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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. I don't hunt the State land and I stash the chairs away so they pretty much are out of sight . Havn't had any break as I stack a second one on top of another which strengthens the legs . They were left behind when people moved because they took up space . As for buckets , etc , I have seen them in the woods and also on land where they shouldn't have been because it's posted .
  2. That's up on Groveland Hill ( God's Country ) . I havn't seen any big brusers there and the deer seem to pass through this area kinda periodic / not every day . Father Langworthy was Pastor of the Catholic Church and he came to our church in Ontario years ago . Groveland Station ? Did they kick you out of Piffard ?
  3. Sometimes when people sell thier home and move , they will toss out their cheap plastic deck chairs . I have picked some up and put them in a couple of hunting spots . They are stackable and I double them up to give them strength as they are a bit flimsey , especially on uneven ground . Plus , the price is right !
  4. With today's bows a couple yards shouldn't make a difference . I think the problem is that folks forget to bend at the waste and drop their bow arm . This will certainly cause a miss .
  5. There is a high grass field on the camera side where I took the picture from . I had a button buck go past the stand last year at about 10 yards . He stepped right into the field without stopping to check and damn near jumped out of his hide when he was 5 tards from my doe decoy . It was funny .
  6. There was an article in Yesterday's Rochester D&C ----- Active Animals Increase Risk of Car Accidents . Monroe County 2005 - 1109 2006 - 1046 2007 - 1075 2008 - 1191 2009 - 1259 It gave a breakdown of each town in Monroe county . With 1259 reported accidents last year in Monroe County , it makes me wonder how many there were state wide .
  7. Yeah , everyone needs a beer around 8 am on a Sunday morning ! ')'>http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/picker.gif[/img]
  8. Uhhhhhhhh , I wouldn't shoot him and just keep picking up the sheds each year . Yeah , right ! : ... : ... : Great looking rack !
  9. Mostly doe and fawns along 104 , 590 and 390 .........
  10. I imagine you also don't carry any TP with you and still use the old corn cob method when nature calls . Welcome to the 21st Century . :
  11. It's low brush looking South like in the bottom pic . From the stand going North is taller and thick .
  12. I have 8 ladder stands on a total of 5 properties . I have 3 new ones in my shed . You can never have enough ! The 15' stands are inexpensive and even an old guy like myself can put them up alone .
  13. I have arthritis in my hands and grabbing the anal cord to tie off is difficult . No problem with the Butt Out Tool . I could care less how the cave men did it .........')'>http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/newrollinglaugh.gif[/img]...')'>http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/newrollinglaugh.gif[/img]...')'>http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/newrollinglaugh.gif[/img]
  14. Muchas gracias , senor .............
  15. Posted the pics just to show how the stands blend into the cover . That stand is very well concealed !
  16. Yes , that field is overgrown and it thick with brush . The deer have many trails through it . A guy comes through for the Genesee Valley Hunt Club and makes trails for the Fox HUnts .
  17. Shot a deer at 18 yards from this stand last year
  18. Went to Geneseo this am and checked out 6 stands . Pics of this years stand . Cut down some high grass and did some trimming .
  19. Doc's Deer Breeding Farm .......... now that's rich ! :
  20. thats crazy... people are always trying to make a buck. even when the deer was donated, thats silly. That struck me as funny when I read the "people are always trying to make a buck" part ! ???
  21. Soooooooo , when you guys pee in your bottles , do you do it standing up or sitting down ? http://www.downsouthhuntingforums.com/images/smiles/crazynew2.gif[/img]
  22. I go with the Muzzle Loader because it's fun to shoot !
  23. It's worth the $10 and it is easy to use .......... http://s271.photobucket.com/albums/jj146/parker-bows/?action=view&current=ButtOutTool.flv
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