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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Well, I think I saw and heard enough in those videos of the Las Vegas attack to convince me that I don't really want to see full auto rifles on the street, or even anything that mimics full auto. I guess we all draw the line at different places. Some may want to stop at grenade launchers or flame throwers or bazookas or maybe small personal nukes ..... lol. I draw the line at full auto.
  2. I have a lot of sympathy for those around our area that might have gone out this morning. I don't think they make adequate rain gear to handle the downpour that just finished up. And the wind was howling like crazy.
  3. I see that. That's what we need is a spike in a new demographic to add to our numbers.
  4. I have to wonder if people like this also advocate the decriminalization of full auto weapons? Where do they draw the line? This guy didn't talk about that. Sorry but I'm on the NRA side of this. Full auto weapons have long been heavily restricted and controlled, and I think that full auto wannabes should be too.
  5. The bump stock is not a semi automatic weapon. It is an accessory that in effect creates the function of a conversion to full auto. That for me is not a difficult thing to get behind eliminating.
  6. I would like to see pictures or stories of successful youth deer hunting adventures. Can we use this thread to post them?
  7. Look, the clerk was likely stocking shelve the day before and will back in the tire department tomorrow. They only know what they are told, and if they want to keep their job, they will abide by whatever store rules that are in place. Where he got that it was a NYS law is anybody's guess, but apparently he was told or thought that he was told that it was a law instead of a store policy. Probably not something to get too excited about. Just a mistake.
  8. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/96/Agkistrodon_contortrix_contortrix_CDC-a.png/195px-Agkistrodon_contortrix_contortrix_CDC-a.png&imgrefurl=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agkistrodon_contortrix&h=154&w=195&tbnid=F1Sd34aso5-uuM:&tbnh=154&tbnw=195&usg=__8XoGYrHSKSGW0ASHeq3hNUhm4OM=&vet=10ahUKEwiSnpvNxuDWAhWDPiYKHY9MCjEQ_B0IpAEwEw..i&docid=Fobzz4L9Kt5MaM&itg=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiSnpvNxuDWAhWDPiYKHY9MCjEQ_B0IpAEwEw Not even close! Your picture is that of a black snake. They are a pretty docile tempered snake that dines on rats and mice. I have also heard it said that where there are black snakes, there are no rattlesnakes. I have not heard or read any credible evidence that here is really any truth to that, but it is just something I was told.
  9. Hey....Congratulations. You just successfully parroted back all of the best emotional name-calling. Great job! Let's see, narrow-minded, selfish, and elitist. I would have thought that a little more imagination would have produced some new ones by now ........ lol.
  10. Are you sure? I have been wondering whether they eat hickory nuts or not and have never been able to find any evidence or even any authors of books or magazine articles that claimed that they do. I have to say that I harvest quite a few hickory nuts each year, and I have to use a hammer or a vise to crack the damn things and then trying to extract the nut-meats from the cracked shells gets to be the next problem. It takes a hell of a force! so I am very curious to see credible evidence. Anybody else that has seen where deer were actually feeding on hickory nuts?
  11. Don't be dozing off up in that treestand!
  12. This is exactly where we are heading. Whether we like it or not is irrelevant. This is the path that we have set ourselves on.
  13. I'm not changing or twisting any words. I am simply explaining why the subject of guns comes up every time you try to use bowhunting wounding losses as a justification for crossbows. Don't tell me that you have not heard gun hunters complain about deer running through the woods with arrows sticking out of them and how a better more efficient weapon in that season would eliminate some of that. That is their way of saying the same thing about guns that you are trying to say about crossbows. No, you don't want to come right out and say the word guns and you act all offended when someone points out the fact that you are saying the exact same thing that many gunners are saying. But all that huffing and puffing does not change the fact that when you begin this comparison of how the crossbow introduction into bow season will reduce wounding losses, the gun hunters are saying the exact same thing about their weapon of choice and for exactly the same reason. Now maybe that upsets you, but get over it. I will continue to point this out every time you say it. To me it really amounts to a not so thinly veiled attack on bowhunting just for the purpose of shoehorning in whatever weapon of choice is being argued about whether that be a crossbow or a gun.......no difference.
  14. I'm not twisting anything. I am simply educating you that your comments have a lot farther reach than you apparently understand.
  15. A few more bodies and wounded innocents per second. The tighter the crowd the higher the effect of more bullets per second. There is a huge difference between the carnage from automatic gunfire and semi auto. We never want to let the public be confused about that. So many people already look at the nasty mean looking assault rifle and don't see the fact that it is no real difference functionally than the millions of legally owned semi-automatic rifles with the old fashion plain looking stock. They are already assumed to be full auto by the uneducated. So let's not belittle the differences between the long heavily controlled full autos that are extremely rare in public possession, and the rather common semi-autos.
