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Everything posted by airedale

  1. There is nothing wrong with the big megablasters if you can handle them even though in almost all hunting situations they are really not needed as the above article articulates pretty well. I am guilty of owning a few big bores and I had good success on game with them and just firing them making the ground shake and rattling your brain is a thrill. I owned a Ruger 77 458 Winchester Mag and while I never shot one head of game with it the sheer rush of of touching her off was a panic for me and some of my hunting buddies. I once shot an old bowling ball with it , the results were similar to a clay target getting smoked at the skeet range. I also owned a Sako 338 Winchester Mag that I did take several game animals along with a Marlin 1895 45-70 which also has taken it's fair share of Deer. But truthfully all the stuff taken with the big bores i have used would have been taken just as well with my 280 Remington. I still have a yen to own a 50 BMG to play around with, I bet it would be a panic. Al
  2. Good read, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about sums this piece up. The formula is pretty straight forward, it comes down to confidence in a rifle firing a cartridge with reasonable power along with shooting ability in the field for precise shot placement of a well constructed bullet and it is game over. Al
  3. Clicked on the link and saw the published ballistics Cartridge: 270 WSM Bullet Weight: 150 Grs. Muzzle Velocity: 3120 Ballistic Co-efficient: 0.496 ======================================== That is one powerhouse load that will rival the 7 MM Remington Mag factory stuff. I load my 280 Remington with 150 gr Noslers both the old solid base which is todays ballistic tip without the plastic tip and the partitions to a little over 3000 fps in my rifle and have had very good results from Deer to Moose, If they shoot well out of your rifle you are all set for just about anything. Al
  4. If that is what you and the main stream media and republican elites would like Trump supporters to believe you are dead wrong. Dredging up his playing grab ass with women 10 years ago has done zero to wane my support for him, My concern is about over seas job loss, this nation's security, immigration and getting some law and order back in this country, the second ammendment and especially supreme court justice nominations!, not some bullshit about some meaningless racey language spoke ten years ago which does not effect the things important to my life in the least Al
  5. The people that pretend to be simon pure "goody two shoes" crack me up! I am no saint nor do I pretend to be one, a little old for that kind of stuff these days but what Trump said is akin to common locker room talk I heard when I was a young fellow and a bunch of guys were together talking about women and I heard a lot worse, don't bother me a bit! Trump is a well known womanizer and playboy why the hell would anyone be surprised at this stage of the game. What about old Bill, Lewinsky, her stained dress and his cigars, that did not bother me either, actually thought it was funny. the blatant lying about it is what got him. At least Trump owned up. Al
  6. It is not about being afraid it is about being prepared for who knows what. Most wild animals avoid humans and run when they encounter them. If you want to combat the rare aggressive animal that attacks with a knife like Tarzan good for you. Me, I would be more worried about an animal with rabies and I do not want to even get nipped. You can call me chicken shit all you want but when I am in the woods I am packing. Al
  7. Some years back I was out Coon hunting with a friend of mine, we had just left the truck and I had an English Coonhound name Eli on leash as we made our way toward a cornfield. About 50 yards from the corn field Eli stood up on his hind legs and let out a strike bark. We shined our spotlight at the corn field to see if we could pick out anything and my hunting partner spotted eyes way across the corn high up in a tree on the other side of the field a good 200 yards away. There was a light breeze blowing directly from the cornfield toward us and I told my friend I will bet Eli is winding that laid up Coon. One way to find out, I cut him loose and he tore across the corn field full steam ahead. About five minutes later he let out a locate bark and fell treed right on that tree with the Coon's eyes looking right at us. We went over and plunked out a 20 pound coon. Al
  8. Appears to be either a problem with the server that hosts this site or a bug in the software that the site operates on. Probably needs to be reported then diagnosed and fixed by techs at the source. Al
  9. Those are some of the best eating mushrooms there are, they grow in clusters on old hardwood stumps and roots just under the ground especially oak. I can't remember the exact name but they are delicious and I ate some just today. This is the time of year they come out just after a good rain. In a couple of days those clusters of little buttons will be just like the big ones. The big ones are ready to be picked right now, if you let them get too big the stems will get woody, use a knife to cut them off just above the ground to keep them dirt free. Al
  10. If one has good vision there is nothing wrong with good quality open sights especially at shorter ranges. I have always prefered the so call peep type rear over a V-notch. As my eyes have aged I have difficulty getting a good reliable sight picture in fading-dim lighting conditions so I have pretty much gone to scope sights on most of my rifles. Scopes will also offer somewhat more precise aiming through thick cover as you can see and pick out clear openings to shoot through. If your shots are for the most part under 100 yards not much power is needed, personally I like 2.5X or 3X scopes because of their large field of view. I still do use open sights on all of my black powder rifles. Al
  11. Amazon has the Bushnell Legend 10X42 roof prism binoculars as a deal of the day, under $155, these sell discounted for around $220 I have three different pair of Legends and can highly recommend them, the 10x42 HDs are top of the line and especially so at that price. About 13 hrs left. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002008RVC/ref=amb_link_489969122_1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=hero-quick-promo&pf_rd_r=KZJPD83ZC4XWNXPWGSH1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_p=2626733482&pf_rd_i=B001344WP6
  12. My new favorite store period is the new "Runnings", out of the upper mid west they set up shop in Rome a couple of years ago and I have been doing quite a bit of business with them. They seem to have it all, a cross section of Lowes, Bass Pro-Gander Mountain, and Tractor Supply for one stop shopping, in the Rome store the inventory is huge. Al
