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The Quiet Place - Video


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3 minutes ago, Otto said:

Very cool video!  It would be interesting (and probably embarrassing) to have someone review my setup and technique.   Always something to improve on! 

Certain things work in certain areas. Whatever works for you is good enough. But, yea pretty awesome video and cool to read the thread about guys who actually hunted with him.

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10 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

climbing tree sticks in booties to be quiet?  not a great idea. Looked like covers over the boots to get in quiet and then use them to climb the tree in winter??  This fella is a little much for me but some good points. I am very obsessive about getting in and out of hunting areas quietly. 

I wondered why they don't just leave the stands out months prior. but i guess with all the snow and ice it would be loud. so they only hunt hang & hunt style

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9 minutes ago, steve863 said:

I don't care if someone tied the biggest buck in the world down below me, there is no way in hell that I'd be dangling from a flimsy platform like that.  Sooner or later something will give or slip and he will have an accident.

That’s a lone wolf stand probably the best on the market. I have had one for years . Lightest and quietest stand out there 

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1 minute ago, sodfather said:

That’s a lone wolf stand probably the best on the market. I have had one for years . Lightest and quietest stand out there 

especially when you add hockey tape it to it- hockey tape that is game-used from Pat LaFontaine's stick!

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3 minutes ago, sodfather said:

That’s a lone wolf stand probably the best on the market. I have had one for years . Lightest and quietest stand out there 


Might be, but still way more dangerous than a ladder stand.  A lot easier for something to go haywire with that type of stand and not worth the risk from my perspective.  It's funny how that guy is so anal about scent, equipment that might make noise, etc. and then he doesn't seem to be too worried about breaking his neck.  He may think he's smart, but others might have a different opinion.

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2 minutes ago, Jeremy K said:

F that guy !! What an egotistical prick . I watched dan infalt shoot deer in a t shirt while wearing deep woods off .  

But maybe Dan would hunt similarly in that situation. Remember the guy in the video is hunting Alberta, Canada in sub-zero temps.

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"Edmonton bow only area which is never open to rifle hunting. As a result, hunting is for the world's largest farmland whitetails which offer the archer an excellent chance for success. Many bucks grossing more than 140 inches inhabit the area as well as some bucks scoring in excess of 170 points. The average weight of mature bucks is 230 lbs. with the largest in excess of 300 lbs. Alberta has very little residential bowhunting pressure as there are only 16,000 bowhunters province wide."

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I'm actually shocked at a few things. One his prices $3K - $4,500 aren't as high as i figured they would be. Two, the buck pics on his site are nice, but nothing i haven't seen before from other outfitters in wyoming, kansas, iowa, etc.

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Just now, Biz-R-OWorld said:

I'm actually shocked at a few things. One his prices $3K - $4,500 aren't as high as i figured they would be. Two, the buck pics on his site are nice, but nothing i haven't seen before from other outfitters in wyoming, kansas, iowa, etc.

Doesn’t sound like a fun camp to kick back have a couple drinks and telling stories. Sounds like my snoring would earn me a cot in the wood shed 

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1 minute ago, Jeremy K said:

I would like to take time to give props to biz though for watching something other then sports . You've come along way since your first visit to WNY. 

I watched more than sports at Pharaoh's with you!

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