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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I didn't see many saying NOT to use it. Like a bow or any weapon. There are limitations. If you accept them, understand them and select a suitable bullet then have at it.
  2. Do you have a link to the full text versions of the EO's? I can only seem to find summaries
  3. I don't know, maybe write the author and ask. They would be the only ones to know.
  4. I was asking you if it was in the text of the EO's. It was spoken about a week earlier but I didn't know if it was included in his section to improve background checks. I didn't say it WAS there I asked you if it was.
  5. Have you read them? Are the including the No-fly list provision? Have you read his mental health reporting provisions?
  6. That was some of the posts earlier in the thread. There has a "wink wink, nod nod, we aren't ready to do this so you don't have to, yet" but the letter of the law has never been changed. I think that is why many are not shipping. some are but as you said, they are getting a premium.
  7. § 50. The penal law is amended by adding a new section 400.03 to read 40 as follows: 41 §_400.03_Sellers_of_ammunition. 42 1._A_seller_of_ammunition_as_defined__in__subdivision__twenty-four__of 43 section_265.00_of_this_chapter_shall_register_with_the_superintendent_of 44 state__police_in_a_manner_provided_by_the_superintendent.__Any_dealer_in 45 firearms_that_is_validly_licensed_pursuant_to__section__400.00__of__this 46 article_shall_not_be_required_to_complete_such_registration. 47 2.__Any_seller_of_ammunition_or_dealer_in_firearms_shall_keep_a_record 48 book_approved_as_to_form_by_the_superintendent_of_state_police.__In__the 49 record__book_shall_be_entered_at_the_time_of_every_transaction_involving 50 ammunition_the_date,_name,_age,_occupation_and_residence_of__any__person 51 from_whom_ammunition_is_received_or_to_whom_ammunition_is_delivered,_and 52 the__amount,_calibre,_manufacturer's_name_and_serial_number,_or_if_none, 53 any_other_distinguishing_number_or_identification_mark_on__such__ammuni- 54 tion.__The_record_book_shall_be_maintained_on_the_premises_mentioned_and 55 described__in__the_license_and_shall_be_open_at_all_reasonable_hours_for 56 inspection_by_any_peace_officer,_acting_pursuant_to_his_or__her__special duties,_or_police_officer.__Any_record_produced_pursuant_to_this_section 2 and__any__transmission__thereof__to__any__government_agency_shall_not_be 3 considered_a_public_record_for_purposes_of_article__six__of__the__public 4 officers_law. 5 3.__No__later__than__thirty_days_after_the_superintendent_of_the_state 6 police_certifies_that_the_statewide_license_and_record__database__estab- 7 lished_pursuant_to_section_400.02_of_this_article_is_operational_for_the 8 purposes__of__this__section,__a__dealer_in_firearms_licensed_pursuant_to 9 section_400.00_of_this_article,_a_seller_of__ammunition__as__defined__in 10 subdivision__twenty-four__of__section__265.00__of_this_chapter_shall_not 11 transfer_any_ammunition_to_any_other_person__who__is__not__a__dealer__in 12 firearms__as__defined__in__subdivision__nine_of_such_section_265.00_or_a 13 seller_of_ammunition_as_defined_in_subdivision__twenty-four__of__section 14 265.00_of_this_chapter,_unless: 15 (a)__before__the__completion__of__the_transfer,_the_licensee_or_seller 16 contacts_the_statewide_license_and__record__database__and__provides__the 17 database__with_information_sufficient_to_identify_such_dealer_or_seller, 18 transferee_based_on_information_on_the_transferee's_identification_docu- 19 ment_as_defined_in_paragraph_©_of_this_subdivision,__as__well__as__the 20 amount,__calibre,_manufacturer's_name_and_serial_number,_if_any,_of_such 21 ammunition; 22 (_the_system_provides_the_licensee_or_seller_with_a_unique_identifi- 23 cation_number;_and 24 ©_the_transferor_has_verified_the__identity__of__the__transferee__by 25 examining_a_valid_state_identification_document_of_the_transferee_issued 26 by__the_department_of_motor_vehicles_or_if_the_transferee_is_not_a_resi- 27 dent_of_the_state_of_New_York,_a_valid_identification_document_issued_by 28 the_transferee's_state_or_country_of_residence_containing__a__photograph 29 of_the_transferee. 