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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/11 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Why do some blast other legal methods for taking game?? If you want to hunt with a recurve, make your own arrows, great... I shoot a compound... We should both support the other and not bash one another... If I hunt with an in line and you want to take out a flint lock... Awesome!!! But to tell me I shouldn't be able to hunt during muzzle loader... Why... I pour powder down the barrel just like you.. I get one shot just like you... What's with the bashing between the groups... I hunt deer with a gun.. you only bow hunt them... OK... but why bash the gun hunter or call the bow hunter a wounder?? Seriously.. if it is a legal method to hunt with, the hunter is ethical, respectful to other hunters and land owners... Who cares what they use??? Most of the time on here it is good posts, helpful, etc.. but sometimes I see an almost elitist approach to hunting either a specific weapon or method that really would turn away any new hunter from talking on here or maybe even hunting... I just don't understand it,.. We are hunting brothers/sisters, no one but us understands that feeling we all get when the quarry gets close... Why bash each other??? Or... as once was said... "Why can't we all just get along?"... LOL
    1 point
  3. Sad story about the Amish girl that was shot in the head. They think it was from someone who shot his muzzleloader in the air 1.5 miles away. http://www.wkyc.com/news/article/220786/3/Sheriff-Accident-led-to-Amish-girls-death I'm no muzzleloader expert but if you don't fire your muzzy, can't you just remove the primer, the breech and use your rod to push the sabot and pellets out? That's what I did and then cleaned the gun with patches etc.
    1 point
  4. Lol ...... That's why I don't like to comment on the state of the deer herd, even down to the WMU level. Too often I have seen this kind of thing happen where one part of a WMU (or township for that matter) seems to be deerless, and another part will have a pocket of over-population. I think a lot of it maybe has to do with the history of hunter pressure. In an area where deer habitually get hammered (such as state land near a city), your observations will never agree with someone nearby who hunts private land where the hunter numbers are severely limited. Those are the two extremes and of course you will have all other kinds of variations in between. And all that in the same WMU or perhaps even in the township I've seen it within the same valley where one end is a bit flatter and contains a lot of farms and the other has given up farming a long time ago. I have also seen pockets of private land that gets worse pressure than any public lands and I have suspicions that there may be a lot of lawlessness going on there. Funny how those guys were whining about how low the deer population was this year ..... lol. So anyway, I wouldn't expect a lot of agreement about a whole WMU. It's kind of like commenting on the hunting in the whole state.
    1 point
  5. and high school and college testing is harder then the ufc. I'm going through high school testing with my kid. He's 15 yr old, 6'4". he started out at 225lbs but is down to 207. Coaches think he's on the juice due to his size. He hasn't started hitting the weights. My rule is he can't til he turns 16. My point is just b/c someone looks juiced up doesn't mean they are.
    1 point
  6. Its neverending. I should switch to burning wood instead of fuel oil. endless supply of wood.
    1 point
  7. You ever see pics of him in college before he went into WWE? He was a beast then too. From High School through college wrestling, the guy was 139-0-5. Probably one of if not the best wrestlers ever, and Im talking real wrestling, not WWE crap.
    1 point
  8. Congrats, an excellent way to end the season, also Happy Birthday.
    1 point
  9. Sorry wiz didn't see the whole post my bad.
    1 point
  10. Good job, whether first minute or last it's all good.
    1 point
  11. I think its long enough, just not late enough.... and regular gun runs too long and runs right into mz. The last 2 weeks of gun hunting around me is always terrible. They are pressured so hard, nothing moves --right through mz they are still not budging. Even most of the fawns are always nocturnal for most of mz because of the reg season. I talked to a guy in OH the other day, and their bow season runs till Feb 5 this yr. THAT would be a true late season and one worth hunting after the pressure dies down. Didn't even buy my mz license this yr.
    1 point
  12. I go more along this line. I'd like it if there was a week or two between the end of regular season and the start of ML. I usually start to see more movement the last 3-4 days of ML season because the pressure has been so much lower and the deer seem to be settling back down a bit.
    1 point
  13. They probably smelled your scent on the branch and thats what made them nervous. John
    1 point
  14. I think they slip into a parallel dimension.
    1 point
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