. Their side ste around that conclusion demonstrates the bias of the article..

As far as the selection for a Pulitzer being a yard stick for measuring the valididty of the material presented....I find that as far stretch to say the least. Have you ever looked at the make up of the selection committe  or the board that determins the awards. The vast majority are Professors for very liberal leaning Universities and Execuatives or editors from main stream news media. There are token conservatives in the mix but in no numbers that would allow any influence in the voting. Sounds unbiased and credible to me...lol

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Second Amendment: ATF Fires Whistleblower  The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) appears to have retaliated against the agent who blew the whistle on Project Gunrunner. Agent Vince Cefalu, who has been with the agency for 24 years, was fired last week, and he says the move was politically motivated. "Aside from Jay Dobyns, I don't know of anyone that's been more vocal about ATF mismanagement than me," said Cefalu, a senior special agent based in Dublin, California. "That's why this is happening." (Dobyns is an agent based in Tucson.) Cefalu can appeal his termination, but he remains on "paid administrative leave" during the process.

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) released a report detailing that ATF agents say gun laws need to be tightened in response to this scandal. Apparently, Cummings believes that the answer to a bureaucracy run amok is to give that bureaucracy even greater power to go after law-abiding citizens. As we predicted, the Left is using this episode to push for further gun control.

"These reforms are essential to help law enforcement to stop guns from getting into the hands of the world's most dangerous criminals," Cummings said. "Prosecutors and law enforcement agents should not have to bend over backward to imprison those who provide military-grade weapons to murderers." Apparently, Cummings was absent through the entire hearing process. The whole scandal involved ATF agents facilitating the delivery of semiautomatic (not military-grade) weapons to drug cartels in Mexico. They were bending over backward all right, but to skirt the law, not enforce it.

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[table]    [tr]  [td]Friday, July 01, 2011[/td][/tr]  [tr]  [td] [/td][/tr]  [tr]  [td]  Working with the nation's top anti-gun activists to divert attention from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' "Fast and Furious" scandal, U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), ranking member on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, held a "forum" on Thursday, June 30 to address what he sees as too narrow a focus in the ongoing investigation of the controversial program and by the committee's chairman, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.).


Not surprisingly, Rep. Cummings and his allies contend that Mexico's violent crime problem is due to the supposed lack of gun control laws in the U.S.  NRA and others have refuted this ridiculous claim on numerous occasions.


The forum comes just weeks after Chairman Issa held a series of hearings on the reckless operation that pushed Arizona gun stores to sell thousands of guns to suspicious buyers, despite objections from dealers and BATFE field agents alike.

Among those participating in the forum were anti-gun stalwarts Kristen Rand, legislative director of the Violence Policy Center, and Paul Helmke, the soon-to-be-ex-president of the Brady Campaign.  Unsurprisingly, the groups tried to exploit the Mexican crime situation in an effort to advance their anti-gun political agendas and attempt to gain relevancy.  For example, according to a FoxNews.com story reporting on the forum, the Brady Campaign's Helmke blamed America's gun laws for the illegal flow of U.S. guns into Mexico, saying, "As the six-month anniversary of Tucson approaches, we have still seen no change in our nation's weak or non-existent gun laws.  We still have no federal law criminalizing gun trafficking, banning assault weapons and magazines or closing the loopholes in our Brady Background Check system that help arm dangerous killers and supply gun traffickers."

Perhaps most absurdly, during the forum's question and answer session, VPC's Rand claimed that "No one wants to ban 'standard' rifles, shotguns or handguns."  VPC itself, of course, has long supported a ban on handguns, and the group's director, Josh Sugarmann, is a former staff member of another handgun ban group.

The Fox News article further reports that Rep. Issa is questioning Rep. Cummings' timing and motive in holding the forum.


"This is a predictable maneuver from a minority that has sought to obstruct the investigation into Justice Department sanctioned gunwalking," Issa spokeswoman Becca Glover Watkins told FoxNews.com.  "It will not affect the committee's continued focus on a reckless operation that has been linked to deaths on both sides of the border."


That investigation should continue until it gets full answers to the many troubling questions "Fast and Furious" has raised so far.[/td][/tr][/table]

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The top man in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) has turned sensationally against his Department of Justice bosses saying they were trying to stymie an investigation into the Operation Fast and Furious scandal.


    [table][tr]  [td][/td][/tr]  [tr]  [td]Kenneth Melson told Congress in a secret deposition that the Justice Department falsely leaked stories to the press that he was about to resign over Fast and Furious, Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Charles Grassley say. (Associated Press Photo)[/td][/tr][/table]

Kenneth Melson, acting director of the ATF, gave a secret deposition to Congress on July 4, it was revealed today. He took his own lawyer instead of relying on one from the ATF.

The stunning move will increase pressure on Attorney General Eric Holder to resign over the operation that saw some 2,000 guns sold to straw buyers who then sold them to Mexican drug cartel leaders.

But Fast and Furious and its sister plan, Project Gunrunner, went disastrously wrong, and 80 percent of the weapons went missing. Two were found at the Arizona site where Border Agent Brian Terry was killed in December.

Republicans leading the investigation in both the House and Senate wrote a stinging letter to Holder yesterday informing him of Melson’s move, calling it “extremely helpful to our investigation.”

Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Charles Grassley wrote, “He was candid in admitting mistakes that his agency made and described various ways he says that he tried to remedy the problems.”

Issa and Grassley said Melson claimed that ATF’s senior leadership would have preferred to be more cooperative with the congressional probe.

“However, he said that Justice Department officials directed them not to respond and took full control of replying to briefing and document requests from Congress. The result is that Congress only got the parts of the story that the Department wanted us to hear,” they wrote.

