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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. welcome to Hunting NY .. Where are you located ?
  2. 2 Monday Night Football had record breaking viewership in 2015 and has now hit it’s lowest viewership numbers since its inception in 1970! The NFL is even having to refund advertisers because they are far below promised metrics! I have a feeling, the NFL is trying to find a way to stop the bleeding as I write! Colin Kaepernick, you killed football!! SilverBlackAndPride reports: The NFL is worried. The NFL Player’s Association executive director DeMaurice Smith told NBC’s ProFootballTalk that it’s a “huge concern” for his organization. When are these idiots that rely on the free market going to learn that in this country there is more than one way to vote? This far left PC crap loses them money every time! I will also keep pointing out that Kaepernick and Co. are not even really protesting. What they are doing is a lazy 3 minute antic. They don’t have the guts to go out and really stand somewhere holding a sign for countless hours. When they are done with the game they go on their merry way and do absolutely nothing for their cause. It is insanity and they should all be fired for costing their BOSSES money. Most of those participating in these lazy antics can barely hold their own on a field anyway. #JustSayin’
  3. Got up at 4 am . Checked the weather forecast and it looked like the rain would be gone by 6 am . Drove to Walworth and it was raining pretty good . Parked and there was just a light sprinkle so I put my hunting clothes on . The sprinkles got a little more intense so I sat in my car . The rain picked up and kept up so I left . At 6:45 my friend called and said the rain had let up . I didn't go back . I knew the moisture would be dripping from the trees for a while . I guess I will try Pittsford / Mendon this afternoon . Where the heck was this rain when we needed it this summer ? Oh , yeah , frogs were all over the place . They need to start putting up Frog Crossing signs !
  4. I have one of those and could never get it to hold my bow . It would always tip . Even put it on a 2x6 and it would tip over .
  5. Order a pizza with a Corn Topping and the deer will show up .
  6. Got this in the mail today
  7. I sometimes take some dehydrated apple slices but always try to remember to take a couple of granola bars . If one of my sons hunt with me I take a loaf of bread and sliced ham and leave it in the car for when we go back for a break .
  8. Have you gone for a long sit while bow hunting in your tree stand and forgotten to take your snack ? This is how I feel .
  9. I have also seen that before . Young deer having fun .
  10. I use the CCLEANER about once a month . Havn't had any issues , yet .
  11. A friend of mine got a special hunting permit
  12. Funny thing happened today . I got a Turkey Sighting Log . I havn't Turkey hunted in a long time but I guess I can keep track of them .
  13. I was at DICKs a while ago and a guy was buying arrows and a few other things for his son . He thought the boxed arrows were 36" and I laughed . They are 31" . He wasn't sure how long he needed them and said his son has a 30" draw length . The associate said to check things out as once they are cut , they are yours . The guy said his son needed them as he was hunting tomorrow . I got out of there before I said something I would regret . I checked out a few things and left . As I was walking toward my car , the guy who bought the arrows was heading back to the store . He said the arrows don't have the inserts in them . I said they are probably in an envelope at the bottom of the box and that they don't glue them in until the arrows are cut to length . I bit my tongue and left . Oh yeah , I have to quit wearing my Field and Stream shirt to DICKs . I had 3 people ask me for help .
  14. I havn't logged in in a long time . When you log in , is there a box to check that says "keep me logged in" ?
  15. The guy I work part time for doing Real Estate signs has a Toyota truck with 360,000 miles on it . He had the frame replaced last year as the frame is guaranteed for life . He had to invest about $800 for struts , etc but that Toyota is like a Timex !
  16. Welcome to Hunting NY !
  17. A wasted day . I was in my stand in Walworth by 6 am . Damn , it's dark in the woods at that time . Looking up at the sky , the stars were clear and beautiful . Sat there until 10 am and never saw a thing . This is where I had some good trail cam pics . Got something to eat , loaded up the ATV and headed for Geneseo . Sat in my stand in the woods from 3 until 6:30 . Sunset was at 6:43 . This was the stand where I hit a buck opening day . Nothing . Absolutely nothing . When I got out of the woods , I was surprised how light it was in the fields . I hadn't been getting pics of deer where I normally had and I expect that is due to the fact that the beans have turned color . ??????????
  18. If Trump wins , I believe he would surround himself with some knowledgeable people . He says a lot of stupid things but he isn't stupid .
  19. Several years ago a dead deer was left in my daughter's driveway . My Son in Law was just about ready to leave for work and had to take care of the deer . The Iriondequoit Police left it there and it was roadkill . My son in law's mother had put him on a list in case a deer was killed by a vehicle . No call . No notification . They just dropped it off .
  20. I went to bed early so I could get up at 4am and didn't see the debate . Thanks for the updates .
  21. Glad you are okay . The extra strap is a good idea . The straps deteriorate and may look good from the ground but may be bad and snap . You never know .
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