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Dog and coyote playing

Water Rat

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You are essentially watching how a Coyote Decoy hunting dog operates. On stand the caller calls and when the Coyote answers the decoy dog goes out to the Coyote. Once engaged usually there will be a running skirmish between the dog and the Coyote. The dog will make it's way back to the caller with the Coyote's attention on the dog. Once in range and the shot is clear "Bang"! Airedales make good decoy dogs, several members of my Airedale board use them almost exactly as shown, just not in town.


Edited by airedale
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12 minutes ago, airedale said:

You are essentially watching how a Coyote Decoy hunting dog operates. On stand the caller calls and when the Coyote answers the decoy dog goes out to the Coyote. Once engaged usually there will be a running skirmish between the dog and the Coyote. The dog will make it's way back to the caller with the Coyote's attention on the dog. Once in range and the shot is clear "Bang"! Airedales make good decoy dogs, several members of my Airedale board use them almost exactly as shown, just not in town.


I've seen a few predator hunting shows on tv where the decoy dog was always more aggressive to the point of being vicious than the Airedale in the video. They actually looked like they were playing , to me anyway.

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There is a lot more to it than the simple description I posted, there is plenty of training involved. You do not want a too aggressive dog because as you see the Coyote will retreat, but they can not be a coward either because some of the scrapes they get into are pretty serious. Decoy dogs know just how the game is played will fight back when attacked but not push back too hard and run the Coyote off.


Edited by airedale
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Luring poor doggie to its death by ambush.. reminds me of a scene in a movie where the tour guide points out a warthog laying with two lions and how they are caring for it ,/ look of horror on peoples faces/ cut back to 2 lions licking their chops and no warthog.. guide says oops guess I misread that.....

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The Coyote is probing to see just how far he can go, the fellow in this video should have shown some serious aggression to discourage this kind of behavior. Chuck some snow balls or break off a good stout switch and smack him and put in some fear. A little kid alone in that situation might not be so lucky.


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