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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. According to the letter sent with the Report Log , there were only 3805 participants in 2017 that sent in a report . Suffolx & Westchester ------------ 127 Northern Zone ---------------------- 247 Southern Zone --------------------- 3431
  2. I found a little info on the rifle when I GOOGLED it . Would like to know how to disassemble it . It has a thumb safety similar to a Mossberg but won't budge . I wouldn't want to buy it , go through a FFL person and then have to pay a gunsmith to repair it .
  3. Does anyone own a Parker-Ballard 22 semi auto 22 with a 5 shot magazine ? I have an opportunity but need some information on it .
  4. I did some work in the woods at my SILs property yesterday . Tried to put up a Monster hang on stand and couldn't get the job done . I was whipped and at one point walking back to where I was parked , my FitBit registered 114 heart beat . When I hunt that woods , I am going to take the ATV . I didn't get to be 76 by being too stupid .
  5. Permission slip was brought up in another thread .... Here is an example LANDOWNER PERMISSION RECORD LANDOWNER COPY Permission given to_________________________________ Address__________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Vehicle Make__________________ Yr.______Color_______ Vehicle Lic. No._______________________No. in party____ Other Licence tag. no._______________________________ Permission Dates: from ____ / ____ / ____ to____ / ___ /___ Limitations________________________________________ I agree to conduct myself safely, responsibly and lawfully, respecting the landowner, property, and others using it. I accept the responsibilities which are part of the activities which I pursue. I agree to comply with the instructions of the landowner while on this property. I understand that the laws of New York State absolve the landowner from liability for non-paying recreationists engaged in hunting, fishing, trapping, boating, hiking, and in certain other activities, except in the case of willful or malicious failure to guard or warn of hazards. Signed___________________________________________ (Visitor) Date ____/____/____ Turn in poachers and polluters Call I -800 TIPP-DEC Card provided by New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ VISITOR COPY~ NOT TRANSFERABLE I request permission to enter your property for the following purpose.__________________________________________ Dates: from ____ / ____ / ____ to____ / ____ / ____ Limitations_________________________________________ Landowner’s Name__________________________________ Address___________________________________________ I hereby give permission to: (Visitor’s name) __________________________________________________ to enter my property for the purpose listed on this card. He/she has agreed to act safely, responsibly, and lawfully and to accept responsibility for his/her actions. Signed____________________________________________ (landowner, lessee, or operator) Date___/____/___ Turn in poachers and polluters Call I -800 TIPP-DEC Outdoor Recreation on private property is a privilege, NOT A RIGHT.
  6. This should cover it ............. Discharge of Firearms, Crossbows and Bows For information on where various legal implements may be used in the state, see Rifle, Shotgun, Crossbow and Bow Areas. It is illegal to discharge a firearm, bow or crossbow: so that the load or arrow passes over any part of a public highway, within 500 feet (for a firearm), 250 feet (for a crossbow) or 150 feet (for a bow) of any school, playground, or an occupied factory or church, within 500 feet (for a firearm), 250 feet (for a crossbow) or 150 feet (for a bow) of a dwelling, farm building or structure in occupation or use unless you own it, lease it, are an immediate member of the family, an employee, or "have the owner's consent." You may hunt waterfowl with a firearm or bow, over water, within 500 feet of a dwelling or public structure as long as neither are within 500 feet (for a firearm) or 150 feet (for a bow) in the direction you are shooting. You may not hunt waterfowl with a crossbow.
  7. I use the Non Ethanol from Fastrac . It costs 40 cents more a gallon but it's worth it .
  8. I don't wear gloves while bow hunting . Come to think of it , I don't wear them while gun hunting either . I have a nice pair of Scent Lock gloves somewhere in the house that I havn't used in years . No idea where they are .
  9. It's right at the top of this forum . How did you miss it ? j/k ..... I found it in General Hunting and moved it to this forum .
  10. When I had a hub blind on top of my 6 foot high platform , I put . a funnel in a hose and had the hose run to the ground . Didn't have to leave the blind and didn't use a bottle . If I hunt from a ground blind I use a pee bottle . Not about to get out of the blind nor pee inside .
  11. Nice job . Looks delicious !
  12. nice pics . That yote looks like he means business .
  13. Sounds like a good idea to try ...... Thanks
  14. I pee from the ladder stand . I also had a button buck sniff at the bottom of the ladder stand where I had peed . He never looked up and after a few minutes wandered off . I recall reading an article on Ted Nugent where he stated that the first thing he does when he gets in his stand is to take a whiz to bring the deer in ............
  15. Great body size on that 9 point .
  16. I have 2 different head lamps that have white and red depending on what I want to use . I also have a cap with a white or green light . I prefer "not" to use any light . I can find all but 3 stands in the dark and I want to be able to find them without using a light . I am going to give my idea a try this season .
  17. When I had my Chevy S-10 PU , I would be 200 - 300 yards away and see deer near it . I think they just associate trucks with farm equipment that they see pretty much on a daily basis . .
  18. Make sure you have re-habed enough that you don't make things worse . You could screw up your shoulder by just climbing into a ladder stand . Hope everything works out for you !
  19. Thank you all . Had a couple of birthday parties Sunday and Labor Day . My wife gave me a FITBIT Charge 2 for my birthday . I think she is trying to tell me something .
  20. I don't like to use a light when going to my treestands in the dark . I usually try to be in a stand about an hour before sunrise so I can just relax and get my heart rate down to normal . I have at least 3 stands that are hard to find in the dark . I have been considering putting one of those Dollar Store Solar Lights in those stands . Has anyone ever done this ? Several years ago I bought a couple of locator lights designed to assist finding a stand in the dark . It consists of a Red Light that gets lit when you press a button on a remote . It only stays lit as long as you hold the button down . They were a waste of money and I tossed them out . I was bored and the Red Sox lost so I thought I would throw this idea at you .
  21. Nice video . I always thought it would be neat to shoot a deer while on horseback .
  22. Moog ---- Did the deer try to lay down on that sissy liner you have in the truck ?
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