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Four Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Four Seasons

  1. True words. And many guilty parties. But you like the rest of us regulars who didn’t find the need to talk smack about this site and leave to go to another site where pretty much the only posters there are the same ones that posted here have no shouting matches. Those only happen when the few that left feel the need to come back and start shit shows. And still just like in the past, Never post anything hunting related on the site.
  2. Makes sense. Those of us that choose that way get everything a person could get out of hunting. We get all the pleasures of of the woods, comrades hunting along with us, a mature buck with trophy antlers and all the meat we can use. Now that can’t be beat.
  3. lol. You forgot to mention the gross 200lbs of meat.
  4. lol. All gross. Anyways like I said after how many years in Ny it’s”Like None”. Compared to what the fella compared to Illinois…Even more so “Like None” Ny is far from a long time 200 inch harvest state. Although any is great for sure.
  5. Welcome to Ny. Home to oh so many idiots that would vote left even if their demise was on the line.
  6. Exactly. And now these same idiots are on a bus headed towards California. Black,Brown or green they are just 20-30 year old males that will just make more gangs and destroy any area they end up calling home. Anyone that would vote anything left in this country these days are a special kind of fool.
  7. Exactly. And the Select Few that you speak of that carried the Wolf Pack mentality and ganged up to belittle others are now history and this site so much better for it. Amazes me that some come back on here saying how bad this site is with only our 4-5 Regular posters. When in the real world there are now many more that post on here that didn’t in the past because of the wolf pack. They say the site is doomed yet the members here continue to enjoy it daily and those nay sayers continue to feel the need to try and downgrade it.
  8. I never wear the noise makers rubbing against the tree as you try to get your bow in position for a shot. Although the law down on Letchworth is the only place I have been asked about it.
  9. Agree 99.9%. The 9 deer 2 little bucks come from those that say big deer does not matter to them that it’s all about meat. Yet that tag would have fit in either of those 2 little bucks just fine. And my very good guess is that It came from one that I’m sure you are glad that they are gone now. Glad you can also see the ones that continue to come back just to stir the pots on certain posts and offer very little to nothing hunting related to this site. We have lots of room for another hunter on each ends of the state if you get that locked out of hunting land that you can’t put your tag on a great buck. So many to be had.
  10. So what might the “Right” one have looked like for you to fill that tag?
  11. Some do but they have the Raising part in the smaller farm pens and release the ones they want gone that year into the bigger hunting area. Farm and ranch are usually a huge difference in acreage. With the states being in control of numbers and tagging and testing and such it would be tough to just say fence in a 300 acre square and have at it. As far as the poster above you read that he hunts farm land in Ny and he also goes to Illinois and hunts farm land there. He talks of bucks pushing 200 inches and that will happen in Illinois and like never in Ny. I have 1000 acres here that is active “Farm” land that we manage our hunting and Whitetails on and 50 acres of high fenced land that we raise Whitetails on. Two different pieces both involved in different Farming practices.
  12. Nobody hunts deer on a “Farm” when it comes to high fence hunting. Farms raise them on smaller property and the send them out to hunting “Ranches” to the end. I have farms on both ends of the state that are active farms yet not high fence and the I have a high fence property I raise deer on. Kinda all in the wording I guess.
  13. Your agenda is right there in black and white. And you will die an old man before you see me as a member on any other forum. You few will crawl back in your holes and we will enjoy the site for what it is once again. Never bash any sites and never need to join two. Especially that one. Thanks.
  14. Ahhh. There he is. Only Steve and Moho to go. Give it time. Let’s hope the one mod that will see thru your agenda will do something. As you once again with the 4-5 other cronies only show up when someone posts about the other site and NEVER add anything hunting related. And bragging. Haha. Wipe that off your chin. It’s getting old. Just because you can’t walk the walk don’t down those that can.
  15. No. But you sure feel the need to continue to come back and offer nothing but a push to that site. Nah. Us blind people can’t see that.
  16. So do tell us what you agenda is without really telling us what your agenda is. How long has it been now that site has started? You think if anyone here cared they would still be here.
  17. Add words. Do tell? I wish you would give us some of the names of these other great sites we have choices to attend. I may be interested in joining another or two.
  18. No. Not the John that will deal with you few that try to push the other site without having the nad’s to name that site. There is another mod that just might end the stupidity.
  19. Oh so saying they can’t get no new buddies to join in on their activities on this site does not imply exactly what they mean. You think others do not read words elsewhere? Even yourself never shows up with a comment until something is brought up about another site with anything of value. Not real tough to read between the lines. You know like they try to say the site without having the balls to actually say the site. You bitch and complain on this site and that one that this place is doomed because of a lost owner and no new friends can jump in and yas all left. Now you feel the need to come back pushing the other site to those of us that obviously didn’t want to go to another so called better site So you come back on this site and still offer little if any to the site except push the other. You few have done nothing but diss this site on this site and that one. Obviously those that stayed could care less
  20. Exactly. And the only Mod does nothing about it. They never start a tread. They most definitely to not put up any harvest threads. I get a kick out of that one on a hunting site. I guess we know the reason for that one. If holding each others hand over there is so great what’s the need to come here? Great people they say. Yet those chose to stay here. No need to be on two exact sites in the same state.
  21. And yet you’re still here stirring the pot. Such a bad site yet you feel the need to continue to show up and crap on peoples threads.
  22. I don’t need to come in this site and drop hints and the sorts to others like you and a couple other do. Kinda like the guy had to do that started that sites. You know exactly what will happen if you say the site and Eddie might let ya’s play your stupid games but John probably won’t be so kind. Time will tell. If that site is so great and this site a piece of crap why the need to come back? Obviously anyone still here does not feel the need to jump ship. Do you keep going back to your old girlfriend after you left her also?
  23. So you talk smack about they way I hunt and my choices of hunting only certain bucks one on one and then you write your last sentence….I don’t compete against anyone but the critters I take. Which is just what I do. Perfect!!
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