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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/11 in Posts

  1. Well said. I agree 100%.
    3 points
  2. Doe, Spike, 8-Pointer...it's meat in the freezer...and when my little boys say "Daddy you are geatest deer hunter in the world".For me that is what it is all about.
    2 points
  3. Dumb ass hunters. How the hell do you mistake an 800 pound elk for a whitetail deer????
    1 point
  4. They had a fee to pay it was $75 and that is the end of the discussion. I am so sick and tired of hearing about people making stupid decisions that the rest of should have to pay for. It's terrible that they lost their home but at some point you have to be responsible for yourself. So what if they couldn't afford it? Find a way! Shovel driveways, pick produce, pump gas!! You do whatever it takes to be self sufficient. It was $75 - I am not going to make any sterotypical statements about what they spent their money on but I know that $75 is less than 2 tanks of gas, less than a few meals out, it's less than my cable bill. I dont think I am going to get hurt or sick but I pay for Long Term Disability insuarnce just in case I cant work for some reason. I dont expect some one to pay my way. I will get off my soap box now - but before I do I am also pissed off at all these "Occupiers". Bunch of whiney idiots with $150,000 in student loans with a degree in philosphy. Am I supposed to feel bad for some guy because he feels he is entitled to a BMW, a 4000 sq foot home, and a 2000 sq hunting lodge. My advice work hard - pay your bills, shut your mouth.
    1 point
  5. A guy I have hunted with got this buck on his trail cam near Rochester, NY, but didn't check it until 2 days ago. The very next day he was sent pic #2 by another guy who hunts the same property. He was following up on a shot on a different buck and stumbled across this guy dead. You can see that the coyotes have been at it. Talk about a letdown. NT 1.bmp NT 2.bmp
    1 point
  6. You guys ought to feel blessed...I apparently died my hair blonde and shaved my chin hairs for that pic.....thanks for the dress
    1 point
  7. LOL, I can hear it now... "Yo Yo Yo, dwis is DweeJway Fwudd on da ones and twos in da howse!"
    1 point
  8. after this season I can definately contribute to this thread. I was hunting my farm for the last week of bow season. On my way to my stand one morning before dawn I was walking down a thick, tight, brush choked trail. I heard a grunt to my left and immmediately shined my light towards the sound. Standing there was a big 8 pointer I was after. When I hit him with the light he popped his head up and then proceeded to "bird dog" me with a low drawn out grunt. At this point he was only 10 yards and closing the distance. I let out a loud "hey" and smacked the bushes with my bow. He snapped his head up again, but kept coming. At this point I just about crapped in my pants. Thankfully the wind shifted and he got a nose full of me. He turned around and ran up the hill only about 40 yards and I kept walking along the trail. I could hear him grunting and paralleling me all the way up to my stand. He peeled off when I was 50 yards to the stand. Once the light started to crack I hit the horns, snort wheezed, bleated, grunted, everything! He never did come back. That was the most intense encounter ive ever had with a deer.
    1 point
  9. Thanks for the reply. That's kind of what I figured, but wasn't sure. I sort of reasoned that if they were not allowed to investigate violations on private property, property owners would be given a free pass to break any laws that they wanted. I have heard of enough tickets written on private land to know that can't be the case. Lol.... so any property owners that are counting on law enforcement not being able to enter your land ...... better clean up your act .... ha-ha.
    1 point
  10. Other than the buck in Ithaca story I have not seen anything other than congratulations to all the successful hunters. I must have missed something along the way but that is OK by me. I like to think this site has been for the most part supportive and entertaining with lots of pats on the backs and sometimes good natured ribbing. But thats all part of the scene. The one thing that does gall me though is the deliberate name calling and mean spirit of some who seem quick to anger when others either disagree or don't subscribe to their mentality. I said before that I have killed more than my fair share of little bucks but have some nice big ones as well. I pull the trigger and fill a tag when it feels right and I know I will be happy and satisfied with the results, and as long as it is legal and fair chase who's business is it but mine? I put in a ton of time this season and passed some little guys and a lot of does but as time drew near for me to return to work I had patterned (as best you can) a group of does on my property over a few days. I also knew there was a buck hanging in the area that kept giving me the slip. After much thought and repositioning myself I was finally able to catch him slipping through a tangle of thicket making his way to a bedding area and connect with him. Big bodied buck to be sure but "just a four point rack". And guess what? I am damned proud of the effort and time I put in to get him, and he is just as much a trophy to me as some of my big ones that came much easier. I love the guys who bumble along and stumble into a big buck and immediately become big buck experts and climb on some high horse when the truth is they were just S A Lucky. Truth be told most of the big deer are shot by pure luck by some lucky schmuck! My self included.....LOL! There are a few out there bent on only shooting big racked deer and that is cool by me and I don't down them for that but they should not be shoving their philosophy down others throats or belittling others who choose to legally take a different stand. It would be interesting to meet each other at some get together sometime in the off season and get a first hand glimpse at just who is who on this board. In my beagle trial days I had a bumper sticker that sums it up.........the BS stops when the tailgate drops. Maybe sometime during the summer there can be a chance to get together, drop some of the tailgates, and find out who are the BS er's and who are the real deal. Peace! NYH
    1 point
  11. Anyone else find it amusing that a guy says he is done on here and then continues to post like 8 more times on the same thread LMAO. Must be getting close to the end of deer season and tag soup is weighing on peoples minds. How can you not read this thread and get a good laugh out of the comments? What is there like one deer in question on this site all fall? I have seen nothing but pages and pages of Kudos, great job, wow, your the man. Seems to me the vast majority of harvested deer are congradulated on. Wouldnt this be an awesome site if everyone agreed and there was nothing to talk about? Burmjohn and his mods have done a great job with this site. I have even question some of them and I respect their responses. Out of a thousand threads we have a couple negative ones, big deal.
