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Twitter hypocrisy

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Cuba's communist dictator ... has shut down the Internet in his country, called for violence against democracy protesters, & directed their arrest, imprisonment and beatings.  Yet Twitter does nothing to his account.

Yet they banned Donald Trump.   Explain the "logic".

Big Tech Bias and it's love of leftists is quite obvious.

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13 hours ago, Grouse said:

The people who don't care, are the one's who will be wondering what the hell happened.


What happened to TikTok or Twitter? I don't have or bother with either so what happens on them means about as much to me as people who cry about everything on social media yet still use it.


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On 7/19/2021 at 1:52 AM, Grouse said:

So censoring communication from a past President, but allowing free speech from a communist dictator doesn't concern you at all?

Not as much as it seem to bother some people. Life's to short to worry about what social media allows and doesn't every waking minute. I'd rather be outdoors doing something then carrying on about what I can and cannot say on a site that was started by a bunch of Democrats. I also want to add that the first part of twitter says it all, Twit. It was started by Twits, for other Twits to communicate. So in this case seeing it's a Dem controlled media outlet, I cannot see why any self respecting Rep. would waste time being a Twit. We're not supposed to shop at Dicks or Walmart, but hanging out on Twitter is OK? Some people show their hypocrisy like a flag up a pole.

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Unfortunately, social media is the most effective way for people to get their message out to the masses.  Cutting them off is censorship.  It eliminates opinions from the opposition.  That's what the Soviets did and it was very effective.  I don't want to see that happening here.

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A dictatorship can run two ways. Being a dictator is demanding that things are only to be one way with no grey areas. So we have that from both sides of the parties. I personally don't want to be told when and where I can take a shit by anyone!


I get what you're saying, but I just don't agree 100%. Like I said, don't tell me I'm not supposed to shop in a store that runs on Democratic Policy, but making an account on some social media platform controlled by Democrats is OK. That's the very definition of hypocrisy. You don't seem to understand that, and there's nothing I can do to help you see it. Therapy maybe?

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Oh I understand the difference. I also see you skirting the topic matter I brought up and trying to turn it into something different.

I wasn't being sarcastic, and my image is not in question here, that bridge is long since been burned. I'm not now nor have I even been some sort of ego maniac to worry about such drivel. If anything you are showing you are not true to your soapbox. It's easy to stand up there and preach with your nose to the sky trying to make everyone who doesn't agree with you look small and belittle them, yet when a serious issue is shown as a break in your line of crap talking to have nothing.

You want direct, and sarcastic? Here you go. Let me try to explain this to you nice and s l o w .


D e m o c r a t i c   W a l m a r t = Bad

D e m o c r a t i c  T w i t t e r = G o o d



I have now explained this to you in the most practical manner possible.

Have a nice day. Or don't. I won't loose any sleep over it either way.


My work is done here.

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On 7/18/2021 at 8:05 AM, Grouse said:

The people who don't care, are the one's who will be wondering what the hell happened.


Exactly. Some people talk about Democrats like they are somehow still democrats, when they have morphed into socialists. Lets hope this country doesn't slip into Venezuela territory. 

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The first thing Communists will do is control the flow of information.  That is currently happening in the US today.  People who don't care that it's happening are the one's referred to as "low information voters".

We are on our way to ruin already.

Before the rise of social media, most Americans who used the internet for news bookmarked a variety of pages and then visited them individually. Over time, as social media grew and as people began to access stories they liked through an algorithmically-controlled newsfeed, Americans used social media for news. This centralized the mechanism for information dissemination.

Now, the left sees an opportunity: If all the news is accessed in one place, by restricting access in that place, the news monopoly once held by legacy media can be reestablished. All that will be required is labeling everything it doesn’t like “misinformation.”

The authoritarianism of the left is in full swing. Americans must spot it and fight it before it destroys our ability to see anything other than that which the left wants us to see.

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How about this nice and slow.

Democratic Run companies that discriminate against Americans that don't agree with their politics - Bad

Democratic Twitter that Bans a person because of their political party affiliation - Bad

Michael Jordan summed up business politics in one sentence;

"Republicans buy sneakers too."

It seems the entities that are screaming about their rights being violated, are the ones that seem to be banning and canceling their fellow Americans of their rights.


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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

Cancelling Trump's account should've never been tolerated by the people.

A president who lies through his teeth and is willing to subvert democracy to stay in power should never be tolerated by the people.  Oh wait, the people didn’t tolerate it! They voted his pathetic ass out office. 


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I'm not convinced we voted him out of office, but I'm certain Biden lies more than any President ever, and he's been doing it his entire life.  What happened to the cabal of leftists who were counting Trump's "lies" on a daily basis and spewing their propaganda for his haters?  They're not counting Biden's lies.  Did they all retire?

Biden's also a leftist who doesn't follow the Constitution or the Rule of Law.  He violates both with impunity and the support of the media and the swamp.  He's a huge proponent of increasing the size of government and minimizing our rights.  I've yet to have anyone show me any way Trump was subverting our Democracy.  It's just a leftist sound bite.  Many claims have been made, but they've all been debunked as incorrect.

The bias of the Main Stream Media and Social Media oligarchs is undeniable and there is plenty of evidence to prove it.  Yet the deniers refuse to accept it, along with denying the media's support for the destruction of individual rights and freedoms.  Taking away every method Trump has to speak to the citizens of America is all about keeping the people from hearing the opposition.  God forbid they get to make up their own minds and think for themselves.

I'll never understand how people can be so easily manipulated they will vote for their own demise.

BTW, your link is about a man who was a "Never Trumper", worked against his Commander in Chief, presents no facts or evidence to validate his "fear" or support his claims, has teamed up with leftist publishers to get his book on the shelves and is making money writing about his baseless opinion.  Far from a credible book.

Why so much energy being expended to attack a man who's no longer President?  Could it be they fear the election will be overturned, or that Trump will run again in 2024 and win again?  It's pretty obvious the left is doing everything it can to prevent that from happening, regardless of what the people want.  Why?  Because he threatens to expose all of the corruption that has become the norm for most of the people in our government.

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1 hour ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

A president who lies through his teeth and is willing to subvert democracy to stay in power should never be tolerated by the people.  Oh wait, the people didn’t tolerate it! They voted his pathetic ass out office. 


It's not up to a private corporation to silence him , especially, considering the fact that he was President at the time they did so. Also, I'm wondering why that didnt close the accounts of others, REAL Autocrats and Tyrnats, for example, the Ayatollah- very biased IMHO.

So, How did he subvert democracy? 

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