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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by 2012_taco

  1. Duffs are great but I believe you can get good Buffalo wings at almost any pub in the WNY area. As long as you eat them there and have a good beer! Just not the same as take out, If you are in Niagara Co. try the bbq grilled wings at Sawyer Creek Hotel, you'll go back again!
  2. I hate to do this but the couch is at the curb.
  3. Let's not be too quick to bash another hunter for not recovering a wounded deer. We don't know that he didn't exhaust every effort within his means to find the deer. He tracked it for 1.3 miles? that in itself tells me he gave it a hell of a try. It's a shame he didn't find it and the meat was wasted, but at least now he knows the end of the story. I hate to loose the trail and not knowing for sure if the deer survived. We all have to live with our decisions. I can only hope the guy can sleep at night knowing he tried his absolute best to find that deer. As for finding the dead deer and keeping the rack, that is up to the guy who found it. Possession is 99% of the law, right?
  4. Any one need a used but not used up couch for camp? I hate to throw it out but if it's still here come garbage day out it goes. It is not a sleeper. PM me if interested.
  5. OOPs , my bad I thought the package was from the buck and doe shop, but now I see it's from the deer shop. they are even closer! i'm curious, i didn't know they did hot dogs. I'll have to give them a call.
  6. Turkeyfeathers, the buck and doe shop does venison dogs with cheese and jalapenos? do you know what they charge, I've always got them at Wilsons in Canaseraga or Bonds in Springville. It might be worth it to save the trip. I'm only 5-6 miles from transit and sheridan.
  7. Lawd, congrats on the deer, but where do I find the harvest thread?
  8. Sorry to hear about the ankle, I know they can hurt. You need to ice it a lot. Believe me it's the single best thing you can do. It will speed up the healing. Stay off it, keep it elevated. I'm sure that's what they told you at the ER and they are right. Did you get the deer??
  9. Oops computer glitch ? my computer threw me out I didn't think this posted?
  10. Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a great day! Don't let this wind spoil a good day in the woods. Good Luck.
  11. Happy Birthday! Hope you are spending it in the woods tracking a nice one! Good luck and have a great day. PS don't worry about the wind!
  12. awesome buck, congrats! you need to let the meat age so it beaks down some. Otherwise you'll be chewing for days!
  13. I assume that any find your phone app will require data being turned on. Because my plan with consumer cellular is limited I only use wifi for data. But i'll look into it.
  14. Never found the phone, I just got my new to me phone. I now have a moto x android phone. Totally new to me as my last phone was an Apple, but I have a droid tablet for work so the learning period should be quick. lol
  15. i tried the find my phone app but i didn't have it activated as i have limited data time and didn't want to run over. Now I wish i had it on.
  16. I was in a hurry leaving my hunting spot on Sunday night and i left my iPhone on the back of my truck. Well you guessed it I lost it. I went back to look for it and later used my wife's phone to call it to see if it would light up but no luck. Now i'm looking for a replacement. I had an Apple 4s and would like to get one like it. Anybody out there have one they would like to sell? I'm watching several on Eboy but I really don't want to spend too much. Any ideas? Thanks
  17. Lawd, glad your ok and no one got seriously hurt. Don.t want to say I told you so but.. you should have been out hunting not WORKING!!
  18. If you use the Lone Wolf straps do you still tie the top to the tree with the strap that Summit supplied with the climber? I assume the new Summits come with the same strap mine did (7-8 years ago). I use it to tie the top to the tree once set at preferred height and tie the top and bottom together while carrying the stand.
  19. Gman I heard the same thing about shooting an adult doe with a button buck in tow. The buck will stay in the same general area as that is all they have ever known. Don't know how true it is but it's worth a try! Besides having some meat in the freezer takes the pressure of, no need to shoot a young buck just to fill the freezer.
  20. I've been doing the log for 15+ years, I don't know how the DEC uses the info but I have been seeing less deer in my area over the last several years (9f) and I always see more in the southern tier areas I hunt but they still went to does only for 9F? I keep a copy of the record before I send it in, I was planning on starting a spread sheet for my own records including weather/moon etc.but I still just have a pile of paper.
  21. THANKS Green, I forgot about the wood pile!!
  22. where do I start? winterize the boat, clean all my hunting clothes and hang out, finish repairing the wife's scooter, 1 last camping trip, put up 1 more stand(as soon as I can decide where it's going), by then the leaves will be falling and I will have to clean the gutters and rake the lawn.(several times). I am not planning on going out until after the 15th so I have all kinds of time?
  23. I have a vest style harness I bought a couple of years ago and I don't like it. I would let it go for $20.00 plus shipping. I bought it from sportsman's guide. local pick up in WNY.
  24. nice pics! glad you had a great day.
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