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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Not to br repetitious but I havn't had to adjust my sight in 43 years ...........Shot a doe with it opening day of gun season in 2008 . I took my Blaze Orange for the pic
  2. This is what the 10 year participant patch looks like for the Bowhunter's sighting Log
  3. The DEC sucks as far as communicating with the public . I received a letter in the mail a couple years ago that they were discontinuong one of the surveys they did in Region for lack of participants . They needed 75 - 100 and were only getting 60 people . Sixty ! I wrote back and told them that if they would give those 60 people an advance notice , then they could probably each get at least 5 (or more) of their acquaintances to participate . I never got a reply . I had sent it to Arthur Kirsch at the Avon office . He doesn't answer the phone either . Busy man ! : .... : .... :
  4. With the help of burmjohn , I was able to send an e-mail . As for answering the phone I would expect someone at the DEC to talk to concerned citizens . Even if it's to tell me to go to hell . I even requested an assistant or anyone who might be able to give me some informatio .
  5. My situation was where one of my HS classmates had at least 20 guys for breakfast and then we split into 2 groups (posters & drivers) . WE took turns alternating between the two . Out of 20 I knew about 5 but had never hunted with any of them and never did again .
  6. I cannot e-mail the DEC because it wants me to install a different Mail System ........
  7. This topic has been moved to Deer Hunting. [iurl]http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?topic=1525.0[/iurl]
  8. Other than a couple of 2 man drives , I havn't done any drives in over 30 years . We were doing some drives in woods in Groveland years ago . A buck doubled back and was running our way . I swung my shotgun up and over and as I saw the deer go by , I saw the hunter to my left swinging his shotgun horizontally across and my heart stopped . What if he had pulled the trigger when the buck was in line with me ! I never went on a deer drive since then except doing 2 man drives with my son .
  9. I called the Avon office twice today and left a voice message and I also called the Albany office once and did the same . No one has returned my call . What is ironic is that I got a 10 year participant patch in the mail today . Do the DEC guys hang out at the Donut Shop like the cops ? They sure as hell don't stay in their office ........... >
  10. I usually enjoy the "B.C. Cartoon each day but today's cartoon pissed me off !
  11. Nice pics . Thanks for posting . Uhhhhhhh , what are the GPS coordinates ? ;D .. ;D .. ;D
  12. Have you ever smelled deer before seeing them . I swear that I have . A few times , while day dreaming in a stand , I have smelled something only to look and see a deer ( and I didn't have to lick my nose to make it happen ) .
  13. Rachet straps are inexpensive to replace ( less than $10 for 4 at Harbor Freight) .... Make sure you check them out good as they will deteriorate over time .
  14. I put a call into Art Kirsch at the Region 8 office in East Avon and left a message with his assistant to see if they were going to do a survey this season . Can you believe some years they havn't been able to get 75 - 100 participants to do the survey ! ??? It's a simple thing to do . The hardest part is trying to talk to someone other than a receptionist ! > Art Kirch ---------- 585-226-2466
  15. Do you have any friends / relatives that hunt deer ? See if one of them would take you with them for a learning experience . Even if your friend gets a deer , see if he will let you field dress it and explain each step to you as it is done .
  16. Having an opinion is one thing . Coming on a site and calling people IGNORANT with 2 posts is something else . I set my own standard as to not shoot spikes and 4 points but I am not going to belittle the person who does . With no AR , that's perfectly legal . It doesn't help QDM but ....... it's legal . "YOU CAN"T EAT HORNS" .......... :
  17. Amazon .com ------ not sure about shipping charges http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Ever+Calm+Deer+Herd+in+a+Stick+Cover+Scent+2.5+oz+2010&x=15&y=18
  18. I had done the Bowhunter sightings Log for several years and then they quit doing it . They said they stopped due to lack of participation . I got the survey last year in the mail and completed it . None this year . I think the guys at the DEC are Dumb asses ! I tried to do an e-mail but it required me to add a new e-mail host which I won't do . I now use Windows Live . I had this sent to me ..........
  19. It will be on Versus Channel Friday at 10 am .........
  20. Wow ! Coming on a little strong for a newbie .......... ??? ... ???
  21. Those Multi-flora roses have some real nasy thorns . I got tore up bad a couple weeks ago checking a neighbor's property . He used to have some moto-cross trails but let them grow over . It would take something big to cut that crap down now !
  22. I have never seen or heard of it before . Sounds a bit pricey !
  23. I think it will be shown again at 10 am on October 1st (this Friday)
  24. I never leave any seat pads with the stands (except for one stand) . A couple times I have forgotten to take a pad along and that spoils a hunt . I always hated the old chain-on stands with the "canvas" seats as they would rot away .
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