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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. damned guys out west are so unethical for their shots they take so often. You think that we, more ethical, eastern hunters, could get a movement going to stop the hunting out there? Or maybe outlaw any bow shot over, say, 40 yards?
  2. yup, I think so too. I just meant I expected someone to prank something to stiff up the pot.
  3. I have been waiting for someone to do this in one of the antlerless only areas and watch this pace come unglued. ....lol
  4. There is no "giving". a deer has no emotion or generosity. It was killed and life was "taken"
  5. check out a site like Google earth. Depending on the time of year for the pics and since little has changed on the property or surrounding the last few years, it may be easy to do a little aerial scouting. The one year the deer trails to and from bedding were plain as day in the pictures.
  6. Well opening day and I am at work. Wont be burning up my local stand during this two weeks. First bow opener I have missed in 10 years
  7. I bet if you did graph it that there would be a high wounding rate at very close ranges as well. I have honestly seen and heard of more deer wounded at that 0-5 yard mark than longer distances. I believe the reason is because many hunters don't practice that shot, have a poor understanding of deer anatomy and don't understand steep angle trajectory. The season has started so let's see the posts about the ones hit and not recovered. In other posts on here I have seen comments about the difficulty of longer distance from a stand. First I wholly believe in practicing as you hunt. But given the very flat angle of a longer shot there is actually less of a difference between aim point and POI at those flatter angles. Honestly I would rather have a 20-30 yard shot than one at 5 yards. It is more of a broadside target and easier for a double lung hit.
  8. I am going to go out on a limb here as guess you aren't a father.....lol. just kidding.
  9. oh I do. Just like any weapon. But if there is an increase and we all acknowledge that nothing is a given in this sport, what is an acceptable wounding rate or miss rate? how many deer have you taken to have two wounded with a bow? (not meant as a jab but an illustration of the point) after all, It is the results we are all talking about. I have seen guys shoot that I would much rather see take a 60-70 yard shot that some of the ones that I have seen shooting at 20. .
  10. At what distances? based don the comments here wouldn't inside of that distance at some point be your effective range? It appears that many believe the definition is where there is zero margin for error.
  11. has to be a great feat to have never missed a deer.
  12. Take her out early and do some small game hunting. Maybe even in the deer season if she gets in the dumps.
  13. I have seen "most" not be able to make an off hand gun shot at 75 yards too...lol. Yet still take the shot.
  14. I normally practice to 70 yards. In open field, a relaxed deer and time to range it, I wouldn't hesitate to take a shot at 50. With my current set up the two longest I have taken is 46 and 48. half of my stands only allow shots to 25-30 though.
  15. Sure sounds like Japanese beetles, Grow. I fight them off my roses and they do the same exact thing.
  16. I've never gotten my finger infected at a strip joint...lol
  17. Well that was half a report...lol. what kind of a deal did you get?
  18. three years ago I had a small cut right above the nail on my right index finger (trigger finger). first deer that year I tore the rubber glove on that finger pulling the rib cage apart. 3 days later my finger tip was about the size of a golfball and I went to the Doc. he lanced it and it was the nicest shade of green puss in there. couple days into the antibiotics and it was as good as new but it sure was sore before he lanced. it. I figured it was the contact with the insides that did it. didn't think to much of the possibility until then. So it can happen and it wasn't that big of a cut.
  19. very nice indeed. flat diamond stone for those G5's
  20. Count yourself lucky. If you go back there for a second trip you will be down two rounds in a game of Russian Roulette.
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