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With Biden and Harris it's pretty predictable when they open their mouths:

Biden will stutter and stammer and not take any open questions as he is herded off stage by his handlers.

Harris will bray like a donkey, and at some point make the statement "you know what I saying" in hopes someone/anyone will agree with her point of view. 

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2 hours ago, ApexerER said:

Chef, you keep doggin on Trump for supposedly trying to overturn an election. What exactly were the Dems doing when they called Trump an illegitimate president, questioned the election results, used a corrupt FBI and a fake dossier to try and take down the president? Used fake Russian collusion for years to try and undermine everything Trump was trying to accomplish. 

Were you ok with that since you didn't like Trump? Are you ok with the fact that not a single person has been prosecuted for that?  You don't think there is a single chance that a side willing to do that would cheat in an election if given a chance? 

If anything is a threat to our democracy. It is the party you voted for.....

Corrrect- they undermined Pres Trump from the outset and never let up.  The sole purpose of the voting rights bill nonsense is to make it easier to cheat on a massive scale- and thats the Democrats IMHO , and that of many.

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38 minutes ago, Chef said:

Really you forget covid started under Trump, lockdowns under Trump. Unemployment horrible under Trump.

How was your life better under Trump

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Wrong again, Blue states did that, (NY and California the worst) It is unconstitutional for the Federal government to do it. There were many Red states that went about life. Remember how bad you were saying Florida was doing because they went about life as normal?

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Wrong again, Blue states did that, (NY and California the worst) It is unconstitutional for the Federal government to do it. There were many Red states that went about life. Remember how bad you were saying Florida was doing because they went about life as normal?

Really I’m pretty sure in the beginning we all shut down some stares just opened faster than others

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Seriously? He is talking precovid. How can you blame Trump for States deciding to shut down?

How can you blame Biden for the mess he was left from the Trump admin…. Oh and covid is still here

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8 minutes ago, Chef said:

How can you blame Biden for the mess he was left from the Trump admin…. Oh and covid is still here

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The mess?  You mean the safe borders? The lower prices on everything?  The safer states..Well except left states because that’s what they crave.. and the list goes on  And don’t cry about Covid when it was your boy that had that there plan he was talking about every single day. Trump warned the country what would happen if the useless one got cheated in and he was spot on. Look at the mess we have now. And it’s only getting deeper every single day.                   And if you for one second think that democrat ran states changing voter rules the night of the election and the 1000’s of people who signed statements saying they cheated for the democratic side is not fraud you really are the dense one. 

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18 minutes ago, Chef said:

How can you blame Biden for the mess he was left from the Trump admin…. Oh and covid is still here

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Easy, all the executive orders he signed the first couple days in office, that gave away our energy independence, raised fuel prices and made us a country without borders.  Can't blame Trump for any of that....

BTW gas is closing up another 5 1/2 cents today!   Thank you!

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1 hour ago, Chef said:

100% true. Show one fact that shows the election was stolen… every probe into this so far has turned up nothing.

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Plenty of evidence there, Chef interms of electio fraud; moreover, what was the conclusion again pertaining to the Russian collusion issue?  Need I remind you?

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There was no mess- now there is!!

There was a huge mess and 90% of what you see today is the aftermath of the pandemic.

Oh and who was in charge then… the DUMP

Is Biden a baffoon 100%

Do a pray every day that the Republicans put up a reasonable candidate next time so I can vote red 100%

Let’s just hope for no DUMP or Bafoon in 2024

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15 minutes ago, Chef said:

here was a huge mess and 90% of what you see today is the aftermath of the pandemic.

Nopoe- you have it backwards- mess is now, totally created by Prez Biden

16 minutes ago, Chef said:

Is Biden a baffoon 100%

Well, on that we agree  ( I thin kyou mean Buffoon?)

17 minutes ago, Chef said:

Do a pray every day that the Republicans put up a reasonable candidate next time so I can vote red 100%

Yess!!! Trump!!!

17 minutes ago, Chef said:

Let’s just hope for no DUMP or Bafoon in 2024

Well, it certainly wont be biden cuz his party wont let him run again, even if he wanted to (That is , if he can remember he's actually President!! lol.  Trump!!! Yes!!!!!

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