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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. easiest way to approach it is to show the pics with the antlers blocked out. Then it is all body features. The first pic is a classic 1.5 year old.
  2. I know quit a few folks that have gone on the Montana Elk hunts that we have at our QDMA Banquet every year. This is not a frilly lodge hunt. It is horse ride in and spike camp. usually goes for between 3,500 and 4,000. air, tips and license on top of that. I'd bet it is around your number.
  3. have you reached out to any head hunters? it can help and you basically end up with more than one person stumping for you . 

    1. Cabin Fever

      Cabin Fever

      I've contacted recruiters on LinkedIn and even some temp agencies also have their own Professional type recruiters now (can't remember the exact title that he had). I went in to meet with one a few months ago. I also posted my resume on recruiters.com site. 

      Do you know of any others? 

      I'm at a complete loss as to what else can be done.? I've gone to the county work search services, but they're a joke! Might be OK for someone making minimum wage! 

      Hoping I can get into this new casino (5 min from home), but it won't be opening until February. Starting to post some jobs now and I've been applying to everything that I'm qualified to do. Been in contact with HR and a recruiter there too.

      I believe my unemployment runs out in ~5 weeks... BTW, unemployment max's out at $450/week. Can you imagine living on that?? NOT GOOD!!

  4. when I went to Northern Quebec it was the first week in December. 20 below for a high and a 30 hour drive up. The last day and a half was on slippery snow covered roads that were grooved from the grader blades they plowed with. like driving on a wash board. 4 wheel drive and had to carry extra gas to be able to make it to the next gas station.
  5. I have a ML barrel that the gun was originally purchased as. I have since added a 223 barrel, a 15" 308 pistol barrel and I just found and bought an heavy contour 308 from the era when they were still made in Rochester NH. no fluting and in pristine shape. Can't wait to try that out. everyone of these barrels are SUB MOA. Like with so many other "no accurate" stories I hear, so many people buy a gun and then cheap out on the mounts and glass. If any of you guys want to get rid of your inaccurate Encore barrels, drop me a PM. lol
  6. Actually anything in contact wit the casing can effect accuracy. A loose lock up can leave a gap that can change the accuracy of a round. really would be no different than a bolt face on a bolt action being back to far. I don't believe it is very common to have this issue on a new Encore. I have heard about it in guns that have had a lot of use with a lot of barrel changes.
  7. Well when my father an I leased our hunting land the timber company required that the "club" have a name. Culver Creek is near by so that is what we picked. Real name Bob
  8. I had one done 5 years ago. double felt trim and open mouth and it ran $900
  9. I had one running around me Saturday up north for ML opener. It was playing cat and mouse in a brush pile chasing red squirrels about 10 yards from me. Spent about a half hour trying and then it scurried away. I have seen them at this spot about every year over the last 10. Had one come up a log I was sitting by, a couple of years ago. Sat right up, showed his teeth and kind of gave this growl hiss. He was about 20 feet away and even when I stood up and spoke it just turned and walked away. Didn't even run.
  10. just opened it. workign fine for me. on the upper menu, open the layers and see what you have active.
  11. I had a red and black plaid Woolrich long coat as well. very warm, wish I still had them. But in a driving rain I bet the bibs and coat had to weight 150# when they finally soaked through...lol
  12. we always used the bib Malones.
  13. I can't believe no one has mentioned the old electric socks yet.
  14. I use 5 gallons of cider. (USE A 6 GALLON CARBOY OR SCALE DOWN FOR A 5 GALLON CARBOY. FOAMING OVER IS ONE HECK OF A STICKY MESS, TRUST I KNOW.) 5 pounds of white cane sugar 3 pounds of dark brown sugar. 10 ounces of raisins. EC-1118 yeast. I use two packets. crush and put Campden tablets into cider following directions. wait at least 48 hours to proceed. heat 2 gallons of cider to about 170 and dissolve all sugar. add to carboy with rest of cider. Add raisins. prep and pitch yeast per yeast instruction. Hit the proper temps for pitching the yeast. To hot =kill it, and to cold may stall or slow the fermentation. Ideally it is nice to know the original specific gravity of the solution so you can confirm if the fermentation is completed and not just stalled. In the absence of a hydrometer, you can taste it when it stops bubbling and if it is sweet it probably has a stalled fermentation. plug the carboy with a plug and bubbler and wait. champagne yeast can tolerate cool temps and a nice slow fermentation is preferred. happy yeast piss good product. Oh Did I mention that alcohol is yeast piss? LOL and all that bubbling is their flatulence. (Farts for Pygmy). Keeping it at about 60-65 degrees is perfect. could be looking at a two to three week ferment. Assuming it is done bubbling you will see a bunch of sediment in the carboy. good time to uncork and sneak a taste. the sweetness should be about gone. Siphon off the liquid into a sterile bucket (to put back in your original carboy once it is cleaned and sterilized) or another carboy and avoid disturbing or picking up the sediment. Better to leave some than get greedy. At this point I may adjust the sweetness to the level I want. If I was right and the ferment was done when I recork it with the bubbler it won't do anything. if it does a little bit, no biggie. I am going to let it sit for a month or two to really clear and let all the particles settle out. At this point is when any flavorings can be added. I like putting in 3-4 cinnamon sticks. a table spoon of apple pie spice and about a dozen cloves. let sit for a month or two. with the cork and bubbler in. Taste, siphon off and bottle. It is good cold and wonderful warm. If you warm it up don't overheat it. Anything 170 or above with allow the alcohol to boil off quickly.
  15. Sanitation and sterilization can't be emphasized enough. Probably the biggest reason people have failed ferments.
  16. my cousin used one and it worked great on one deer. Followed the string right to her. Then a buck came is a few days later and the arrow made it about half way to the deer and the arrow flipped in mid air and snapped off the string. appeared to be knotted up inside the spool.
  17. I spent a lot of cold mornings clenching onto one of those. Then they revolutionized the hand warmer market with the solid stick hand warmers. Those silver sticks.
  18. Hey. I have a Remmy 1148 in 16 ga with one on it. Great small game gun but I can trow a slug more accurately by hand...lol
  19. If you are looking for a consistent product I suggest using Campden tablets to kill off the wild yeasts and introduce the yeast of your choice. Believe it or not all yeast is not created equal so no, #yeastlivesmatters doesn't hold any water. You can get some very odd tastes from wild yeasts.
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