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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/25 in all areas

  1. Anybody have any pictures of odd-shaped trees?
    2 points
  2. I am too lazy in my old age to build any coops, I buy Amish Sheds or coops and have them delivered and set them up the way I want. Craig's list and facebook marketplace has many to choose, all different sizes and prices. I will be having one delivered in the spring for my pigeons. Al
    2 points
  3. So I want to build a coop. My Daughters 2nd grade class incubates 8-10 eggs. They watch the progression. This year the farm that supplies the eggs said she can give the chicks to me. So with that info can you guys send me any picts you may have of your coops. Board and Batten siding, metal roof and an area for them to walk around. Separate roof for nesting boxes if you think that is a good idea. Get the nesting boxes and enclosure off the ground. Thanks, FL
    1 point
  4. I recall seeing a hen house similar to the one Doc showed . It was portable and could be moved around the yard . I looked on craigslist . There are some pretty pricy coops on there .
    1 point
  5. Most likely layers, but being hatching eggs and only doing 8-10, be prepared for the possibility of ending up with more roosters then hens. Then again you could always end up with mostly hens. Best of luck.
    1 point
  6. This was first posted September 2023 , no price no pics .... sounds like it might be overpriced for sale this long !
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. When they legalized rifles here in our county, I decided to go for something with reduced recoil. I had been shooting a 12 ga shotgun. So I called up my son and had him bring his .270 up for me to test fire. I honestly decided that the .270 had no kick at all. So I bought one. My suggestion is to find someone that owns a .270 and ask to take a shot or two. I would be surprised if the recoil bothers your bad shoulder. I don't know the nature of your shoulder injury, but I cannot imagine that the recoil of a .270 would aggravate it at all.
    1 point
  9. I think this thread has run it's course and I am going to lock it . Thanks for all the input . p.s. I sent burmjohn another email to do something with the site . I doubt that he will respond . If you don't see me on here , it means that I have been fired or no longer on the green side .
    1 point
  10. Is that what BMG means? Blew-up My Gun! lol
    1 point
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