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"There is no truth except Allah"

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Did you guys read the article?

"Students are not required to participate, and receive no academic credit for doing so," he said.

At an upcoming concert, the choir is scheduled to sing an Irish folk song and an Christian song titled "Prayer of the Children," in addition to the song by Rahman.

"The teacher consulted with students and asked each of them to review an online performance of the selection with their parents before making the decision to perform the piece," Kirtland said, and members who object to the religious content of musical selections aren't required to sing them"

I'm not saying I agree with singing the song but, its a extra curricular.

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Sorry but I'm not getting this...are you saying you don't believe in God? because this is the definition of Allah...http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Allah

Grow I agree that the word Allah simply means God but you have to admit that it is commonly if not always associated with Islam and even strongly relied on by the Islamic extremists in justifying their terroristic actions.

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Did you guys read the article?

"Students are not required to participate, and receive no academic credit for doing so," he said.

At an upcoming concert, the choir is scheduled to sing an Irish folk song and an Christian song titled "Prayer of the Children," in addition to the song by Rahman.

"The teacher consulted with students and asked each of them to review an online performance of the selection with their parents before making the decision to perform the piece," Kirtland said, and members who object to the religious content of musical selections aren't required to sing them"

I'm not saying I agree with singing the song but, its a extra curricular.

No one was required to read a statement that was written on a wall in the RI school but that was not allowed, was it? How soon we forget.

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Oooh Allah just means god and is not associated with any one religion. Got it. So when some one says "God bless America" they can also say "Allah bless America" and its the same thing!! Got It!!

Allah bless!

Let's put it this way, wrong!! Alah is the name used to identify the Muslim leader. He is not God, he is Alah. Write an article in a newspaper and smear God's name and no Muslim will care. But use the word Alah in the same sentance and you will receive death threats. This is a fact and it has happened. God is not the name of their supreme being.

Edited by wooffer
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No one was required to read a statement that was written on a wall in the RI school but that was not allowed, was it? How soon we forget.

An after school signing group and a murual on a wall for all to see are two different things. An easier thing for the kids to do in this situation would have been to just go tell the teacher they didnt want to sing the song and pick out a different one. But then Fox wouldn't have a story to run.

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Well it was Fox's story wasn't it? Insert any news organization and the results are the same most of the time, hardly any news lately. We all know when a pop star drug addict dies and what they had for dinner before they are even burried but important things are pushed to the side. The media is like any politician, they all stink.

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God by any other name is still God...perhaps this will help in understanding...well none of those links are working right...I'll try later...

Not true... Buddah and Allah are not worshiped the same way as our Christian God... Thor was a god, but was definitely not my God, nor were any other Greek gods... Allah and Buddah are also not the same at least in the eyes of a Christian... In the bible you will find that God speaks of himself as the "true" God and to put "no" other god before him... so God by any other name is not still God... but a false god in the eyes of a Christian... Allah and Buddah also do not have a son named Jesus that came to earth as a man and died so that your and my sins could be forgiven.

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