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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. He did too and he didn't make that call just in the last few days.
  2. It was priceless. I was flipping g between channels and watching CNN was unbelievable. They were in a tailspin and their heads were about to explode
  3. Will it be February or March when she is indicted. ?
  4. I just read a report that Canada is building s wall to keep out the ones that said they were going there if he won. Lol
  5. I dont care what articles you post a 2" group at 100 is not growing to 8" at 200
  6. I am not in any way diminishing the need for terminal ballistics. If anything I tend to overgun. I just get a tad uneasy when terms like MOD Minute of deer and hitting a paperplate is good enough get tossed around (not by you two). I just don't think accuracy and terminall ballistics are mutually exclusive.
  7. In your opinion. I am not even coming close to talking about a long range rig. I want to know that when I put my crosshairs on a target the bullet is going to hit that spot. with my 30-30 it is about 50-75 yards. I am suggesting knowing what the limit is for a rig. I know that when I take it into the woods. That was my still hunting gun and I knew what I had to do when carrying it. I was illustrating that I felt that in a still hunting gun the need for precision may actually be as or more important than an open woods or field gun. I have had the thread a needle on more than one occasion when the possibility to get closer or wait for a better shot was not there.
  8. I can't see how a secure boarder is pointless regardless of how it is paid for. You do realize portions are walled now right?
  9. I don't see it that way. Why shouldn't they pay for it? if they controlled their boarder we wouldn't have such a large problem. It would be very easy to do. impose a transaction fee on all financial transactions, wire transfers, money grams and such. There is a boat load of money that goes back every day. That would be a good place to start for funding.
  10. Looking like you need a trap on that game trail. Big box trap about deer sized.
  11. Let me ask you. I used to do quite a bit of still hunting but it doesn't seem to be a big part of how I hunt now. I would think that that a stalker or still hunter would want a tack driver out to about 50-75 yards. Stalk up on a bedded buck or having a bad angle or the odd placed saplings and having to thread a shot through to get to the desired location. It seems it might be more critical than an open field target with full vitals view. No?
  12. I'll tell her to have Hillary sign the college loan paperwork for the next two years...lol
  13. My point was that they know no difference. There is not a conscious knowledge of what happened or the results. Existence is only when in sight.
  14. I think some if it is conditioning. I guess I have taken so many deer through my career that is is kind of mechanical once the shot is taken, for the most part. When I was very young (8)and in the woods with my father he hit a a trotting doe across the chest and it took her front leg mobility out. she was pushing her chest across the snow and bleating the whole way. That ruined me for the rest of that season and I look back and the next year Dad passed on a few shots and I think now he wanted to make sure it was a perfect shot that I witnessed next. It was. I think we can have compassion, remorse and that little sick feeling without effecting us to badly. I do not believe they feel sad. There is no grief on their part. just like the puppy that I mentioned in the earlier post. at 8 weeks taken from everything it knew. it forgets, moves on and adapts.
  15. I got slapped in the face this week when my wife informed me that my daughter was thinking about voting for Hillary. I'm picking her up to vote this afternoon. Going to be some frank and tense conversation with a large dose of reality if she goes down that road. (not that it makes much difference in the Peoples Republic of New Yorkistan)
  16. I've had it happen. Had twin button bucks stand and watch me gut the doe I shot with the bow. It's bleating. it isn't crying. There are no tears associated. Ever pick up a puppy at 8 weeks and take it home from it's mother? Same "emotion". Not say anything bad about you or anyone that feels this way. Just trying to point out that it is imprinting human emotion onto an animal.
  17. Unless they are supporting Hillary, In that case flatten the tires in their car
  18. I respect your decision but It's the Walt Disney syndrome again.
  19. I have seen then buck kick with boiler room shots and liver/gut shots. In my experience, the shots I have witnessed kicked more with the latter.
  20. I always try to get clarification on the terms. Turkeyfeathers, it seems like that is a backstrap recipe? It looks wonderful. Iv'e never had a "tenderloin" make it long enough to do anything other than butter and garlic in a pan...lol
  21. I am very very cautious when it comes to hanging temps. above 45 at any point and I am cutting it up right away. If you want to age and don't have a big cooler or a fridge to hang quarters in, let me make this suggestion. cut it up right away. and leave you "steak" cuts in roast form. It can easily be dry aged and in a a much more controlled environment if you do it before you consume it. Place unwrapped and patted dry in a fridge on a wire rack and age until your hearts content. It isn't as convenient as aging prior to butchering but is just as effective (so I am told). I pretty much don't age.
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