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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. I didn't hunt today but I did go to my SILs property in Geneseo . I put the Hub Blind on top of the 6' high platform and had a heck of a time doing it alone . Trimmed some shooting lanes and then walked to the woods . Pulled cards from the trail cams . A couple had dead batteries as I hadn't checked them in a while . The field was wet and soggy . Six inches of water in some spots . The woods was holding a lot of water also . It has no where to run . I took some Posted Signs and the staple gun with me and replaced the ones that someone tore down . Did a lot of walking and my legs feel like butter . It's rough getting old ! All set for a rainy gun opener ...........
  2. I can't get a break . Today is the only day I can go to Geneseo and put up the Hub Blind on the 6' platform and rain and snow are in the forecast . I don't have much of a choice and will have to do it today . Since much rain is forecasted for the Saturday opener , I want to be able to sit High and Dry !
  3. I plan to go to Geneseo tomorrow and try to put my Hub Blind back on the 6' high platform and trim a little bit . Weather for the opener in Geneseo 49 degrees feels like 41 Periods of rain --- 5.5 hours of rain Wind - South 14 mph with gusts up to 21 mph
  4. Weather for the opener in Geneseo 49 degrees feels like 41 Periods of rain --- 5.5 hours of rain Wind - South 14 mph with gusts up to 21 mph I plan to go there tomorrow and try to put my Hub Blind back on the 6' high platform and trim a little bit .
  5. Rambo would have used a logged with sharpened sticks ..........
  6. I had a be-otch of a headache this morning . It felt like someone had smacked me in the forehead with a 2X4 . I felt a little better in the afternoon and went to Mendon and sat in a stand with the X-bow . Was in the stand by 2:30 . Pretty dull . Saw an 8 point about 80 yards south east of me . He meandered across the field . I did get him to stop twice but he continued to walk off into the deep crap . Wow , the excitement !
  7. Nah , nothing has changed . You're the same a-hole ! j/k
  8. Great looking buck , Tree Guy ! Congrats !
  9. When I have my trailer with me I use a discarded Real Estate panel to stand on and sit on the hitch to put on my hunting boots .
  10. Hunted Geneseo with my youngest son Nick. It was cçccold . Between 645 and 815 I saw 8 doe 1 buck and 1 not sure of its sex. Nothing after that. Got down and took a slow walk down the lane way at 11 am. . Nothing there. Called it a day and headed home . At least I saw some action . My problem is that my de-cocking bolt is getting too much work . I need to de-cock by putting a shot into a deer !
  11. Hunted Geneseo with my youngest son Nick. It was cçccold . Between 645 and 815 I saw 8 doe 1 buck and 1 not sure of its sex. Nothing after that. Got down and took a slow walk down the lane way at 11 am. . Nothing there. Called it a day and headed home . At least I saw some action . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  12. This was posted a year or two ago and yes it's funny . However , as stated above , if the tresspasser had a heart attack or was otherwise injured the landowner could get sued or get jail time . Law Breakers seem to have more rights than regular citizens .
  13. I was out loading the ATV. I had left it out in the elements without covering it. A lot was frozen. Ratchet straps were frozen and I had to bring them in to thaw. Brought the seat in also. It's forecasted to be colder tomorrow. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  14. I have one on my backpack and one on my jacket . You can get a back tag copy and not have to pay for it . I have never lost one in 52 years of hunting . When I see someone with a back tag I can at least be assured that he / she has a hunting license .
  15. I will be taking my X-bow tomorrow . I doubt I could shoot my compound with a heavy jacket on . Even so , I do NOT support full inclusion !
  16. I may change my thinking about shooting 4 point bucks . I passed on 4 of them . I still have my buck tags .
  17. Happy 242nd Birthday US Marine Corps !
  18. Here is the turd that was wandering around today ..... I see now why he may not have heard me . Looks like he has ear phone plugs in his ears .
  19. Boring was an understatement . I wass in a stand in Pittsford at 10 am . Saw a couple doe at a distance at 10:45 and 11:15 . Around 11 someone started using a bulldozer and quit at 1 pm . Somewhere around 3 pm someone entered the field at the East end and walked about 100 yards , headed north , then South and headed my way . He was carryong a crossbow and looked like the same DipWad that screwed up my hunting last year and he was smoking a cigar . I thought he would keep coming but he cut into the high grass and overgrowth about 60 yards away . I could see him south of me glassing the thick stuff . This guy NEVER looked up at the tree stand I was in and it has been there for several years . He came within 50 yards of me and was facing away . I hollared 3 times and called out the name of the person that I think he is but no response . I wondered if he was deaf . He came back out into the field and farted around looking into the thickets with his Binos . He left around 4 . At about 4::55 I was ready to get down . Instead of shooting my de-cocking arrow , I got out my practice arrow and thought I would give it a try offhand . I had one of the markers that the lawn service people use . I had painted the top orange so I could spot it and use it for a distance marker and to hold a lit scent stick . I stood up so I could sight offhand over the railing and aimed at the base of the stake . When I got down , I walked over to the stake to pull it out and retrieve the "bolt" . Didn't see it and pulled back some of the grass . I spotted some of the fletching and dug it out . I thought , holy crap , I missed the stake by a half inch . I really impressed myself ! Almost forgot . Between Smith road and Taylor road on West Bloomfield road , I saw 5 doe near the road 2-2 and 1 . They know when to come out . That's my story and I am sticking with it !
  20. Some dip wad was wandering around in the field and nearby with a cross bow and smoking cigarellos. He was within 50 yards of me and I hollared loud to the guy .he never flinched or responded . After a while I used the grunt call when he had his back to me and no response . I should have taken a phone picture when he was close . I did take some on my regular camera . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  21. Someone has been running a bulldozer a couple hundred yards north of me . Was tempted to leave but thought maybe the deer would detour and come this way . Saw a doe cross the field 180 yards East of me a few minutes ago . View from the stand. . . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  22. Well , it's time to do another boring sit but this time I will try a stand in Pittsford . I plan to sit from maybe 10 am until sundown . I just need a deer to cooperate . Not sure where I will hunt Saturday . It looks to be one cccccold day Saturday . It's forecasted to be 16 degrees at 7 am . That's gun hunting temperature !
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