    1 point
  12. There it is fellas! Time to sell the truck and house., kick the ol' lady to the curb., kiss the kids goobye and dedicate the rest of your pathetic lives to BIG BUCK HUNTING!!!!! Great post!
    1 point
  13. Only if you have the doe.
    1 point
  14. This has been an enlightening thread for me.I learned some interesting facts. I appreciate everyone's opinion on this topic. I have to admit my opinion on these tree condos has changed somewhat. I understand that many people might benefit from one of these structures . Still not for me and I am in no way envious of having one but I am glad that almost everyone on this thread gave opinions without trying to change others beliefs.
    1 point
  15. LOL.. comparing the 60's and 70's deer populations with today... there was a ton more deer habitat back then to support way more deer... do you realize how many developments have eaten up acres and acres of once heavily populated deer woods that was huntable... deer have far more urban and suburban safe havens than were available 40-50 years ago... there is far more posted or unhuntable land today... things are different and there can be little or no comparison... today is today... hunting is different..habitat is different... and hunters are different... any short comings in hunting has to do with all of us hunters and how we have changed the face of hunting over the years...
    1 point
  16. Wait, wait, wait - you carved "Baiting is illegal dip shit" into a tree? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
    1 point
  17. Well, maybe the thread is a bit unexplainable, goofy and perhaps a bit over-blown, but I do like the title and I think a new word has been born ....... "kwitcherbitchun". That word might be a good reply on a lot of posts ..... .
    1 point
  18. I'd rule in favor of a mainframe 3 X 4 with 5 abnormals but it sure is a tough call. Why would anyone shoot a deer that would be so hard to score anyways...lol???!!!
    1 point
  19. LMAO, Deaddeer1, you are really something. Let me tell you something. I have shot many small bucks, and several "decent" ones. Of course, I'm sure they wouldn't measure up to your standards. Every buck I kill goes on the wall, doesn't matter if it's a 1/2 rack spike or a 10 point. I've even bleached out doe skulls and hung them up, just because I like them. Too bad if you don't like it. I will continue to shoot any legal deer that I can get my hands on. They all look good in the freezer. Your opinion is not going to diminish the pleasure or satisfaction that I got out of legally taking my 4 pointer and small doe with my bow, or my small 9 pointer and small doe that I took with my shotgun. I've shot fawns before, and have been thankful to have them. For me, hunting is a great experience, regardless of what I kill. If guys want to practice VOLUNTARY AR, great. If guys want to shoot the first deer that comes along, great. I'll listen to either story, and offer congrats on both. Don't come on here and trash other guys. A deer, any deer is a gift, don't forget that.
    1 point
  20. nothing negative was said about his deer. maybe he wanted more than 3 pages worth of "congratulations"
    1 point
  21. While its your choice to shoot big bucks, its also everyone's choice to shoot whatever legal deer they want to. The trophy is in the eyes of the hunter, and it doesnt really matter what anyone else's opinion about it is. My opinion is unless the deer was taken illegally, stop bashing other hunters for what they shoot. The true embarrassment to other hunters is some guy that diminishes what his fellow hunter legally shot.
    1 point
  22. So far we only have problems with people who shoot big deer, in citys, behind fences, out of treestands and heated box blinds, over bait, 5 min before or after sunup or down, with a scoped inline, crossbow, or Mathews bow ( because mathews bow owners are only over compansating for short comings in other areas )While sitting 50 yrds from another hunter on stateland who wound deer and ruin our experiance. Did I miss anything?
    1 point
  23. What he said. I wonder why this ethics / legality issue never comes up when some one posts a photo of a doe?
    1 point
  24. OMG you guys amaze me...this started out Wow great buck !!...yadayadayada...then one.little bleep toward the negative from whom ever and many of you are hanging this guy on the "wall of shame" and the buck is becoming a "too bad buck"...holy cow...Hahahaha
    1 point
  25. Good luck! Wave to the protesters when bring the bear to the check station.
    1 point
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