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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Oh for Christ's sake come on. That is thin. Tell a guy in the Daks to go without an opportunity on a buck but you can take a doe if you just go in with a bow. into an area where you might only see a couple flags a year.
  2. It actually seems pretty easy to me to monitor it all but the manning of the check in s is the issue. The license system is computerized. check ins scan the tags in as they come in. when you get you new license you have to scan in the unused tags from previous year. If you don't have them scanned in either location then no new license.
  3. So then let's just ban ALL buck hunting for 2 years statewide for all seasons. And you missed my point totally about areas of the state that don't have options or very limited options for doe take.
  4. The guys I know that hunt up there have no desire at all for AR's.
  5. You don't need big acerage to get a big buck. You just need the right 5 acres.
  6. So what do the hunters do in areas where there are very few or no antlerless permits issued?
  7. Two totally different scenarios in my book. once a deer is wounded if all I had to shoot at was and ear and a hoof, I would try to get a bullet in each. A finishing aZZ shot no issue at all but I wouldn't start the whole process with one.
  8. http://tanglefree.com/product/neoprene-hand-muff For her hands. best $30 you can spend. drop in a handwarmer and you are sub zero with no gloves on.
  9. The main factor in helping any buck in reaching a "trophy" potential is Age. I would put habitat/food sources/ wintering and predatory stress and genetics after Age in that order. And the part I bolded and underlined is wrong, That is not the case for the vast majority of them.
  10. Another population of dwindling numbers.
  11. Have you tried a shower? Just kidding. Trying to lighten it up. I've been in ruts to where it seems nothing works. One of the areas I hunt is one of the states population issue areas from last year. we have a fist full of permits and can't seem to scrounge up a doe to save our lives in that area. lots of small bucks but no flat tops.
  12. I don't agree with this. I wear orange during gun. but there is no way anyone will convince me that a solid blog of orange (still seen by deer as a solid figure) is as effective as a camo pattern. I think the orange camo patterns are the way to go.
  13. All those bow hunters are just poachers and trespassers trying to get away with something?
  14. Anything I have that has iron sights is sighted in so the very top of the front sight is the impact point. That way the covering is less of an issue. Had an old timer clue me into that when I was very young (and my eyes were better, I depend on optics now on my hunting guns)
  15. The longest ML I think for me was the big 9 pointer I took in 2010. It was around 165 yards IIRC. I've taken several at around the 100 yard mark but most have been inside 75 yards.
  16. Why on earth? I would have no interest in posting any hardware that I have...If I had any.
  17. Sandy Creek is by Oswego (NZ at the east end of Lake Ontario). The one evolving the woman was about a half hour south of Rochester.
  18. I think the Sandy Creek was the only one in the NZ. The others are SZ I believe.
  19. they do the same thing to get tee times for golf at some places down there.
  20. I was thinking the same thing...lmao
  21. I've hunted areas where it is an hour to two hour walk in to get to where we were hunting. Your idea makes no sense and like the gun laws would do NOTHING to stop these stupidity events from happening. I don't want to use the word "accident" becasue unless the gun malfunctions....nah never mind. even then if you are following the gun safety rules even a gun malfunction would hurt no one. I'll stick with "stupidity events". How do you know these guys are in the woods before 4am? I have been in the woods during hunting season for 43 seasons. Been in my hunting spot about 1/2 hour to an hour before sunrise. Never been shot at, shot and haven't shot anyone. Guess i am just the lucky few. Where do you hunt?
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