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Geno C

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Yeah, I'm done too. I just got out of the woods for the last time this season. Had 5 does in bow range. This was a tough year. The rut (if it can even be called that this year) was the weakest I can remember. 60-70 degrees, full moon was a bad recipe. I didn't see a single big buck all season. Hopefully all the little ones I let go turn into something in a couple years. At least I have meat in the freezer from the buck I shot opening day upstate. Could have been worse. Nothing but waterfowl hunting for me the next couple of months. Good luck to whoever sticks it out the rest of the season.

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Havent seen that car at any of the spots i hunt. Looks like all the big bucks have vanished from the farm i hunt. trail cam pics slowed down a lot in the past two weeks and all we are getting now is a small 8 pt that lives on the farm and some spikes. Im still going out on Sat morning but its not looking good for me right now. I also saw on another forum that somebody found 3 sheds on LI already so they are already starting to drop down here. Good luck to anybody hunting this weekend.


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Drop? that seems very early... i wonder if its last season sheds?

and id get back out there John if you could, you never know whats walking within a 30-40 yard radius around your tree that your cam is not getting. Thats how my head thinks sometimes lol

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Yea im def gonna keep at it but we have had a lot of different big bucks on trail cams and now none of them are showing up. We have 4 cams out in a small area and have most of the major travel routes covered. The sheds were all this seasons drops too. I heard of another guy finding a fresh one on the island a week ago also. Im thinking with the lack of food in the woods this year its been a tough fall for the deer amd they are starting to drop eariler than normal.


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I went out yesterday and I saw a lot of deer. Had one of the biggest does I ever saw directly underneath me for about twenty min. Then saw some more does a small 8 and a spike. The 8 was chasing all the does around so at least some bucks are still looking. I also jumped a real big buck bedded with a doe while taking a look around for sheds. no sheds but I did manage to find a dead 7 point.



Edited by mbucks27
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I was out all day yesterday hoping that the freezing tempertures in the morning would get the deer moving but nothing. So after sitting for a few hours I decided to still hunt and warm up a bit. Well wouldn't you know it as I was walking past some blowdowns two Does got up and took off then right behind them a huge 10-12 point Buck with at least a 24 inch spread comes blasting out of there too with a smaller basket 6 in tow. Unfortunitely they took off into some really thick stuff and were no where in sight after that! I was not expecting to see two Bucks together at this time of year.I guess they are not taking care of the Does anymore or maybe he was letting the little guy in on some action LOL. Oh well, that's what bowhunting on LI is all about. Hopefully I can get out one more time before the end of the year.

Good luck to all who are going out for the last hunt.

Happy Holidays to all!

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Well its getting down to the nitty gritty for me this bow season. I'm off this weekend Sat, Sun, Mon and Tues. Hoping to do a short morning hunt Christmas Eve and then get out Mon and Tues. I have to work New Years Eve so this will be my last hoorah for bow this year. Was out with my buddy this past Monday and we saw 12 deer between us. Of course no chance for a shot at any of them. One I believe was a buck but he was too far to confirm...could of sworn I saw a quick glimpse of antlers. It was pretty windy so they all seemed pretty skittish. We saw at least 2 small fawns in separate sightings all by themselves. Wondering if there is some late rutting going on and that the fawns got pushed away for a bit. Reason I'm thinking that is we pulled my buddies card from his cam and he had 5 pics from Sunday morning.....4 does within a few minutes of each other and then a pic of a real nice 8 pointer a few minutes after the does had passed thru. He looked like he had his nose to the ground sniffing where the does were. The does had come from a North to South direction and the buck came in from the opposite direction so we figured he picked up there scent and was trying to trail them. His tarsals were jet black also. Were gonna try to get a crack at him this weekend. Merry Christmas to all.

Edited by RichZ7
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Good Luck Rich!!! I be hunting Sat morning as well. Im also off next week so ill be out there Mon-Sat trying to get a buck with the bow before the season closes. Gonna be a long week of hunting but hopefully it pays off in the end.


Thanks!!! Good luck to you also John this last week.
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I blew off going out today also. Too much last minute Christmas stuff to get done. Monday and Tues will finish up the bow season for me this year. My last shot though will be Jan. 17th..... shotgun out in Barcelona Neck. Merry Christmas to all members and their families.

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