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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Hey, was that a hole in one ? Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  2. I was in my stand almost an hour before Sunrise . At 7 am I had a doe 25 yards away . I asked her to come back in a half hour . after a couple minutes she wandered off . Saw another doe about 200+ yards away just cruising slow across the area . My oldest son said he was leaving at 10 and I said I was going to hang out until 11 . Before I got out of the stand I shot one of my field tip arrows at a dark patch 31 yards away . It was spot on . Glad I had a Lighted Nock or I might have had a difficult time finding the arrow . The ground looked a lot different on the ground than it did from the stand . The stand is a 15 foot ladder stand and is on a bank that is 10 feet higher than the ground level of the field . I checked out the property for other possibilities to set up in the area . Got something to eat in Mendon and then checked out another property that we used to hunt on . It didn't look so great but you never know . Came home and replaced the wheel hub and bearings on my work trailer . I probably won't get out again until this coming Wednesday .
  3. I don't watch many hunting shows but I remember one of Hank Parkers sons shooting a hole in a ground blind. I was surprised that they showed his mistake Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  4. Stumbling around dicks? Are you doing to a Gay Bar ? Lol Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  5. I haven't done clothes shopping in years. Shopping with wife for clothes was brutal . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  6. I have seen 2 doe so far. One was within 25 yards. That was at 7 am. I wish she had waited another 31 minutes . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  7. I will be heading for Mendon in a few minutes to hunt with my older son . Just doing a morning hunt as it will be quite warm this afternoon .
  8. I had a pair of work shoes hanging in the garage . Hadn't worn them in over a year . Got them down to wear to work today . Both of the shoes had sunflower chafe in them . The mice must have crawled across the beams went down the laces and stored seeds in the shoes .
  9. Get those little bastards !
  10. Spent the day in Geneseo . Was in my stand early . Sat back and relaxed . At 7:18 am 2 doe and a fawn walked through the middle of the bean field over 100 yards out . They milled around for about 10 minutes and went back the way they came . That was it for the morning sightings . Got out of the stand at 10 am . I walked down the laneway to check another stand and saw where the strap for the brace to that ladder stand had broke . Went up to my ATV and back to the car . Called my SIL to see if she wanted a couple of jobs done and she was going somewhere with one of her horses so they left me off the hook . Went down to Geneseo , got something to eat and took care of a few things . Went back to my SILs property and headed for the stand with the broken strap . Put a new on on and climbed in for a long afternoon . I was in the stand from 2:30 until almost 6:30 . Between 5:15 and 5:52 I saw 5 doe , 1 fawn and a buck in the field next to my SILs property . The closest was at least 50 yards from my stand . The buck came charging out of the woods and chased a doe down the field . Grabbed my gear and went to my ATV . Drove up to wear I was parked . When I got there , there was a PU truck half way in the road with his lights flashing and not to far from my trailer . Apparently when he came around the curve a buck ran out and he hit it . The guy said it was a monster . It was probably one of the 4 points I saw the other day . There was plastic and some glass scattered in the road and it was difficult to get people to slow down . The driver was damn near deaf and his wife was screaming for people to slow down . A neighbor called the accident in and a Trooper showed up . I left . At least it wasn't another boring day !
  11. After having a small chest freezer crap out a few years ago , I put a remote thermometer in the new freezer . I have the receiver by the computer . It is 8.1 degrees .
  12. Isn't it kinda early for bucks to be chasing doe ? Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  13. A buck just ran a doe off . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  14. Just saw q doe and a fawn west of me . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  15. Around 345 I was talking to my youngest son and a 4 engine bomber flew directly over me . The War Plane Museum is down by the river . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  16. I hope the deer start moving soon. I am sooooo bored from not seeing anything I amin a different stand in the lane way. I went past 3 scrapes on the way . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  17. Haven't seen any thing since 718 this am Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  18. Spotted 2 doe and a fawn at 718. They milled around in the bean field for a few minutes and moved on . Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  19. Growie - are you the one who has Xena on a License Plate ?
  20. I have never tried using the Peroxide but have heard that it works quite well .
  21. I have a Samsung S-5 phone . I don't use Tapatalk that much but have never encountered a problem using it .
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