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Foggy Mountain

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Everything posted by Foggy Mountain

  1. Use the wind. Make sure it never blows towards the suspected direction of deer coming at you. before that even you must find the deer. You wanna know how to find em now? If you know the land more or less don’t waste time scouting where there are. That will change. Scout forward. Where they are going. The oak trees are heavy with mast. Learn your preferred food sources. White oaks are preferred over blacks but even whites have a preference order. Learn them. Look up into trees and see which trees (in preference order) have nuts. You’ll know where to go come season. As one good source is depleted you’ll know where to check for the rest. Watch trees for fresh clippings. Squirrels will go up and cut pieces off to throw down. An actively used tree is all green around it. When one is shot the ground is brown. Check all food sources. If you have bean understand the difference in green, yellow, brown. Know corn stage differences and how they relate to usage. Also in places where food is abundant and bedding is scarce, focus on routes to and from bedding. The places bedding is abundant food is scarce key in on the food. These concentrate deer. Water in a drought caused equal concentrations obviously. Keep your mind open and think where the deer are going come fall. It’s gonna change from now.
  2. It’s not surprising to me you don’t understand. Seems like lots of really basic stuff gets past you unless someone says so. it’s a gun that shoots an arrow. Now you know.
  3. My thoughts on this and we install them is if money is no option it’s a good idea. If someone is real elderly or say sick parents and you want to install at their house another great idea. Power doesn’t typically go out any length of time. Chances of it happening long term while on vacation are slim actually. It won’t really add to home resale value either imo. Portable generators can be taken with you. Are pretty minimal investment. Take not more than an hour or two to install the inlet box and interlock and will run the whole house if you manage energy properly and probably even if you don’t. If you go camping, tailgating somewhere you could bring that generator as well. Also say your daughters house went out and she didn’t have one. Easy enough to temporarily back feed her. Must be done properly and safely but in emergencies we do it all the time. In fact we’ve got a whole trailer full in our shop. As stated I install them, not for myself but in my house I put in a portable unit. It was better for me. Better option imo under most circumstances. Big investment for minimal return.
  4. You’ve actually brought up a good point and I’m not a crossgun guy
  5. You’re ignorant enough in lots of things. Don’t you remember just this past year the EHD outbreak in 3M? Seriously think for once BEFORE you speak. Like a little kid who talks before he thinks and puts his foot in mouth. You ridiculously posted they should close down Stewart last year. Now you’re on board with taking extra before they even had a chance to recover? Talking out of both sides of your face I think mate? Wonder if you actually hunt at all. Say most figure vicariously at best especially seeing all the unoriginal videos posted. Straight up boredom. Conservation-wise use of natural resources. This idea, unwise
  6. Sounds like a smoke bird possibly
  7. I saw a change about a firearm season before archery in certain zones including 3M which was hit by EHD last year. Call and express opposition
  8. This is a pretty common sense answer. Ask the local police dept they’ll know better than anyone else I’m sure
  9. Who looks dumb now? A crossgun is def a gun. Has much more in common w that than a bow. Just because the projectile is a broad head doesn’t matter. I’ll actually take the redneck thing as a compliment. Better being called that than lots of stuff. I don’t find it inflammatory in the least. Keep fighting boys
  10. Difference is because you want someone else’s season. Fight to take over firearm season. Why exactly do you want so badly to make things easier for you crossgun folks? They all wanna call themselves bowhunters. Earn the title and make things harder than need be. Crossgun guys will never get that.
  11. You mean unsuccessful for the most part bowhunters they were don’t ya? Man o man. Easy to twist things. Bowhunters bleed archery. Crossgun guys, well, different cloth.
  12. I’ve had lots of vest of the years. None are perfect. I heard the cabelas kickstand thing mentioned. Idk I’m no fan of that vest. Material is thin, no shell holders and I don’t know a single guy with any type kickstand vest left the kickstand in. That’s something you need to consider. The premise is ok but think about it? How often are you not gonna have a tree to back up to? Think where you’ll be hunting. It’s never in the middle of nowhere and not in thick cover for turkey. Always a tree nearby. The vest I currently use is a Tenzing. That’s a great vest. It too has issues, the material is very good but now it could make you warm. The next issue is the pockets. You mention not wanting them too big. These aren’t but they don’t open far enough for me. I’m guessing it’s so you don’t lose anything and if you don’t want huge pockets it’ll work. Shortcoming and all I’ve found no better vest and I think myself or a friend has had most and I’ve tried them. I should say save the badlands. I’ve never used that. Pros and cons. None are perfect
  13. If you’re the type of guy walks to one single spot or even multiple spots to a blind you may be ok honestly. But if you’re mobile and ever exposed I can’t see that as anything but a problem.
  14. Let me see it’s ok to be a member of the crossgun coalition supporting crossgun but you support bows and bow hunting you’re somehow a terrible guy? Ridiculous and hypercritical. Sounds exactly the way the world wants you to be, if you “don’t agree with me” you’re a terrible underhanded guy. Nonsense. Keep fighting boys.
