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Culvercreek hunt club

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. Weren't you the OP that listed Elk and Moose as a consideration?
  2. I have an accu trigger on a savage my Dad bought in 22 mag. accurate gun but I don't like the feel of the trigger.
  3. There are Whitetail shot every year with .22 caliber rounds as well, That wouldn't make me consider them and ideal whitetail round. if you are moving into this gun for a specific purpose like an Alaskan Moose or bear hunt, I would do some research. There are outfitters out there that have cartridge minimums for the clients.
  4. if offered a quartering to shot on a large bull at 250-300 yards, a 243 in my hands would make me really question whether to pull the trigger. Actually it wouldn't make me question, because I wouldn't.
  5. Great Christmas gifts. A gift that keeps giving all year and doesn't require a shot of penicillin
  6. Thought you all may like to take a look at this. Sales are going fast, so don't miss out. 1,000 calanders sold, each with a unique 3 digit number. Drawing based on the NYS Lottery draw. Over $14,000 in prizes including, QDMA Memberships, Bass Pro Gift cards, 11 guns (or gift card value shown) and a Customized Quigley Ford Scope (The one I have my heart set on) Volunteers have the calendars if you are local to some and want to save the shipping ($25 vs $31). The organization is gaining traction in the state and once on this website, check out where the closest branch is to you. Worth a look Thank you http://www.nyqdma.org/store/p1/2016_NY_QDMA_Lottery_Calendar.html PS. Forgot to mention. The calendar is ALL NY State photos.
  7. So the Feds and not the state is paying the farmers. Got it. I thought it was the taxpayers. Glad you cleared that up. I see you are in Greece. I hope that is Greece, NY and I would love to take you to a couple farms I know of that the rule they fill the nuisance tags is NOT a HEAD SHOT. instead it is gut shots so the deer in NOT recovered and the tag does not have to be used. I firmly believe that is one reason why it is difficult to get into some of the places on these permits. In the hands of you or me it would probably be a "one and done" use of the tag.
  8. No the hunter is headless. See the pumpkin...lol I don't see anything posted here that would lead you to it being an illegal deer. If you have proof, contact DEC http://www.dec.ny.gov/regulations/67751.html
  9. Kind of hard to have a discussion with you when you don't understand the difference between a subsidy and a tax payer funded service.
  10. simple solution. Go buy you Muzzleloader tag. It can be filled with you bow and will give you an antlerless tag to us that isn't tied to a WMU
  11. Why? Not sure how he could call in unless he put the Doe permit on it...lol
  12. Any other professions we as tax payers should underwrite to guarantee a living. income or profit? Tax payers should bare the liability? Just an FYI concerning your comment in bold. You are wrong. There are nuisance permits given out that include antlered deer.
  13. With the modern equipment, coordinates and GPS the days of setting an instrument up on the actual property line is gone, unless you want to pay more. They traverse through the areas that offer the least resistance to set the corners.
  14. I never have had one sent away to age the tooth. Never seemed a big deal. I have had one tip the scale @ 206#. Heavy horned 12 that had two stickers. Six others were over 180. I would bet they were good 3.5's. If I had a hope that one of mine was 5.5, it would have been the 12. Full rut and measures 26" neck just below the head. Good northern big woods buck.
  15. The other thing to note is forcing me to shoot only does in the early season instead of when I usually end up doing it (gun season), changes the time I take them but does nothing to change the numbers.
  16. I leave in the Am to go up North and shoot a doe with my ML in an area that doesn't have doe permits...lol
  17. Aren't we talking about the WMU's that are doe only? They are in the SZ but not the entire SZ. If you want numbers to evaluate them only look at the harvest data in those areas. I never said anything about the entire SZ
  18. yes, in the appropriate WMU Yes with a bow only. If you fill them then go get the ML. Available until the last day of season. That would give you another Antlerless only
  19. Don't look at SZ numbers. we are talking about a few select WMU's it isn't the entire SZ. follow?
  20. you didn't buy the ML privilege. so it is either sex for BOW. if you buy the ML privilege you will be another tag that is antlerless only. Both tags can then be used with either weapon in either season IF YOU BUY THAT PRIVILEGE. your first special privilege with give you an either sex Your second purchase will be antlerless only
  21. so what does that do to have a major take down the doe population?
  22. Read what you wrote. how would a 3 point on a side save those 8 pointers? 4 point on a side wouldn't. To be honest I don't see AR's increasing the doe take to the needed levels. If you look at the harvest numbers and figure that 60% of the bucks would have had to be passed and assume that those hunters instead took a doe (if they could have) . you aren't talking about a significant enough doe take increase.
  23. Wondering where you hunt and what level of antler restrictions do you think would have made a difference?
  24. I agree. Tags issued for outside the "normal" hunting season. Expand opportunity not restrict it.
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