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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. It went well. They discussed the logic and math behind the model, major changes to their CTF program to better incorporate environment and biological indicators, very good info on what DEC can actually do vs what is tied to legislative actions. They discussed the buck zones and the math and responses behind the surveys and how the data was used. They fielded questions and answered as many as we could fit in. They explained how the education initiative was decided on for buck management and how the data from the regions across the state was used to do that. They did and will be asking for input on ideas about promoting that education. I think they took the questions seriously and never got the feeling that they were answering off scripted talking points. They discussed the doe permitting and some of the hurdles they face becasue of our current computer software and system. I have to be honest though. I was disappointed in the turn out. It was fairly typical in size for one of our education events but I expected it to be higher with all the comments I have heard about hunter displeasure with previous programs and the DEC. I guess hunters just like to bitch behind a keyboard or over a beer but when it come time to expend a little effort to make a change we fall short.
  2. he wasn't saying he was equal to a rapist or murder but reality is that a felony conviction will put him in a facility populated with other convicts that are guilty of those crimes.
  3. I would think it is so expensive becasue of the amount of heat and time required. That must be kept moving, i would think, so it wouldn't burn. I've made a lot of fudge and that can burn in a snap if you aren't careful and it is about all sugar.
  4. Not calling you and idiot by any stretch. but I think this letting kids out of personal responsibility is one of the keys to why the country is so f'd up. Where is the line for giving a pass. DUI and a wreck? street racing and running a kid on a bike over? I can use the "he didn't intend to hurt anyone" argument for sooooo many things that are illegal.
  5. we aren't talking about a speeding ticket or even a wreck where no one was injured. This is a felony assault charge. If his record is clean he could end up with just misdemeanors, probation and ACD.
  6. I figured if anyone could comment about having a snake in the can, it would be you
  7. sorry, can't classify those actions as a "mistake". The kid was old enough to know better.
  8. I have seen some pretty scary polls of US and Muslims across the world. The numbers of them that support activities like suicide bombings and violence to those that portray Mohammad was a lot higher than I expected to see. Sharia law in US was another preference by darn near a majority of US Muslims that were polled. I will have to dig those polls up. Many were conducted by Muslim organizations and not an Anti-Muslim group.
  9. I am with you on this. I guess if I am the issuer of "consequences" (as a parent you hope you are before it gets to a point where the authorities are) and they fear consequences then it is probably by default as a youngster they fear you. Done correctly and actually respecting your kids, holding them to a high standard which they know you believe they can attain, they grow up understanding what it was ll about.
  10. You don't worry about how she was raised. We are extremely close. She is aces as far as any 20 year olds I know. 3.9 in a very hard major and still loves to spend time with Mom and Dad. I know things like manners, personal responsibility and hard work are foreign to you. I would bet you don't see and issue letting a your kids spend time under the crack mentors on your street for career tips and that would seem perfectly acceptable you.
  11. I can remember my wife asking me (since we are on opposite ends of the parenting approach spectrum) "do you want your daughter to fear you"?. My respones..."I expect it"
  12. No one is ever going to convince me that the biggest problem with out youth and young adults is that they didn't get a boot in their A$$E$ growing up.
  13. irregular shaped plots with many corners and points out into it promote movement in the plots. Much better than a square.
  14. cleaned it up very well. Hard to get all the powder burned in the 15" barrel. Worked like a charm and cut down on the muzzle flash some. That thing still is a fire breathing dragon though...lol
  15. Let me ask you this. What is the DEC allowed to do based on the system that is set up in NY?
  16. Glad you won't be there with that attitude. So much easier to sit on your hands and do nothing yet bitch about the lack of results.
  17. I am not sure what this will tell you though? not enough different loads of any one powder to make any decisions in my book. You might get lucky and have an optimal load for that gun on this list but it will be a crap shoot.
  18. I actually went with a mag primer in my reduced recoil load using the H4895 in the 308 just to get a more complete burn and it worked very well. as with anythign, change one item and go back to square one and rework it up.
  19. Only two days out. Should be a very good presentation and then an open question and answer period.
  20. I load 4007SSC for the 06 and 270 Win. Going to have to switch powders since they quit making it. Will probably be going with H4895 since I already use it for my 308 reduced recoil loads for my pistol and is has a long history with a wide range of calibers. Since I am rally looking at hunting distances and have had GREAT accuracy results with that powder so far I will stick with it for the other calibers.
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