“If his account is accurate, then ATF leadership appears to have been effectively muzzled while the DoJ sent over false denials and buried its head in the sand.”

Issa and Grassley also said that Melson claimed that the Justice Department falsely leaked stories to the press that he was about to resign over Fast and Furious. They warned Holder against firing him now. “It would be inappropriate for the Justice Department to take action against him that could have the effect of intimidating others who might want to provide additional information to the Committees.

“Knowing what we know so far, we believe it would be inappropriate to make Mr. Melson the fall guy in an attempt to prevent further congressional oversight,” they concluded.

Just last week, Iowa Sen. Grassley told Newsmax.TV that he did not want to see Melson quit because one resignation would make it seem like the matter was over. “There are too many people involved in it for me to be satisfied with one resignation,” he said at the time.

In their letter Grassley and California’s Issa said Melson had been scheduled to give evidence on July 13 but brought the date forward when he realized he could take his own lawyer, Richard Cullen.

“We are disappointed that no one had previously informed him of that provision of the agreement,” the two GOP members wrote.

“Instead, Justice Department officials sought to limit and control his communications with Congress. This is yet another example of why direct communications with Congress are so important and are protected by law.”

The release of the letter came on the same day that Mexican officials said that any officer accused of supplying guns to the cartels should be tried in Mexico.

“I feel my country's sovereignty was violated," Sen. Rene Arce Islas, the chairman of Mexico's Commission for National Security, told Fox News. "They should be tried in the United States, and the Mexican government should also demand that they also be tried in Mexico since the incidents took place here. There should be trials in both places."

Operation Fast and Furious came to a head on Dec. 14, when Terry was killed in a scuffle along a smuggling route close to the Mexican border, and assault rifles found at the murder scene were traced back to Jaime Avila, who had bought them from a Phoenix gun shop.

Avila had been allowed to buy the assault weapons even though the ATF suspected he would sell them to the drug cartels. The plan was to trace the guns, with the hope of leading ATF agents to the drug kingpins.

Even before Terry’s murder, ATF agents and senior managers had expressed fierce opposition to the policy. One agent called the strategy "insane."

Another said, "We were fully aware the guns would probably be moved across the border to drug cartels where they could be used to kill."

For months, ATF agents followed 50-caliber Barrett rifles and other guns believed headed for the Mexican border but were ordered to let these highly dangerous weapons go.

CBS reports that one distraught agent often was overheard on ATF radios begging and pleading to be allowed to intercept transports. The answer: "Negative. Stand down."

The Department of Justice, which oversees the ATF, claimed in a letter that the agency never knowingly permitted the sale of assault weapons to suspected gunrunners.

Read more on Newsmax.com: Issa, Grassley: DOJ Obstructed Mexican Guns Probe[/td][/tr][/table]

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More info keeps coming out.  Of course, none of this is credible info, in the eyes of the blind who accused me of spreading propaganda at first, but seem to no longer respond to this thead.


All of this was part of a planned agenda designed to create animosity towards gun owners, while inflaming the anti-gun crowd.  It was meant to provide justification for an "assault weapons" ban through intimidation and lies.  This was Obama's program to get more gun control forced onto the American Public. The plan almost succeded, without Obama having to come out and publicly announce his gun control agenda to the voters, which is a sure death blow to any incumbent's re-election.

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  July 11, 2011Obama Administration Plans New Gun Control 

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Sarah Brady says the president told her “I just want you to know that we are working on [gun control] ... We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”    (AuctionArms.com) -- As we pass the six-month anniversary of the tragic Tucson shooting, multiple press reports indicate the Obama administration is planning to unveil new, but unspecified, gun control initiatives.

At a Thursday briefing, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said, "As you know, the President directed the Attorney General to form working groups with key stakeholders to identify common-sense measures that would improve Americans' safety and security while fully respecting Second Amendment rights.

"That process is well underway at the Department of Justice with stakeholders on all sides working through these complex issues. And we expect to have some more specific announcements in the near future."

Carney provided no further details on the initiatives, but he isn't the only one saying something is in the works. According to a related article on NPR.org, U.S. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) said, “I have spoken to the president. He is with me on [gun control], and it's just going to be when that opportunity comes forward that we're going to be able to go forward.”

And longtime anti-gun activist Sarah Brady has said that in March, the president told her “I just want you to know that we are working on [gun control] ... We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

There will be significant developments in the weeks ahead.


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Second Amendment: The Gunwalker Chronicles

The growing cesspool of bad actors and actions oozing out of "Operation Fast and Furious" and its progeny -- such as "Project Gunrunner," the unintentionally apt name assigned by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to its Southwest Border Initiative to interdict gun smuggling to Mexico -- appears to be growing ever further. Now, in addition to "Gunwalker" -- Gunrunner's derisive pseudonym based on the 2,000 illegal weapons that "walked" out of sight under full supervision of ATF and the Department of Justice (DOJ) U.S. Attorney's Office in Arizona -- ATF and DOJ are apparently busy teeing up more vignettes of buffoonery.

First, there's "Grenade-walker" -- that's right, "grenade," as in 500 or so of them. That's how many Mexican authorities estimate could have been made from components in the possession of Jean Baptiste Kingery, whom they just arrested. Oh yeah: ATF also arrested Kingery, but that was more than a year ago and ATF released him without any charges, notwithstanding the fact he confessed to operating an explosives factory and making devices from U.S. supplies for drug cartels. But hey, what are a few hundred grenades among friends?

Then there's "Gunwalker, Part Deux." Incredibly, the same scenario that played out in Gunwalker is reportedly playing out in Indiana via gangs. This leads us to ask how these incidents could possibly be viewed as independent, isolated events. That is, how could either occur singly -- let alone together -- without full Justice Department knowledge and sanction?

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