30 4.__If__the__database__determines__that_the_purchaser_of_ammunition_is 31 eligible_to_possess_ammunition_pursuant_to_state_and_federal__laws,__the 32 system_shall: 33 (a)_assign_a_unique_identification_number_to_the_transfer;_and 34 (_provide_the_licensee_or_seller_with_the_number. 35 5.__If_the_statewide_license_and_record_database_notifies_the_licensee 36 or_seller_that_the_information_available_to_the_database_does_not_demon- 37 strate_that_the_receipt_of_ammunition_by_such_other_person_would_violate 38 18_U.S.C._922(g)_or_state_law,_and_the_licensee_transfers_ammunition__to 39 such_other_person,_the_licensee_shall_indicate_to_the_database_that_such 40 transaction__has__been__completed_at_which_point_a_record_of_such_trans- 41 action_shall_be_created_which_shall_be_accessible__by__the__division__of 42 state__police__and__maintained_for_no_longer_than_one_year_from_point_of 43 purchase,_which_shall_not_be_incorporated_into_the_database__established 44 pursuant__to__section_400.02_of_this_article_or_the_registry_established 45 pursuant_to_subdivision_sixteen-a_of_section_400.00_of_this_article._The 46 division_of_state_police_may_share_such_information__with__a__local__law 47 enforcement__agency.____Evidence__of__the__purchase_of_ammunition_is_not 48 sufficient_to_establish_probable_cause_to_believe_that_the_purchaser_has 49 committed_a_crime_absent_other_information_tending_to_prove_the__commis- 50 sion__of_a_crime._Records_assembled_or_accessed_pursuant_to_this_section 51 shall_not_be_subject_to_disclosure_pursuant_to_article_six_of_the_public 52 officers_law._This_requirement_of_this_section_shall_not_apply_(i)_if__a 53 background__check__cannot__be_completed_because_the_system_is_not_opera- 54 tional_as_determined_by_the_superintendent_of_state_police,_or_where__it 55 cannot__be_accessed_by_the_practitioner_due_to_a_temporary_technological 56 or_electrical_failure,_as_set_forth_in_regulation,_or_(ii)_a__dealer__or seller__has__been_granted_a_waiver_from_conducting_such_background_check 2 if_the_superintendent_of_state_police_determines__that__such__dealer__is 3 incapable__of__such__check_due_to_technological_limitations_that_are_not 4 reasonably__within__the__control__of__the__dealer,__or_other_exceptional 5 circumstances_demonstrated_by_the_dealer,_pursuant_to_a__process__estab- 6 lished_in_regulation,_and_at_the_discretion_of_such_superintendent. 7 6.__If__the__superintendent__of_state_police_certifies_that_background 8 checks_of_ammunition_purchasers_may_be_conducted__through__the__national 9 instant_criminal_background_check_system,_use_of_that_system_by_a_dealer 10 or__seller__shall_be_sufficient_to_satisfy_subdivisions_four_and_five_of 11 this_section_and_such_checks_shall_be__conducted__through__such__system, 12 provided__that__a__record__of_such_transaction_shall_be_forwarded_to_the 13 state_police_in_a_form_determined_by_the_superintendent. 14 7._No_commercial_transfer_of_ammunition__shall__take__place__unless__a 15 licensed__dealer__in_firearms_or_registered_seller_of_ammunition_acts_as 16 an_intermediary_between_the_transferor_and_the__ultimate__transferee__of 17 the__ammunition_for_the_purposes_of_contacting_the_statewide_license_and 18 record_database_pursuant_to_this__section.__Such__transfer__between__the 19 dealer_or_seller,_and_transferee_must_occur_in_person. 20 8.__A__seller__of__ammunition__who__fails_to_register_pursuant_to_this 21 section_and_sells_ammunition,_for_a_first_offense,_shall_be_guilty_of__a 22 violation__and__subject__to__the__fine_of_one_thousand_dollars_and_for_a 23 second_offense,_shall_be_guilty_of_a_class_A_misdemeanor. 24 A_seller_of_ammunition_that_fails_to_keep_any_record_required_pursuant 25 to_this_section,_for_a_first_offense_shall_be_guilty_of_a_violation__and 26 subject__to__a__fine__of__five_hundred_dollars,_and_for_a_second_offense 27 shall_be_guilty_of_a_class_B_misdemeanor,_and_the_registration__of__such 28 seller_shall_be_revoked. So it sin't "illegal' for online sales as long as they can meet ALL the requirements to verify ID and such. Which is impossible and burdensome. So they just won't sell here.
