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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by airedale

  1. Well I think if there is full inclusion for crossbows that it is only fair that those hunters who demand to use such weapons have to follow the same route traditional bowhunters had to follow and earn your full inclusion stripes by having the several decades the incremental changes and improvements our bows went through instead of going to the head of the class right off the get go with one of these. We started out with long bows and recurves that had to have a minimum weight of pull, we shot cedar arrows, our bows had to be able to shoot an arrow a certain distance, also no mechanical release, finger tabs or glove only. Something along these lines should be good for starters the first few seasons, BWHAHAHAHHA! Al
  2. Came out really nice, well figured classic stock with the beaded cheek piece and it sounds like she is a shooter to boot, it don't get any better for me. Are you going to have the stock checkered? Al
  3. Here you go I recently put a different scope on my Remington 541S and sighted it it in using 4 different types of ammunition, the target spots are about the size of a quarter, 5 shot groups at 50 yards.
  4. The green terminology was my own which I use for all non lead ammunition. The ammo tested is the very latest CCI copper 22 LR ammunition that your friend seems to be satisfied with. The test posted above was just done a couple of weeks ago. I will add the test above is just one of many that have taken place with this ammo by other rimfire shooters all of which have come to the same conclusion that it is garbage compared to lead and especially so if used for hunting. Al
  5. The ammo tested above is the new CCI green non lead just fired a couple of weeks ago. When it comes to the 22 LR a copper or copper composite bullet will never be satisfactory for hunting or targets. It is all about the laws of simple ballistics and bullet coefficient, a bullet's weight relative to it's diameter and length. The easiest analogy would to be to take two baseballs, one a regular major league and a whiffle type baseball. Babe Ruth could hit and connect on both with the same power, the real baseball will easily fly out of the park but not so with the whiffle ball which would be lucky to make it much farther than the infield. Even though the balls are exactly the same size dimension wise it is the weight in relation to size that makes the big difference. Even when made from lead the 22 LR's bullet coefficient in on the very low end of the scale, made from something light like copper is hopeless. The 22 LR's only hope for success as non lead would be a bismuth type with a copper jacket that would give it the weight needed to boost it's ballistic coefficient. The problem is the cost which would be expensive, the copper bullets as bad as they perform go for over $10 and that is for only 50. Al
  6. We all know the old saying "THE GOOD OLD DAYS", when it comes to the choices in firearms and caliber selections available today these are by far the good old days. The same goes for ammo selection and reloading components, the selection that is available of all this stuff is mind boggling compared to what it was when I was a young guy and to know everything about it all would be major. My knowledge is mostly on the old standbys that I grew up with and have been around forever. A lot of the new stuff that has come out recently especially the cascade of newer magnums both short and long and ultra I have zero experience with. Same with some of the newer powders and bullets available today. To answer the OP's question, these days it would be one heck of a feat to have actually fired every caliber/round ever made and if there was anyone that has accomplished such a feat they would be few and far between I expect. There are probably a few old time firearms writers still applying their trade for the gun rags that may have had the opportunity to touch off large percentage of what was ever produced produced. The good thing today is with a click of your computer's mouse just about any info about any cartridge or firearm one would want to know can be brought up instantly with an internet search. Like I posted above I am about to get serious loading ammo for my Dad's old Winchester Model 88 284, I did a search and came up with a wonderful in depth 24 page loading extravaganza for that cartridge that I downloaded and printed out which will put me on the fast track and save me a lot of time. Times have never been better, enjoy. Al
  7. Well your friend's evaluation does not have much credence with me, I am pretty knowledgeable when it comes to firearms and when it comes to rimfires that is my wheelhouse. What your friend considers accurate does not jive at all, below is a very good honest evaluation that was just done with the same ammo. One of many that all have pretty much the same results. And yes the California ban is only for hunting, I guess that makes the folks out there that hunt with probably the most popular round on the planet feel good! Please do not try to bullshit me! Al ===================================== I, and two other shooting buddies, tried the ammo out at my 110M range.One of the guys got 1,000 rounds from somewhere and shared it with us.We are all accomplished shooters ie: 4 decades @ in competition.We each fired 50 rounds in 10 5 round groups at 50 for record and then screwed around shooting at some of my IHMSA regulation PISTOL .22 swingers at ranges they are set up for those matches.Rifles were CZ 452 trainer, Win 52, Kimber 82G and a Marlin 60. All of em scoped, shot from a bench, sand bags front and rear. Conditions were virtually zero wind, targets and bench in the shade, 75-81F, humidity 79%, zero mirage, 0700-1000 hrs on a Saturday morning.The absolute best results at 50 yards from a bench etc. was 5 rounds in 1.5". Most were a tad over 3" and some of the groups looked like bad shotgun patterns instead of groups.At 75+ yards we could not hit 5" swingers but maybe 1 out of 10 shots. When we did hit one it hardly removed the paint from it.Not surprising as with the standard 1:16 twist most .22's won't do squat with light bullets.One guy had a 1:24 twist rifle set up for CB's and he tried that but could not get on paper at 50, did not want to screw with the scope settings, so he bagged that as just wasting ammo.Things we noticed:1. When "they" say "superb" accuracy they don't say at what range.2. The rounds shed over half their velocity by 100 yards.3. Could not find any Ballistic Coefficient for them but working backwards based on the drop tables and speed, chronographed at 100, it came out around .03. Most .22 lr rounds.....not all!.... have BC's around .138.4. Based on the above the energy at 50 then 75 then 100 is approximately 63 Foot Lbs, 47 and 40 respectively. That compares to 90, 86 and 83 for a 40 gr CCI SV.5. Nobody hunted with them yet but one guy shot a dead Armadillo with it at around 10 yards and the round did not penetrate it's "shell".We gave him back all the unused rounds.
