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Hear about the new law just passed? No texting while walking


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I say we pass a law making lack of common sense illegal. Our prison system would overflow in 10 minutes.

I'm sick of these Gestapo style laws. I can't believe anyone is in favor of them. Even the suggestion of them is dangerous IMO.

I agree, its crazy

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I say we pass a law making lack of common sense illegal. Our prison system would overflow in 10 minutes.

I'm sick of these Gestapo style laws. I can't believe anyone is in favor of them. Even the suggestion of them is dangerous IMO.

The "law against texting while walking" I assume was a tongue-in-cheek joke regarding the woman who fell down the stairs while texting. But there are a lot of these kinds of laws that people complain about that are really needed to protect other innocent by-standers around them. Yes, they have to do with what would be considered common sense, but in some cases lack of common sense can kill people.

For example, texting/phoneing while driving is a great example. It appears that a lot of people over-estimate their abilities to multi-task effectively ..... especially when it comes to driving. The latest episode was where I was pulled up to an T-intersection and I was in the lane to the right of this woman who was busily yacking on the phone. All of a sudden she decided she needed to turn in my direction. It didn't seem to bother her that I was there waiting to get out. Whatever was going through her mind had nothing to do with driving. I guess the old man still has pretty good reflexes, because I got to that horn just in time to keep her from driving through my front fender. Actually, I see it all the time where people are driving erratically down the road and , sure enough ....... they are out in la-la land on the phone, with no clue what the heck is happening around them or what it is they are supposed to be doing. Needless to say texting while driving is even worse. I really don't understand this obsession the public has with constantly being wired up for conversation. Are they really that lonely or has life gotten so boring for them that they need these kinds of distractions, 24/7? Yeah, I'm darn glad they make some of these "common sense" laws. Now all they have to do is to start enforcing them. NYS could go a long way toward balancing their budget if they just started enforcing these texting/phone laws .....lol. There's a whole bunch of people out there that are ignoring that one.

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Well, I guess you guys that agree that texting while walking would be a good thing to make illegal, are the same guys that thought that person years ago had every right to sue McDonalds and collect because they spilled their coffee on their lap and the cup wasn't labeled hot. Funny that some of you are also the ones that's complain about our rights being taken away. Contradict yourselves much?

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Well, I guess you guys that agree that texting while walking would be a good thing to make illegal, are the same guys that thought that person years ago had every right to sue McDonalds and collect because they spilled their coffee on their lap and the cup wasn't labeled hot.

I'm not saying that it should be illegal. But you do have to admit that texting or talking while driving has shown to be the cause of many accidents.

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Well, I guess you guys that agree that texting while walking would be a good thing to make illegal, are the same guys that thought that person years ago had every right to sue McDonalds and collect because they spilled their coffee on their lap and the cup wasn't labeled hot. Funny that some of you are also the ones that's complain about our rights being taken away. Contradict yourselves much?

No, the texting while walking thing was a joke (see above). The other so-called "common sense" laws that I mentioned, involving texting or using phones while driving are anything but a joke (for obvious reasons). Sure you would think (and hope) that people had "common sense" enough to know that that stuff is a bad idea. But anyone who has been paying attention out there has seen otherwise. Some may think that those kinds of laws threaten the foundation of our democracy, but just like DWI laws, they do serve a purpose as an attempted protection from those that apparently don't have that "common sense". I don't relate any of that stuff as being on the same level as the McDonalds fiasco. That sort of thing relates more to the letigious nature of society, and the court systems and juries who also seem to have a shortage of common sense.

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