  8. A tad bit soon. I will keep you informed on the progress though...lol
  9. Interesting read with the backstory http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/01/03/full-story-on-whats-going-on-in-oregon-militia-take-over-malheur-national-wildlife-refuge-in-protest-to-hammond-family-persecution/
  10. forges are very easy to build. The anvil is the "hard" part. (pun intended). tough finding one in good shape that isn't like a house mortgage.
  11. Building a removable shield is on my to do list. I can see the benefit of one even during the first firing. How long have you been at it and what to you work on?
  12. I posted in the "what other hobbies" thread that I am starting to get into some hobby blacksmithing. I figured I would post up and the work progresses. A little history. I have always thought is was very interesting and I remember as a kid wanting to spend time at the demonstrations whenever the family went to any historical period museums where they have characters living like they did in the day. Well needing one more hobby like I need ANOTHER hole in my head I did it anyway...lol. I did quite a bit of research and reading, joined an online forum that is world wide and spent hours reading there. I decided i would like to go the route of using a coal forge and that I wanted to build it myself. I pick up a damaged anvil from a member here and to my surprise my wife got me another one that is in very very good shape. I picked up a post vise too. So then I was in possession of the 3 main tools of a smith. I have to make everything fairly portable because I will basically be doing it in my driveway and will need to put everything away in the garage after each use. And (and this is a very big AND.) I need to keep the garage open enough so my wife can park in there during the winter. So as of this date the forge is built and I have run two fire in it so far. I am focusing on tooling and developing my techniques for now, but I want to dive into some blade making down the road. I'll try to keep this as kind of a diary of the progress and welcome comments and critiques. This is the forge completed. it has a variable speed electric motor and will reach forge welding temps with ease. You can see a couple tools for tending the fire that I made on the first day. A poker, a rake and a few hooks to hang on the forge table. I don't have a picture yet but on the second day I made my first set of tongs to handle the materials better than a pair of vise grips. I also made a rack for the anvil stump to hold all the hammers within easy reach.
  13. Damascus is hard to do and without a power hammer you had better be eating your Wheaties...lol. There is an enormous amount of hammering involved in folding and forge welding a billet. BellR---When you bought the billet did they give you an insight or guarantee what the content or original material was that they used to make the billet?
  14. As far as I know the portion of the Safe Act that says no online sales still stands. There has been no formal repeal but since their are many aspects that the state isn't prepared to enforce or handle there was a "wink wink, nod nod, we a holding off on that part". I am sure there are sellers that would just a soon not get involved if the area is gray.
  15. To some of you older members. Didn't there use to be a requirement that a rifle had to be 25 caliber or larger? or was that only pistols?
  16. Murder by firearms has been falling since 2006 according to the FBI consolidated stats. 2014 numbers are out and firearms murder is below 9,000 in that year I think. The Federal assault weapon ban expires in 2004 I believe and the antis were screaming that the streets would be running red with blood. The number don't fit their narrative.
  17. Maybe I'll start a thread under General and do that. Be nice to get feedback and be able to adjust to what appeals to folks. Knife making is one of the end goals for me. Actual forging though. I don't want to just do material removal from purchased stock.
  18. Quantity doesn't bother me as much as content and scope. These numbers don't really mean anything. Truth be told, and given what was going on during their Terms, probably Roosevelt, Truman and FDR had the furthest reaching EO's
  19. You thinking of maybe having the same competent staff do the checks that did Tashfeen Malik's vetting?
  20. Did you catch his comment about how implementing gun control isn't that difficult. If we made changes and got women the vote and ended slavery , this shouldn't be that hard. See any disconnect with the two topics he chose to contrast with? They were done through Constitutional amendment. The other item that burns my buns is the notion that the vast majority of the nation want this and it is Congress holding it up. I am not buying it. If they had the support that they claim then get the process started and let's do this right and through the process that was built into our system. Why do you think they are hesitant to go this route? Because the support they claim is NOT there. I will live with what the system sets forth IF they follow the correct process.
  21. Well. Where to start. My wife would tell you I have way too many things I am involved in. I do like to shoot and that is one thing my daughter loves to do with me besides fishing. Totally unrelated I like to take on side carpentry jobs and work on our camp. I just recently took on a new hobby and it is doing a little blacksmithing. I built my own forge. I actually picked up an anvil from a member on here and my wife got me a bigger one as a gift. Going to be taking a few courses over the winter and have already started making some of my own tooling for doing the work.
  22. Did NY open Brown bear season and I missed it? lol Whenever I think of upsizing the grains on the -06 my physics teachers voice pops into my head about equal and opposite reactions.
  23. Pygmy, is the main difference between the pro-hunter and the Game kinks the flat base VS Boat tail?
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