  16. Oh you're absolutely right. The nature of today's hunter has evolved into something that I identify less and less with. I will say that a brave effort has been put forth by NYB to forestall the crazy headlong rush to diminish the sport and the season, but the Madison Avenue marketeers have learned how to appeal to the new breed of hunter and have successfully molded and twisted the activity to push the evolution into an out of control revolution. However, I have never been one to simply surrender quietly or in effect encouraging these changes through silence. So whenever a topic like this comes on the forum, I make sure that I always have my say. I am not sure I would characterize it as foot stomping, kicking and screaming, but I definitely will not be silenced and will continue to voice my opposition to what hunting (especially bowhunting) is morphing into.
  17. I assume that the vet trimmed away some skin there because that doesn't look even a little bit like an arrow wound or a gunshot wound. The muscle tissue is not cut or mangled in anyway. But, who knows. I am not a vet so maybe something with bird-shot might look a lot different than I imagine.
  18. Well, here's the thing. If they even have an inkling that there is the slightest possibility that others were involved, it probably makes sense to keep it under wraps so as not to spook other participants into flight or push up any timetables for impending other activity. The investigation is still in progress and things are carefully being put together. Also, this guy thought through things very well. He was able to keep his thoughts and activities buried very cleverly. Nobody seemed to have a clue that he was a wacko. So he is not making it easy for the investigators. It looks like he was quite adept at covering his tracks. In fact he seemed to be a lot more careful that some of these ISIS creeps. So I am not really all that surprised at the cautious information management and the difficulty that they are having with getting it all together and out to the public.
  19. On that all-day opening day gun season sit, if things don't happen fairly early, those same old trees and logs and stumps get mighty boring looking. I almost always reach that point where setting up the cup and pouring a nice hot cup of coffee starts becoming the highlight of the stand. And then I always start reaching in the pack for one of the half-dozen cold fried egg sandwiches......another big highlight. Sometimes other snacks come into play as well. For me stand hunting is not a diet activity...... lol. But all these snacks and drinks do extend my stay considerably.
  20. The genie is out of the bottle. These things never go backward. At least not that I have ever seen. I said along time ago that hunters have constantly evolved with a desire to remove challenge from hunting. It started with the sight pin on the recurve and the laminated materials. It moved into the compounds, and now the crossbow. I'm skipping over the boxes and bags and drawerfuls of gadgets and go-fasters, and arrow technologies, and all the scents and attractants and agriculture activities. Why on earth would anyone think any of it could ever be turned back. History doesn't support that idea at all.
  21. And why was there two windows broken out? Ah yes the conspiracy theories abound ..... ha-ha-ha. Yes there is many unknowns to theorize about, but it seems like we are arriving at a point where the authorities are opening up a little bit about what they have found out. It is interesting. You do have to wonder about what goes through the mind of a maniac and how anyone could ever work themselves up to the state where they would do such a thing. By the way apparently he had looked at other venues quite seriously. Boston and Chicago were mentioned as alternative sites. And if we want to really get out on the conspiracy limb, maybe the authorities might want to keep an eye on these places. Maybe Paddock was just one of the bad guys. Anyway, we will never be able to look at outdoor entertainment venues the same way again. I'm sure ISIS is taking notes.
  22. I have seen a similar confrontation between a cat and a doe. The cat didn't stick around too long before it beat-feet.
  23. Well hopefully their forecast will be as unreliable as usual. But for those that put stock in that sort of thing, I did hear one meteorologist say that all of October was going to be on the warm side. Might be that we are going to have to tough it out and hope that the deer will get bored and move early even in the heat. One thing that is a bit encouraging is that all summer, deer have been visible standing in the burning sun feeding in the fields. So it's not like they hibernate when the heat's on. I'm not too concerned about it. Bowhunting this early just doesn't seem natural to me. In fact I really don't get all crazy and turned on until the leaves are down......and we are a long way from that.
  24. I understand that you want to dictate the terms of the future, but unfortunately, there are already those that are looking greedily at the bowseason and they are firearms users. And the invasion has already begun without a second thought. So don't be telling me that you are the rules-maker and that you can make all of your comments apply only to bows and crossbows. You don't get to set the rules. So when you make comments that indicate that superior weapons should be added to help solve wounding losses of archery, I am certain that the gunners are cheering you on.
  25. It appears that the main target for new gun laws regards the "bump stock". I have no problem with that and it appears that the NRA has no serious concerns with looking closely at restrictions on those. Since the 1934 National Firearms Act, we have had heavy restrictions on fully automatic firearms regarding possession, transfer and transport. The bump stock is simply a loophole that has now officially been used in a criminal act. Close the loophole!
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