  15. The season started out rough. I looked for months and the population seemed way down. Youth day I had a total of 9 gobblers around. All but 2 jakes. My hunter killed a longbeard. Monday NJ opened. I’d watched some birds Sun night. Saw about where they roosted. Monday morning it was way too bright. I get to my area at 3 and I only moved when clouds covered moon but the light made me cautious. I stopped short of where I wanted. Saw a longbeard at 60 yards with others about as close but not closer. Yesterday I tried the opposite side of farm. Shot an ok longbeard at 4 yards. Was filming a hen, gobblers talking all around me. Bout 9 I closed the camera and figured it might be over action wise. I looked to side. Of blind and the window was nothing but feathers. Don’t know how I never heard them. I reached for camera, gun in hand when one bird looked square at me. I figured he had to see me so I put the scope at neck base and tapped. Bird went down but I didn’t compensate for close range aiming higher. Busted up beard. Anyhow 3 hunts, 2 dead birds, one close call.
  16. You said nice. Impossible to get a nice one for 1000 bucks. Too much work involved. For that money it may look ok but pattern it and watch where separate barrels hit. Often not aligned properly
  17. And if you want to know the honest truth I like my rifles too. I’d much rather carry a rifle than do aerobics exercises shooting a crossgun. But I’d only shoot rifle during the rifle season. We can have both. We even have a crossgun season so why push to take over someone else’s season than be incredulous when you see opposition. Ever hear of the saying guys don’t know what they don’t know? It’s pretty obvious the crossgun crowd is part of that. The most important thing to offer someone is consideration. Are you considering anyone but yourself? I’d certainly consider anyone seriously injured but “full inclusion” isn’t that. Stop with the smoke screens they aren’t thick enough to block our view
  18. No I’d rather shoot deer w a mans bow. If harvest objectives need to be met there are other ways. If you’re so into using crossbows use them rifle or muzzleloader season. Bet not one bow hunter would object. See you want to infringe on others making things sporting using a real bow but now you won’t make things sporting yourself using them rifle season. Have at it, raven says 100 yards is good so you should have no problem.
  19. This is not common sense. Let’s say does did over populate, offering more doe tags or longer season would work just fine. Most of the crossgun folks would use a riflw anyhow if given a choice. Trying to justify ridiculousness ain’t working
  20. I was on a farm straddling 2 states. Was about 80 yards according to onyx from NJ. Wanted to get there as it was Sat morn. Planned to take kid to another spot Sun. But I roosted birds the night before, going in as we approached NJ we saw a bird roosted 60 yards out so we stopped and set up. Had a total of 7 jakes, one longbeard and another bird approaching from behind. Fun hunt. I’ve called a few for this guy. He’s always on point. Got a neat video as well. Birds roosted in half light, flying from trees, etc We were coming off mountain before 6:30
  21. The opinion many have is crossgun are more effective weapons. The state needs that so they can reach harvest objectives. Being crossgun is easier that’s a great idea. The argument though is contradictory. Why not just make a buckshot season for instance coincide? The range isn’t any different. Has lots of the same features as a crossgun? It’d be less likely to miss than even a crossgun. Why not push for that? Or we could just say forget the bow season. Make it all a general season. Extend the season is another answer. So is allowing bait, God forbid Bowhunters have a mentality crossgun guys don’t. None of this is about my shoulder hurts. It’s about manipulating something to get your way. Bow hunters enjoy the solitude, look to the challenge. That’s why they want the season they worked for and love to stay the same. Be a bow hunter. Challenge yourself and use it muzzleloader season and be happy. If that not an acceptable answer you need to wonder why you want to be a “bow” hunter. Answer is you don’t. You want the easy way out. No one cares if you shoot deer. God bless you if you do. Use a bow, bow season and a gun, gun season. If crossgun ever did get allowed we shouldn’t stop there. Think about the inclusion of other things to help dec regulate numbers if that’s the sole intention. Nothing worse than someone lying or manipulating to try and shame you into agreeing with them. You need more brainpower than that. Weak argument folks. Bow guys keep it up, keep fighting
  22. I’ll be the opposite here. I feel I have more control with a glove. Never liked tabs and have no release issues. I do use a bodnik speed glove now but as a kid I used regular elk leather, deer skin Damascus, etc. Never had a single issue. Idk if it’s really a giant advantage/disadvantage either way. Least for me it’s not. Now the split finger, three under thing. Bows are often tillered accordingly. One way to basically get the same results, a nock at your anchor would be to split finger shoot with a middle finger method. It’ll lessen your gap too which is where I’d start as opposed to crawl. No harm imo in crawling or gapping. Don’t let this instinctive thing worry you just yet. In time even with gapping you’ll probably start what I call gapstinctive anyhow. It’s basically how you shoot a shotgun. You start out with simple mechanics and soon enough you actually recognize a good sight picture but don’t rely on it to shoot if that makes sense.
  23. Very flawed thinking. You’re assuming a choice. I’d personally welcome the proficiency test in theory but than maybe we could test all kinds of things to see it someone is good enough. For instance how many shoot beyond effective range no matter what that is? Say a guy is good 15 yards with a recurve, 25 yards with a compound, 40 yards with a crossgun, 200 yards with a rifle. What actually prevents him from shooting beyond those? Some ridiculous test you’re talking about? Very poorly thought out argument. Now if there was a test and guys couldn’t pass it, maybe they can’t hunt that year. The option of using a gun or crossgun shouldn’t be part of the equation or discussion because it has involves ulterior motives. Stop with the weak, twisted, spin
  24. Who cares what happens in Ca? Let me say I understand our need to fight this nonsense so part of me is saying that tongue in cheek but they already outlawed mountain lion hunts and they get dragged off mountain bikes for it. Let them deal with their stupidity.
  25. It’s over. The ten year plan ended and it’d not getting renewed
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