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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. What is the Model # of the Nikon Scope you are talking about or is there only one model ?
  2. I havn't been out since last Saturday am . Tomorrow afternoon doesn't look good with rain in the forecast . Will re-check the weather forecast in the am . My back has been bothering me for the past 3 days and I am praying that it isn't another Kidney Stone . I don't want to go through that again !
  3. I just checked mine by the computer . Freezer is 9.2 degrees ......
  4. Had a couple dozen kids show up tonight . A few years ago I had 108 ........
  5. Good luck Thursday ! Hope the operation fixes everything !
  6. Prince Andy skips ceremony http://www.lonsberry.com/writings.cfm?story=4138
  7. I just had a hen pheasant run across the road in front of me on Lake Road, near Salt Road in Webster. First hen pheasant I have seen in years. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  8. I havn't seen anything on the local new or newspaper about the robberies . Any links to the news ?
  9. Speed doesn't kill , accuracy does . A crossbow in the hands of someone who doesn't practice is worthless .
  10. I seldom shoot mt 25-06 or shotguns . I should shoot my 20 ga Savage bolt action much more as I still havn't gotten used to the accu trigger .
  11. I would consider this a part of hunting gear as I will always carry it in my car when I hunt . My youngest son , Nick , is someone who is pretty much up on electrical gear . He showed me how he jumped a dead battery to start his Lawn Mower . It thought it was pretty neat but didn't want to spend $100 for something I might never use . I bought an AntiGravity XP1 jump starter / power supply kit like he has and put it under the car seat . Last week after a morning hunt I sat in the car with the radio on . I had to have the key turned on in order to do this . I was checking emails and Tapatalk and then put the phone away . I turned the key to start the car and no luck . Oh crap ! I forgot the headlights were on also . I turned them off and tried again but no luck . I got out the case with the Jump Starter , hooked it up , hit the button , got in the car and it started right up . What a relief ! Not stranded in a field . These things have connectors that cords that allow you to charge other things like a phone , etc . I am not pushing any brand . I only got this because two of my sons have this make and model . There are other brands that are probably as good or maybe even better . I am just thankful that I had this when I was hunting alone and parked off the highway . https://www.ebay.com/itm/Antigravity-Batteries-XP-1-Multi-Function-Jump-Starter-and-Power-Supply-Kit/232330554366?epid=1525372455&hash=item3617faebfe:g:0GgAAOSwcB5ZE09E
  12. I have had 4 opportunities to take a shot at 4 four point bucks and never raised the bow at any of them . I would sooner take a doe or a bigger buck . I may end up eating buck tags but my family won't starve if that happens . Toward the end of gun season or ML season , I might change my mind . Last year I shot 4 doe and had no reason to take any small deer .
  13. I bought one of the Tri-Pod stands and had a spot where I planned to put it but ...... with the rain and the water having no where to go , it was just too wet to install it . The area is too muddy . Even putting it on 2 X 8's would be a problem as they would rot .
  14. I doubt that you see it . The view is "from the stand" ...........
  15. Went back to Geneseo and sat in my double stand by the Buffalo Ditch . Was there in pitch black and didn't see anything all morning . Started my coughing spell at 10:30 and left at 11 . Couldn't play the wind in any of the stands . Texted my youngest son who was hunting with his brother in Mendon . Neither saw any deer but Nick said he saw 2 coyotes . Once it started raining I wasn't about to go back out .
  16. I had a coughing spell at 1030 and got down at 11 . Never saw anything . Two of my sons hunted in Mendon . All my youngest son saw was 2 coyotes . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  17. 15 feet to the seat. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  18. I haven't seen anything. Going to get down at 11 AM. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  19. View from the stand. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  20. Sitting in a double stand in Geneseo. It is so quiet in the woods. The wind is not in my favor . When I left home I saw 2 doe just off the side of the road about a quarter mile from my house . The guy that mows the trails for the gvhc cut them since Wednesday . I wonder if that will affect the deer travel . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  21. I needed the extra tags last year . I shot 2 doe during gun season and two more during ML season .
  22. Congrats on getting your deer . See how this works .
  23. Don't know as I need the extra tags if I can't fill the ones I already have . It is my understanding that the tags are good from Nov 1 thru the end of deer season .
  24. Congrats .., Great looking deer .
  25. Ditto .... I havn't had a cold in years . My age must be catching up with me .
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