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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. I was at my youngest son's Saturday for dinner . He showed me 3 different stands that I could use on opening day . I picked the one in a pine tree . I can ride his ATV to the stand . Whether I get a shot or not , at least I will get out and get it out of my system . He offered to have me stay over and hunt 2 days . I think I will pass on that as after hunting morning and afternoon , I am pretty well whipped . Not young any more . As for postponing my knee replacement , I have already done that so I can make the trip to Ireland . My daily pain runs between a 7 - 8 most of the time .
  2. My Sniper 370 won't even get dusted off this season . I am having knee replacement October 6 so I expect to get out one or two times before that with my compound . Then , I probably won't get out again until gun season .
  3. Happy Birthday BigVal ! Have a Great Day ..........
  4. The car behind me every time I drive at night ...........
  5. Once one of those little suckers sting you , they leave a pheromone in you so the others can track you down and sting you some more . Nature can often be nasty .
  6. She can still run as an Independent or something else . Glad to see she got beat so bad .
  7. Happy Birthday lawdwaz . Have a great day !
  8. I had mice in my lawn mower and also my ATV . They chewed some wires in the ATV . I save the 18 oz. PB jars . I drilled several holes in a couple and put moth balls in each one . One goes under the hood of the mower . Another goes under the seat of the ATV near the battery and wires . So far , so good . I have caught mice , moles , shrews , chipmunks and even slugs in the traps . Sometimes nothing and the PB is gone . A few traps have come up missing so something has carried some off . Now I stake them so they don't go missing .
  9. Post up pics of your 2022 Bow hunting harvests here!Only pictures with the associated story will be allowed in this thread. If you want to congratulate someone, please do it by clicking on the "like this" button for the post. There will be no exceptions.Feel free to start a new thread if you wish to have comments in addition to posting the photo / story here.
  10. Back when I was in the Marine Corps , we shot rifles and the .45 with no hearing protection at the range . If you were lucky enough to have some cotton from an aspirin bottle , you were extremely lucky . Then , during my 1st 10 - 15 years at Xerox , I worked in or near the boom , boom room ( punch press area ) . Those 800 ton presses made a lot of noise and vibrated the floor . None of that did any good to my hearing .
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