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Younger Guys Beware

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I promised to view our new Governor with a open mind but it didn't take her long to disappoint me. First she picks the Lieutenant Governor from New York City and now she bans the sales of combustion engines.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation on Wednesday that effectively bans the sale of new internal combustion engine cars, off-road vehicles, light-duty trucks and equipment by 2035.

New York law phases out most gas-powered vehicles by 2035 (cnbc.com)




NY State Assembly Bill A4302 (nysenate.gov)

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If that isn't extremist, nothing is.  These Democrats are totalitarian tyrants.

Went to my electric CO-OP meeting today.  They said your electric bill will be going way up, because they now have to massively upgrade their grid to handle all of the "fast charging" demands that will be coming with this dictatorial mandate.

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Exactly a year ago, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that we wouldn’t hit $29 trillion in debt until 2028, but we are now within a couple of weeks of hitting it, seven years early. With estimates that we will hit debt of $40 trillion in a couple of years and $50 trillion by 2030, people need to understand what happens as interest rates increase. We are at historically low-interest rates, and if the debt is $40 trillion, each one percentage point increase in the interest rate means increased interest payments of $400 billion per year. The CBO estimates the interest rate will remain below 2 percent until 2027. Good luck with that. 

People need to wake up and understand the consequences of unchecked government spending.

Either your taxes will explode, or there will be an economic collapse.  Neither one is something any thinking person wants to experience.

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It also references "off-road vehicles" and "equipment operations" yet fails to define the scope of those statements... I need to kick the retirement savings into high gear and move back to my home state of PA before this hot garbage comes to fruition. 

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2 hours ago, Merlot said:

People are going to get very angry very soon, if this stuff isn't snuffed out pretty quick. 

Many people are already "very angry". So what. They don't convert that anger into votes. We have our NYC commies that decide how elections will be coming out. Heck, even out here in upstate NY we have more than our share of libs. It gets worse every year. There really is no end to it.......until eventually we're in so deep in this socialist quagmire and fuzzy thinking that there is no turning back. Maybe we're there already.

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Younger people aren't really aware of what is happening.  Their future is being mortgaged by the government and they won't be able to afford it.  I really don't see how a national economic collapse can be avoided in the future.

In 2001, federal debt per U.S. household was $30,684. Now it’s $179,082.

If Democrats succeed with their $3.5 trillion binge, federal debt per household by 2031 will be up to $288,047.

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How the heck did this state and others get into this commie mentality? Is it something in the water or some new kind of pandemic? I would really like to hear from some of our resident pinkos, as to just how they justify voting for these people. I understand that we didn't vote for Hochul, but enough residents voted for Cuomo to set up the crazy nonsense that seems to have taken root in this state and the nation.

And when I look at the bigger picture, how do you people justify putting in Biden. My gosh Democrats have to be feeling awful embarrassed by now. How many times do you have to get hit in the head before you finally understand that votes matter. You really do have to treat these elections like something other than a personality contest.

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18 hours ago, Belo said:

so admittedly i didn't read that link, but I'd love to see how they handle a major grid failure without turning on some gas generators... or better yet farming equipment so we can, ya know, eat! lol

Who says they want you to eat lol. This is good old stalinist tactics by the left to commit genocide by starvation  in the name of lowering the population to curb climate change. Cause the only way the climate is going to change now is if a few billion die. Only way!

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There is nothing wrong with any of these crazy ideas the left pushes all the time.  There is something very wrong when the left mandates these ideas on everyone at the barrel of a gun.

When you destroy freedom of choice for your constituents, you no longer see them as citizens.  You see them as subjects.  This is what voters need to ask themselves.  Are they going to do what they say they will do for me, or are they going to do to me what they haven't said?

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6 hours ago, Lucky118 said:

Who says they want you to eat lol. This is good old stalinist tactics by the left to commit genocide by starvation  in the name of lowering the population to curb climate change. Cause the only way the climate is going to change now is if a few billion die. Only way!

man where do you guys come from. Yes, i'm a conservative republican, but this is just crazy. They literally just budgeted billions and talked about hunger at the summit yesterday. 

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