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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Where did you grab them at that price, Al? (which Runnings?)
  2. There won't be any outrage, Doc, until they are dealt with and then it will the "the fault of the evil law enforcement"
  3. Protest all you want. It's part of our roots and everyone should feel that they can. The violence that has become the norm with this is unacceptable and should be dealt with harshly.
  4. That was loud and clear throughout the election. The voters that turned out for Trump heard that and it fueled them. The Liberal news comments, social media comments and comments from the candidate herself all were down this line. I know it is kind of an emotional response after being force fed for the last 8 years and hating it. I am sure it will wain and I will be more focused at the business at hand for the country, but right now I have a burning in my gut that keeps pushing towards, "We have control, crush them under our boots so they don't ever stand a chance to have power again"
  5. Gee. For the western Lib state it was about the same percentage as they voted for the Presidential candidates. Now there is a surprise.
  6. I don't agree with that Steve. The only assistance I am looking for is in keeping the hand of the government out of my wallet and life and leaving what I worked hard for in my possession. The far left counts on that hand to be firm, large and frequent in grasping what we work hard for.
  7. Like my father use to tell me growing up. "Don't throw the first punch but make sure you throw the last" oh and another one that is very appropriate given the population demographics of the country. "If you get someone bigger than you down, don't ever let them get back up"
  8. "Trump’s shocking victory, his ascension to the Presidency, is a sickening event in the history of the United States and liberal democracy. " Well they got that right.
  9. That really is the difference between the two sides. The definition of what an American's rights are, so there will never be agreement on that one.
  10. but we now have the POTUS, Senate and the House ( OH, and nearly forgot, a cellphone and a pen) to drive you sorry A$$e$ out
  11. I meant more because he had to put up with her last night. Can you imagine what a miserable witch she was...lol
  12. Can I take a minute to say what a classless douchebag Hillary was last night. Send Podesta out when it was clear what was going to happen to send her supporters home. She gets to the car and makes the concession call to Trump. Coward. On a side note the person I feel sorry for today is Bill....lmao
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