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Good thing its not bow season... Managed to do this to my hand


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Well good thing its not bow season, I managed to slice my hand open nice an deep last weekend when doing some side work. Stupidly I had a wood (flat style) drill bit in my back pocket. I had to climb up into a loft area to do some work pulling wires, and I went to grab the bit out of my back pocket and slice. Anyways, as I said good thing its not bow season :)


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A bit off topic but ....... how many of you have carried a screw driver in their back pocket with the blade in the up position ? I recall where our Safety Supervisor showed us pics of fatalities where guys had punctured their kidneys with a screwdriver and didn't make it . Not all accident victims died but a few did .

Just thought I would pass this on . I still think about when I start to put a screwdriver in my pocket .

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