  13. Have owned several Remington firearms through the years and can say I never owned a reject, all were satisfactory in my experience as over the counter factory guns. Some went down the road in trade deals and some I still have today. I am not a big fan of Remington's new firearm models either in looks or in their designs, I have looked them over at the gun shows and just do not care for them. I purchased a new 870 12 ga a few years ago so I would have a gun that I could use steel shot in and it functions fine and patterns well, not impressed with the new key safety. Remington in my opinion has a bad habit of discontinuing some of their finest models and bringing out replacements not nowhere as good. The whole bolt 22 rimfire line both sporters and target models and the 788 bolt action are two that come to my mind quickly. The iconic landmark Nylon 66 22 autoloader should have never been discontinued. On the other hand I did see a couple of models like the 600 carbine bolt actions that were dropped that were replaced by the much improved model 7, so all is not bad. As for the bread and butter line models like the 1100, the 700, 750, 7600 and 552-572 they still look pretty good to me and I would not hesitate to buy one myself if I was in the market. Al
  14. I like and have used natural corral type ground blinds just made from limbs and branches a lot, and they were very similar to your photos. The sides had enough branches and limbs packed tight enough so I would not be seen looking through the walls. I would put them up well before season so the Deer in the area would have plenty of time to get used to them. I would have the sides high enough so sitting down I could peer over the top easily. Mine were quite large so I could duck down move around easily to different positions with the ground raked clean of anything noisy and with several places to sit and watch from covering all directions. I killed a lot of Deer from those ground blinds. From what you are describing I would say the Deer are catching your scent and getting spooked and that is all about the wind direction and it does not take much of a breeze. I do not believe that is anything you can do if the scent from the blind is blowing to the Deer's direction except having another blind in the same area that is in a different spot putting the wind in your favor which is something I would do if I could. Al
  15. Colt Python, 357 mag revolver Smith and Wesson Model 29, 44 mag revolver Ithaca Model 37, 20 ga Deerslayer Ithaca Model 51, 12 ga Deerslayer Winchester Super X Model 1 12 ga custom slug gun Marlin-Sako Model 322, 222 Remington Ruger Model 77, 220 Swift Ruger Number Model 1A, 243 Winchester Husqvarna custom bolt action, 280 Remington Marlin Model 1895, 45-70 Government Sako Finnbear, 338 Winchester mag Thompson Center 50 Cal Black Diamond Bear Super Kodiak recurve Bow Al
  16. The average Joe just can not comprehend the scenting ability that dogs have, you may not want to hear it or believe it but I can guarantee you that there is not anything you can do to prevent a dog from getting your scent especially if the dog is downwind. The test above is one of many I have read about covering human scent and trying to hide from a dog and all failed. After following Hounds my whole adult life I have seen some pretty amazing feats of scenting ability and am not surprised at all by those test results. A Deer's sense of smell is reputed to be up to 20% better than that of a dog so what does that tell you. Al
  17. I will be out but not with a bow, I pretty much gave up bow hunting many years ago, I spend the early fall small game-bird hunting with my dogs. Of all the types of hunting there is I enjoy that the most.by far. Al
  18. All permits you carry concealed for the most part, open carry is really only used for large handguns when hunting. Different counties have different rules and issue permits with certain restrictions which will be printed on the permit. Al
  19. Pygmy as a fellow school skipper myself I hunted Grouse much the same way when a young fellow, two or three of us would line up and walk slow through cover trying to flush anything holding up. Woodcock seem to favor a lot of the same habitat that Grouse are found in. Old over grown apple orchards were some of my favorite places to hunt those two birds. Limiting out on Grouse is a pretty fair accomplishment in my book, I have had some pretty good days but I have never limited out. Me and my hunting buddy have had the trap thrower out the past couple of weeks firing up the doubles getting some practice in anticipation for the upcoming bird seasons, I sure don't shoot like I did when I was a young buck, hopefully I will settle in. The good part is these days I have a dog to do the dirty work getting into the heavy cover and do the flushing. Al
  20. On their 50th anniversary, a wife found the negligee she wore on her wedding night and put it on. She went to her husband, a retired Marine Major, and asked, "Honey, do you remember this?" He looked up from his newspaper and said; "Yes dear, I do. You wore that same negligee the night we were married"She said, "Yes, that's right. Do you remember what you said to me that night?"He nodded and said "Yes dear, I said; Oh baby, I'm going to suck the life out of those boobs and screw your brains out." She giggled and said; "That's exactly what you said. So now it's fifty years later, and I'm in the same negligee. What do you have to say tonight?" The Major peered over his newspaper, looked her up and down and said; "Mission Accomplished."
  21. I am not surprised at all, there is no doubt the main stream media pundits and the Hollywood crowd are behind Clinton almost 100%. Their big problem is that average Americans who have to work for a living have a completely different outlook on the way this country should be run. Al
  22. A good business selling on line should immediately confirm that they received payment and give some kind of idea when they intend to ship. I have found that folks that are operating and selling small time out of their homes unfortunately do not operate like Amazon or even ebay when it comes to this kind of stuff. Many of them that have several items for sale will wait several days so when they do ship it will be just one trip to the post office or UPS. From what you say this guy's selling history is he has not screwed anyone yet in 31 transactions and since it was just Friday you have only had two business days that have passed I would not panic yet. So before jumping the gun saying you have been ripped off I would give this guy a few more days to see how things play out because it is hard to know exactly what is going on behind the scenes with this operation
  23. Use it up for Soup-Stew in a crockpot and slow cooked for a day will solve that problem. Al
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