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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. some of the posts above seem to allude to it being illegal to place a tag on a "found" deer. It got me thinking, that's why I posted that. I've taken two deer, both that ran into the sides of cars. People didn't even stop. necks were broken and I was handed tags to tag both of them. them from LEO's
  2. Interesting concept. let's look at this scenario. landowner comes across a fresh blood trial coming into his property in the snow. Follows it and finds a warm but dead deer. illegal to tag it? #2 is contacted by DEC about the deer because a hunter wounded it. if he denies access would DEC give him a possession tag like for a vehicle struck?
  3. get on Google. A buddy had it happen to him and used some app on his wife's phone to walk right to where his phone was. Can't remember what it was.
  4. Bubba, what sections give them authority to enter and retrieve a deer?
  5. well two friends of mine both shot deer that died within the property lines of posted property (both visible from their property I might add). Owner would NOT allow retrieval. DEC was called and they did talk to the owner. The owner still denied access and that was the end of the story. two different ECO's at two different times, in different areas, tried and walked away. so what ever you believe the law allows, what is practiced in reality is different.
  6. Video from last night. After a half hour of chasing a doe around the ravine I was in, these two decided to test each other a bit. Hasn't really heated up and the young bucks haven't figured what the right time is yet. Was like a Friday night out for college freshman frat boys. young scrappers.MOV This was about 25 feet from the bottom of my ladder stand.
  7. Got it, a heavier bullet is more effected by the wind than a lighter one and gravity is a variable. In reality if the heavier and lighter bullet had the same BC and were with close MV it wouldn't make a hoot at hunting distance.
  8. and a heavier bullet is less effected by variables like cross wind.
  9. As a side note. if someone wants to purchase multiple calendars, drop me a PM. I can arrange it so there is only one shipping cost.
  10. as a side note, what area of the brass is failing that you are only getting 4 reloads? you loading as max's?
  11. Not that familiar with many other states. Can they use them to finish a deer during bow?
  12. I have tracked one wounded with a gun that were hard to get another bullet in them. Name of the game I guess and all the more reason to make that first shot count and not take low percentage shots.
  13. I usually go into the woods with 3 good arrows and broadheads, one filed of judo pointed arrow and one broadhead that is kind of buggered up a bit just for finishing shots and close range. I don't get the inhumane talk. wouldn't you just shoot it again if you came up to it and it is still alive?
  14. On a more serious note. Every spend the whole day in a swap, stirring up that stinking muck with your movement, Happens a lot while duck hunting too. Every notice you farts smell just like the swamp muck after sniffing it all day?
  15. how has you luck been in small mom and pop stores in remote locations? I don't have any experience with this caliber.
  16. on the page I linked to. upper right. branches. The branch contacts and phone numbers are listed. give them a call.
  17. A consideration I would have in selecting a multi-use rifle would be readily available ammo, in a wide range of bullet weights and constructions, proven and a long history so it isn't a fad and a good supply of components if I reloaded. Also rings true for the 308
  18. Personally I have not but my gun has shot 2 elk and two moose carried by best friends. Ballistics and terminal performance are widely documented. Your story is an account of what can be done with a marginal caliber. A quartering to shot in a heavier bones animal is not a shot for a marginal caliber especially at that range. Claim all you want but the 243 is a marginal caliber for elk and moose which was one of the conditions the OP listed. You relative is lucky in a shot as you described. To take out the heart out on that shot without impacting the near leg is threading a needle. Personally I would want a bullet and caliber that I knew would do it. I think most horror stories though are bad bullet selection. You need the properly constructed bullet and then a caliber that will deliver it with the speed that it requires for its design.
  19. If you are interested in going through life as "marginal" then have at it. It is NOT the best choice for a caliber for the animals mentioned.
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