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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I think that is a very poor decision on their part. A simple google search will link to many many cases of lost guns that were taken during car break ins. I think there was even one out here in Rochester a ways back where a Chief had his vehicle broken into at a mall and his duty gun taken.
  2. But I bet he'd be irate if you suggested a voter registration card because of the ID cost imposed on a poor person. Taking their other right away due to cost (insurance) is ok though because it fits into his narrative.
  3. I have a Bersa Thunder in 380. I love it. Very accurate and never had an issue no matter what I feed it. I believe they came out with a 9,40 and 45 in about the same size package. I think it was a Thunder Pro.
  4. I own a .223 and have owned a 22-250. They are very good rounds but I don't think they fit the bill for deer sized game for me. I want a round that I can put through they shoulder on a quartering to shot and not have to worry about it.
  5. they do have a couple .17's that are center fire don't they?
  6. You were the one that said I picked apart his terminology. I wasn't. I commented meaning that kind of hard to provide any meaningful insight to he magazine issue since it isn't even in his hands anymore. Members posted possibly issues and it is all speculation at this point. I don't see an issue in a post that was made correcting the terminology. Obviously you do have a need to be one of the sensitive ones that get their panties in a much and needs to feel offended.
  7. Slang would be ordering a "pop" or "soda" lol For all you Buffalo area folks.
  8. What could be interjected that is useful since it was in the box and sent back prior to the post? No body hopped on anyone, the term use was corrected and accurately so.
  9. That was actually what I was looking for when I was setting up my pistol. If it wasn't for the killer deal I got on the 308 barrel I would be using the 7mm-08
  10. Bubba, I know you reload. I have great luck in this caliber for the pistol using H4895 and loading reduced recoil loads. I am pushing a Hornady 130 grain SP bullets. on the bipod and bench I can get hardballl sized groups at 200 yards. 1" high at 100 gives be about 10" low at 200. I cant remember where I settled in for the actual grains of H4895 though.
  11. Monroe is the same. Each caliber is listed on my permit with the frame serial number. Now I could have a truckload of 308 barrels of varying lengths but they don't seem to care as long as the caliber is listed. That is part of the problem with NYS's permitting system. Every county can do their own thing
  12. i actually bought the grip used. Encore classifieds. $40 I think.
  13. Take a peek on here. http://www.tonysforendsandgrips.net/7.html These the ones you meant?
  14. It didin't seem like the pistol foreends were set up well to take a bipod so I took a rifle forearm and redrilled it. I believe the rear mounting screw was in the same location on each so the front screw need to be redrilled to mount on the pistol barrel. this did two things. it allowed it to mount but then left a hole to mount a swivel for the bipod attachment. it is rock solid. I will see if I can get a good pic of it for you. I used laminate wood stocks. not sure how the synthetic would work.
  15. not a Contender but have an Encore. It is .308 win with a 15' barrel. Have taken coyote and deer. If I can get a rest I wouldn't hesitate out to 200 yards. I fitted a rifle stock to the barrel so it can take a bipod. It will never replace my rifle but it sure is fun to have as an option to use
  16. make it the thickest nastiest area you can. When you get to the point where you say "no way in hell I am walking through that" it is almost thick enough...lol
  17. take a pic off of Google earth and lay it all out. it may take several versions until you get it how you want. EVERYTHING should be considered. in no particular order, prevailing winds, entry and exit routes and stand location (but this one may end up changing). plant and tree species in the lot and their food value, water, food plots and the availability throughout the year. and sanctuary area(s). It is much easier to have a master plan you are working towards than invest time and money into it half azzed and end up redoing a bunch of work. Better to invest the time you would use going out there to work the property now into planning it all out.
  18. OK, when you said you could get it how you like it, it thought you meant the pistol grip that you talked about earlier.
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