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Everything posted by SportsmanNH

  1. Thats what my buddy said . Get the mix simmering . Not boiling .
  2. My buddy uses all 3 of these . The main one he starts the trapping season with is the " Speed Dip mixed with lantern oil. One in a while he thrown some beaver fat in the mix while its hot. This mix is the one he has to let the traps hang for a while to let the petroleum scent dissipate . he will use the other logwood and Full Metal Jacket if he needs to mid season. But he says most traps are fine all season with just the Speed Dip / Lantern Oil mix. He does very well trapping every winter. He does alot of trapping for the state to get rid of problem beavers. Catches quite a few coyotes , foxes , otters , fisher cats , and muskrats . https://www.coyotetrappingschool.com/a-review-of-different-trap-dyes-and-dips/
  3. To air out and eliminate scent. The reason to let them get a a film or rust is basically the rust is camo. Looks like dirt or leaves. No shiny out of place metal sheen . A friend of mine boils them in some kind of brine solution and then lets them hang for a month outside . I will have to find out what that solution is and post it. Its some kind of natural oils and has some animal fat in it.
  4. Three weeks ago I took my wife to the emergency room because she was endlessly vomiting her guts out. They did about every test known to mankind on her. They hooked her up to a saline bag she was so dehydrated and weak. But they did not do a coronavirus test . Not because they didn't have any tests or their policy to send her somewhere else to be tested . The Doc told me they will not use those tests. They are junk. They dont give correct results. They had the same person come in 6 times for a test. You guessed it . 3 positive and 3 negative all in the same week. This person had no symptoms . Another person came in and was tested 5 times with at least 4 symptoms . That person tested negative 4 out of 5 times . The end result was he had the virus . He told me they dont bother with the test . At that hospital they initiated its the Doctors call to diagnose if you have Covid or not. This is a big hospital in New Hampshire. Not some little clinic. So I wonder what the difference is in the tests used all around the country.
  5. Very Nice ! Thats why you can have all these pond , food plot and forestry projects going . Good for you !
  6. Looks like you were the designated paddler also ! Its fun being the Guide isn't it. Now that she is hooked on fishing with that new rod , you are going to be doing an awful lot of hook removal !
  7. I cant wait till this stranglehold hits MLB . Will they be playing The Black National Anthem , Mexican National Anthem , Japanese National Anthem , Dominican National Anthem , Venezuelan National Anthem , Puerto Rico National Anthem , Cuban National Anthem , all before our National Anthem ? I also read that they want ways to honor Blacks that were victims of Police Brutality . RIGHT ! SURE ! Right after they honor all the Hundreds if not Thousands of Police who lost their lives protecting people from violent crimes and saving lives. What about the Police Officers families ? They dont deserve honor and recognition ? Blacks in Chicago and Baltimore kill more Blacks in a weekend than there are victims of Police Brutality in 40 years. I have no patience for Immoral Overpaid Egomaniacs making demands . How many of these scumbags have been caught beating up their wives or girlfriends , and other people and got a free pass . I will not watch a single game of NFL Football . They can kiss my azz . I will go hunting and ice fishing instead.
  8. RIP Charlie He was one of the best How about a little " The Devil Went Down To Georgia " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBjPAqmnvGA
  9. Not the same comparison. You cant eat 1000 inches antlers , but you can stuff your plate with 100 meals with 1000 inches of fish !
  10. Im sure that feeling is mutual ! Congrats Eddie !
  11. Just listen to this fruitcake and you will know who is in charge of NYC. Gangsters like this psychopath . https://www.foxnews.com/media/black-lives-matter-leader-burn-down-system One hellhole run city by liberal morons
  12. Prayers sent to Mark's son and to your family Grampy. May Mark rest in peace now that he is free from the hidden demon from within. I know you will keep him in your heart forever and a day.
  13. Most of the movies mentioned already. I'll add a couple more. " Back To School " with Rodney Dangerfield " What About Bob " with Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss
  14. The Demorat Party message has come a long way in their priorities .
  15. My son bought me a Sous Vide Anova Nano precision cooker for Christmas . I haven't tried it yet and its still in the box . He keeps bugging me to try it. Says its the best thing ever invented for cooking steaks and roasts and everything else for that matter. He keeps sending pictures of his new gourmet cooking . He lives in a apartment in LA so he cant have a grill . He uses a blow torch to sear the meat after its done cooking ! LOL . Tells me it takes about 60-90 minutes to cook a steak in the water. I keep arguing that I can have a steak ready in 5 min of the grill and cant wait 1 1/2 hours to eat when Im starving ! LOL But after looking at his pictures of beef roasts , pork roasts and steaks , and now your delicious looking steak , I might have to try this thing. But I will use my grill to sear the meat like you did instead of a torch. ! LOL He cooked a 10 lb pork roast last weekend. Said he cooked it in a plastic bag in the water for 24 hours . Sent me a vid showing how easy it falls apart just using a fork.
  16. Hi Everyone ! Chris here from Southern NH. I may be new here but certainly not new to hunting . Started out tagging along with my Dad and my Grandfather when I was 6 years old and on my own since I was 10 . That was 53 years ago and have loved every day in the woods since then. I have never hunted NY or Penn but know plenty of people that do. How I found this site was doing a search on a certain firearm . I will post about that firearm eventually. But for now I want to congratulate each and every one of you that contribute to this site. I have never laughed so hard going through your Political Humor thread . That is absolutely hysterical . Thumbs up to everyone posting on that one. Im sure there are a few guys on this site that frequent some other sites I am a member of. I always keep the same user name no matter which site I join. You guys really have a great site here. Lots of great posts on every subject. I hunt mostly Maine and New Hampshire now , although at one time when I lived in Vermont I would deer hunt Maine , NH and VT religiously every year. I hope to be a good contributor to your site from time to time . Thanks for having me !
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