Why do some blast other legal methods for taking game?? If you want to hunt with a recurve, make your own arrows, great... I shoot a compound... We should both support the other and not bash one another...
If I hunt with an in line and you want to take out a flint lock... Awesome!!! But to tell me I shouldn't be able to hunt during muzzle loader... Why... I pour powder down the barrel just like you.. I get one shot just like you... What's with the bashing between the groups...
I hunt deer with a gun.. you only bow hunt them... OK... but why bash the gun hunter or call the bow hunter a wounder??
Seriously.. if it is a legal method to hunt with, the hunter is ethical, respectful to other hunters and land owners... Who cares what they use???
Most of the time on here it is good posts, helpful, etc.. but sometimes I see an almost elitist approach to hunting either a specific weapon or method that really would turn away any new hunter from talking on here or maybe even hunting...
I just don't understand it,.. We are hunting brothers/sisters, no one but us understands that feeling we all get when the quarry gets close... Why bash each other???
Or... as once was said... "Why can't we all just get along?"... LOL