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  1. Regular season ended with my brother taking a spike. We goy up at 4:45 I looked outside and heard the wind and bed was calling me back. He texted a few times seeing a couple of Does and the 4 together but still couldn't get me out there. Then he texted just shot a buck. Hunched over headed to the thick stuff. Told him to take a look but back out if it doesn't look good. He did at 10 am and we went back in at 1 pm. Again we looked at google maps to see the funnels that the deer may take. The thick stuff was an area inside the hard woods. He went on one side I went on the other. Upon circling around I saw the deer bedded looking right at me. 40 yards shot put him down. We have been blessed this year with venison. 7 bucks and two doe. Not an ounce will go to waste we all love it so much. Oh BTW scrapes opened up last night here are two.
    4 points
  2. Not just fewer hunters, but less mobile hunters. Not many hunters get out of their tree stands these days and move around in the woods like years past. Most hunting accidents these days are treestand related
    2 points
  3. I do not use trail cameras, I like being surprised, I grew up in a different era, old timers, books and magazines is where I learned about hunting techniques. There were no food plots, tree or ladder stands or enclosed purpose built blinds with heat and all the comforts of home. Most folks did not even have scopes on their guns. A sprinkling of stand hunting, drives, still hunting and tracking were the methods most used back then. It was all about learning woodscraft, reading sign and animal behavior. It is those skills that define hunting for me and I still use those methods today. Al
    2 points
  4. We won't talk much about yesterday afternoon. Lawn clover trefoil mix continues to draw deer, even after a snow melt. I will be planting more acreage next year. Todays another day, quite excited taking the muzzleloader out; my firearm of choice. Now in hoping a chance to use it. Good luck to those bow and muzzleloader hunters.
    1 point
  5. Neither dad or I saw anything this evening. Smoke pole is ready I’ll be out friday
    1 point
  6. Gearing up for an afternoon sit in Henderson Harbor. The snow is so deep on the hill it's next to impossible to get into where we hunt. Then even my private land is covered by 3 ft making it Alot of work to make that half mile trek. There is only about a ft in Henderson making my choice easy. Good luck to everyone going out. Sent from my moto g power (2022) using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. Only a couple mornings have had deer showing during the firearms season. Thanksgiving morning ,a shooter locked down on a doe at 300 yards. Out of range for me; the turkey didn't taste the same neither . Most of the time, I believed they moved early.. I bumped deer on the walk out yesterday morning(Saturday), then a young 8 pointer surfaced. Pass. This morning , no new deer tracks in the snow since last evening. Thought they could move later when the wind went down, but didn't happen. One more chance to try. Tomorrow, we go to a new firearm. Good luck to those going out.
    1 point
  8. Sat out for 4 1/2 Hours in my double chair blind this afternoon . Freezing cold with a SW wind making it colder . Didn't see a thing . At about 4:15 my oldest son pushed the thickets and kicked out a doe that my grandson shot . At least the day wasn't a total waste .
    1 point
  9. I would think it's because the number of hunters has dropped dramatically !
    1 point
  10. A trail camera is a tool. Some see a need for them, some don't. If we didn't have cell service to use the cell cameras I wouldn't use them. I never liked having to visit the cam's to pull cards and change batteries. We have a couple of solar cell cameras set up on trails leading to stands and a couple at property access points to keep tabs on trespassers who swear they don't trespass. More than 90% of the bucks we see on the cams are never seen or taken and that's info that I would never know without using them. I set up cell cams on bait piles for coyote hunting and that helps me tremendously in eliminating them. SJC
    1 point
  11. I enjoy the Cuddeback trail cameras As they send me pictures from 50 miles away . I have never shot Any deer that I had on camera . I do get some pictures of horse riders and tresspassers on the cameras .
    1 point
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