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Deer patterns


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So I picked up a new hunting spot in the beginning of the season and first thing I did was set cams up. I set camera up in this one spot and was getting pictures of nice bucks during the day and night until around middle of November.. now since middle of November I haven’t gotten any pics of them except a couple doe and spikes. I know they are still alive because I’ve just recently seen them in the area. Is it that they just use that spot where the camera is in the early season and late season they are somewhere else ?





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1 minute ago, grampy said:

Probably hunkered down in the thickest stuff available near where the cam is.

Or near where you have been seeing them!

Real nice bucks. Good luck, there's still time!

Hope so, If not this year, next year i will definitely be putting all my time into this spot for one of these guys haha

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Bucks are moving around still. Working on unfinished business of that was bypassed or this years born doe, that will be in need right into February. Nocturnal 99% of the time. Get that 1% and it may not even be that much, and you shoot a buck. One key though, you have to be out there.

I like your picture quality on that Spypoint. My 2017 solar version doesn't come close to yours.

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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The later the season goes, the more likely you might catch one on the closest preferred food source.  I agree with grampy, they are likely hunkered down in the thick and nasty and holding until dark or close to it.  Push those areas or hope to catch one coming out early to feed.  WE had a lot of bucks visiting a late season food plot last year just before dark around this time and after.

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