  8. When I become interested in something I put a lot of effort into knowing everything there is about that particular subject. Have not shot every caliber ever made but I am not through yet and am still working at it LOL. Got into shooting and hunting at an early age and fell in love with both, subscribed to most of the relevant shooting-hunting magazines and purchased a pretty fair number of books. Also worked in a large sporting goods store that sold firearms in big numbers where knowledge about that sort of stuff was paramount. I still maintain a keen interest in firearms and shooting that continues to this day. Yesterday I finally found a source for new 284 Winchester brass that will not break the bank, up till now it has been almost impossible to come by. My Dad's old Winchester model 88 will be coming to life shortly and the odyssey continues. Al
  9. One of the very best all around hunting books I have ever read is one called "The New Hunter's Encyclopedia" by Stackpole Books that I purchased many years ago from the "Outdoor Life book club" The book is a big one with over 1100 pages that covers just about everything hunting. The info may be old as my book was published in 1966 but it is still great reading and pertinent even today. I sure they still can be found used with an internet search, or on Amazon or ebay. Al
  10. The various lever action rifles are one of the all time great firearms designs that have stood the test of time and proven game getters of any species. I am personally a fan and have several different makers and calibers, I enjoy them all. Even if one is not a hunter there is the mystique of the old Westerns, who ain't watched "The Duke John Wayne" and "The Rifleman" in action? Gotta Love Them Levers! Al
  11. The Ticks and Fleas both have been horrible this year, I have never seen anything like it ever. The permethrin solution as mentioned above works as good as anything and is cost effective when you are treating several dogs. Most good farm supply stores carry the 10% solution, below is the mix ratio so it can be applied on dogs. To Kill Fleas & Ticks on Dogs - Dilute 1 part concentrate to 99 parts water (1.28 ounces per gallon) (0.05%). Using protective gloves (mitts), wet the animal by dipping or spraying. Reapply every 30 days, if necessary. I also got some of this clothes spray by Sawyer for myself. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001ANQVYU/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Al
  12. When I was a young feller me and my hunting buddies did a lot of jump shooting on ponds and old oxbows. One day a friend and myself were out after the ducks and snuck up on a pond and peered over the bank and spotted a flock of Teal on the water. We make a plan where I would go to the end of the pond and hide in the trees, my buddy was going to rush the ducks and take a crack at them with the rest coming my way where I would hopefully get some action. The plan worked to perfection, when I was in position he rushed the ducks and started blazing away, it was not long before the rest came zooming over my hiding spot. I picked one out and made a good shot, that Teal went careening end over end tumbling to the ground. I went over and picked it up and stuffed in my game bag and went back to meet up with my friend to see how he had done. I got up to the truck and he had two nice Teal laying on the ground, he asked how I made out and I told him the flock zoomed through so fast I could only take one. I reached into my game bag and took it out and tossed it on his pile but it never hit the ground. It just took flight and flew into the sunset. Standing there dumbfounded with my jaw hitting the ground and my partner was laughing so hard he pissed his pants. Al
  13. Nothing new, can not be used in target guns, twice as expensive, inaccurate! Good luck to the 22 shooters in California where they have to use this junk! A few reviews on it below along with a Winchester entry. Al =============================================================== OK so I shot the CCI 21 gr bullets out of a single shot Winchester rifle with open sights. I could consistently hit a four inch target out to about 35 to 40 yards I did not hit any 4 inch targets at fifty yards ======================================================================= I shoot a Ruger 10/22 with a 28" match grade .920 SS barrel. We all know how hard it is to find 22 ammo. I saw these were in stock at Midway USA and bought 5 boxes of them. Went to the range and started shooting my regular SW match grade ammo. At 50 yards I shot 10 rounds that measured one hole of 3/8". Then I loaded 3 magazines of this. On a 24" square target at 50 yards I can not keep them in a 18" circle, they were all over the place. Winchester has always been a very good brand, but not these. I would not have these again if they were given to me. Save your money. ================================================================ Use these for target practice and plinking. Had quite a few FTE, and FTF out of my Ruger Mark III and my SW 15-22. Both usually eat anything. Will not be buying anymore. ================================================================ I tried this ammunition in a semi auto 22 blow back pistol. I tried mixing it with other 22 rounds as well as alone to test how it functioned. This is the only 22 LR that has failed to function in this pistol. It failed to eject about half the time. I will not buy this product again. ======================================================================
