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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. But has set up an increased fine structure to "catch up" for no having fine increases. That resulted in fine increases of about 80% and there will be increases equal to the cost of living increase every year.
  2. I don't know why these pics are sideways. Sorry. This is the only place that shows them this way
  3. Was a beautiful day yesterday so I lit the coal. Wanted to work on my Riveting and mortises so I gave a candle holder a go. I had the glass sitting around the garage so I modeled it around that. It's about 12" tall for scale.
  4. I haven't tried to o make a deal on one yet. Price point from what I am reading. Were those new and how long ago?
  5. Good video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_KJ1R2PCMM
  6. there has been a "---wink wink----nod nod---- not going to enforce" it and a court ruling that doesn't fully encompass the entire state but the law as written still stands. No different than the ammo background check section.
  7. becasue it was in range and I like backstraps...lol
  8. Good point. Let me ask though. isn't not having one in the pipe akin to letting a threat get that close before being willing to act. Reading the studies and seeing the videos on the 21' line kind of opened my eyes. You are 110% correct in anyone carrying should play the scenario in their head and really really ask "what am i prepared to do?" I firmly believe that pulling a gun an not being prepared or willing to use it can be worse than not having it. Some threats may flee at the sight but other may escalate.
  9. no matter which wife you pick up you handle the same???
  10. That would be your choice NOT to participate.
  11. The post is really a "is Pepsi or Coke better" . Many pros and cons for both in that size firearm. Best advise I was given was to get as many in your hand as possible and shoot as many as you can to see what feels good to YOU.
  12. A couple questions. how is your accuracy now? Sounds like the issue wasn't the ability of the pistol but you inexperience dealing with that size pistol. Same would be said for a subcompact. I agree there has to be shots on target and that is where "practice, practice and when you think you are good enough, practice more" come into play. Personally I wouldn't evaluate the capabilities of a CC weapon at the 15 yard mark. threat identification, yes, but engaging a threat will likely come at much closer rages. How were you "out of the box" at say 7 yards?
  13. Don't be fooled by the price point, The Bersa is a great gun. 380 Thunder at 300-350 and about the same sized package in 9mm, 40 and 45 for 350-400
  14. Love heart and liver. Only difference in how we do it is fry in bacon grease instead of butter.
  15. That is the same caliber of generalization as was used to oppose the crossbow. Didn't hold water then and doesn't now. All compound archers did not oppose the crossbow. Actually more that I knew were for it than against. Why on earth does everything have to turn into a pissing match? (generalization?..lol) I haven't weighed in the the Air gun yet so here goes. INCLUDE THEM. If they can generate adequate energy to ethically kill a deer then why not? Hell I wouldn't care if they started a spear season. hunters need to worry less about what others are doing and just go freaking enjoy what we do
  16. The biggest knife I use is a Buck 102. Most cases I carry smaller fixed blades and do everything with them. I do have a small folding saw and what are you really saving having one of those blade changing systems? a few ounces? I have never needed a saw to process game in the field. I do split the rib cage unless I am caping it and that is easily done with a knife. Never a need to split the pelvis if you are doing it right.
  17. I move one rack to just above the water an and make sure that it covers the area below the fish. It catches any drippings and clean up is a breeze. no stink. I size it to leave about 1" to 1/12" around the outside of it for heat and smoke.
  18. Just cut an paste the address and quesitons into you normal email program
  19. I opted for gas because I wanted the opportunity to use it when electric isn't available, like at camp. The only issue i have ever has was the burner didn't tun down far enough for some of my recipes. A simple inline valve solved that. I have smoked with both and there isn't a huge difference. I would say that I am not fond of using the ones that use pellets or bricks. I like the chunks so I know exactly what is in the wood I am using.
  20. . I didn't bow hunt the first two weekends and for ML since I had the license from going up north I went to came in another region. I will shoot does with both bow and ML but I wanted to have the opportunity to shoot that buck if if came by as well.
  21. They would be calmed right back down by the time October 1st rolled around and definitely by the rut. That one week after gun season before the weekend of ML makes a huge difference getting them back to some semblance of normal
  22. It increases opportunity and will increase hunter interest. I think it would do more than what they tried this year. I think if the areas are in as much need of reduction as they touted to in their press releases, they should pull out the stops and drop the guns into a 9 day, antlerless only, season in early September.
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