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Feral Pig in Marion Ny

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We really should see a pickup of sighting when gun starts. That is if we have a few of them in the state. Should be interesting.

The reports and taking of them in different areas of the state have been increasing and expanding every year for the last few years. There were threads and articles about them being taken last year.

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I wondered the same thing!!

I really wonder how good our regional folks are at aging pigs...lol. Luckily they haven't had too much experience in it. And I hope they don't get good at it for a long time. A few of the farms I was on had pigs but I can't remember a 1 year old ever getting to 300 pounds and they had a lot better eating that a wild one I am sure.

Any of you guys raise them and seen them get to that weight in a year

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Yes we raised pigs for several years while the kids were in 4-H and yes a pig under a year old ...domestic...can reach 300 when well fed...infact we tried hard not to get them that big because of showing.......I worked in Marion years ago and if I remember there were a lot of ag crops....corn out that way back then...I can see a hog that big at a year

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