  14. Speaking of catalogs one of my all time favorites was the old "Herters", entertaining as well as informative I spent many a day drooling over the stuff for sale in them. Al
  15. I have just recently got my feet wet with the Thompson Center Encore, I purchased a Predator which is completely camo finished in 223 cal in the spring and recently picked up a 22-250 barrel in stainless which is pictured on the receiver below. So far I really like the rifle and both barrels have been shooting 3 shot groups at around the inch mark with some handloads I quickly put up. Shooting pretty well with minimal load development so I am pretty sure I can get this rifle tuned in better after a winter project of installing a Bellm tune up kit which creates a better lock time, better lockup at the hinge and locking bolts and also a better trigger pull which is the biggest shortcoming for me. Might be a real tack driver when it is done. All and all a very nice rifle with great build quality and pretty good accuracy. Al
  16. 50 years of breeding, training, and hunting with Airedale terriers. Al
  17. My old Bear Super Kodiak recurve, sent off to Cabelas to purchase it back in the late sixties when they were still just mail order. Started out shooting Port Orford cedar arrows then fiberglass and on to Easton aluminum. Don't really bowhunt much any more, got rid of all the compounds but I still enjoy shooting the old Bear recurve at my target setup in the back yard. Actually got to meet Fred Bear at a Shot Show back in the late seventies. Al
  18. Top 10 reasons men prefer guns over women10. You can trade an old 44 for a new 22.9. You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you're on the road. 8. If you admire a friend's gun and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out a few times.7. Your primary gun doesn't mind if you keep another gun for a backup.6. Your gun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo.5. A gun doesn't take up a lot of closet space.4. Guns function normally every day of the month.3. A gun doesn't ask, "Do these new grips make my butt look fat?"2. A gun doesn't mind if you go to sleep after you use it.And the number one reason a gun is favored over a woman...YOU CAN BUY A SILENCER FOR A GUN.
  19. As Clint Eastwood said "A man has to know his limitations", you have to be honest with yourself about what you are capable of and use those capabilities accordingly. There are many skills that have to be acquired for hunting, some learn and can use them very well and others not so much. When I was a young man I would hunt in any weather, rain , snow, cold, windy it did not matter because I loved hunting so much, I would dress for the conditions and hit the timber at every opportunity I had when off from work. I knew what I could and could not do when it came time to take the shot. If someone wants to say I was unethical I could care less. Al
  20. Congratulations a classic for sure! Back when I worked in a sporting goods store we sold quite a few of those Dan Wesson combos and the reports from the customers who purchased them was always glowing. One of the most accurate revolvers ever made in my opinion. Al
  21. You are right I have not ever heard of that beer., if it is "Woolrich" it has to be good!
  22. Happy Days are here again, like brand new on ebay Woolrich American made classic "PA Tux" Jacket $69.00, came today in the mail. Al
  23. The best route to take if you really get serious about 223 to 222 is to get a set of dedicated case forming dies, they do a better job of sizing-forming without so many rejects. https://www.midwayusa.com/product/667933/rcbs-case-forming-2-die-set-222-remington-from-223-remington
  24. Squirrel season is long and over the season's many months the hunting conditions change and change a lot. In September all the leaves are on the trees and distances for the most part are short and clean clear shots are few, like Pygmy I will be using a shotgun early while the leaves are on. As fall progresses and the leaves start coming down I switch to rimfire rifles and use mostly standard velocity 22 LR ammo. When all the leaves are off and there is snow on the ground the open woods will then offer some pretty longs shots, I switch to high velocity 22 LR ammo and will sometimes use the 17 HMR or 22 Mag. This Remington 541S 22 LR is my favorite late season Squirrel rifle, me and this old girl have killed a lot of them.
  25. It is a balancing act between using too much or too little lube, too much severe dents and creases and not enough a possible stuck case. From what I am seeing in your pictures there is too much lube, it gets squeezed down as the case gets sized and has no place to go causing dents. I once formed a bunch of 25-06 cases out of 270 and 30-06 cases and would get an occasional shoulder dent, I loaded and fired them with no problem. Any cases that get too bungled up I would toss. Al
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