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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. If I didn't hunt I think I would allow access. I even let the guy at the end of the road from our lease permission to run his coon dogs, down there. I just asked him to stay away the week before gun and weekends during the season. I would think that having to chicken wire your landscaping and taking your car in to get fenders repaired would be enough but not for some folks. Access IS the biggest hindrance in these areas for sure. But what will this new plan or even their step 3 with an early ML doesn't take away the big road block. It kind of leads back to what I have been saying then. put the tags into the hands of hunters on the property that can be hunted, for a longer time, with the most efficient weapon and stack them up.
  2. I don't have an issue with your opinion, no matter how ill-informed it is.
  3. wasn't he talking about non hunting land owners? Sounded it. If a spot is hunted it could be difficult to get permission. It isn't easy, I know I try every year to get into new areas. it isn't impossible though. The right 5 acres can be an absolute honey hole.
  4. I will say that most parcels in these areas are not large enough tracts of land to keep a deer or several on them as their home range. In these areas if you can get access you can make a difference by aggressively taking the does on the land you can get into. The population is kind of like a bucket of water. Scoop out from where you can and some is going to flow your way. The one small parcel we hunt is 8 acres of woods next to an AG field. 10 deer were taken out of that last year and I could show you groups of 25-30 in the beans a month ago. There will be that many taken again, I am sure. Allowing more time and more tags and we could take more. Don't hold the left overs until November 1st and get the tags into the hunters hands that CAN take deer.
  5. I wish more landowners understood the General Obligation law. it won't stop a suit being filed but it is pretty easy to get dismissed because of it. Same could happen for a trespasser walking their dog.
  6. I have been spending quite a bit of time in the southern states. It has to be close
  7. Or because you didn't have the balls to specify who you were talking about it can be reasonably inferred you meant it to apply to all those that do not agree with you. And to openly discuss it here and try to inform people about the ruling and how misguided it is is one avenue to apply pressure to get it changed. If you don't think DEC monitors this sites you are wrong.
  8. I won't eat anything that comes out of an animals mouth......give me an egg sandwich.
  9. was trying to get an idea of if it was AG or woods in the area
  10. I have to agree on one part of this. NY does NOT have a monopoly on idiots. (and it isn't just hunters...lol )
  11. again, do you have any experience in the areas that are impacted by this?
  12. That was my point. THAT IS the difference between shooting a doe after the 15th and not going into the woods to shoot the same doe prior.
  13. I haven't used a camera in the last two years. But when I did the location of the cameras was not in the same locations of where my stands were. I didn't have to worry about getting a picture at daylight like I have to when getting a shot while hunting. My cameras were to inventory what was in the area, not pinpoint when they walked by a stand. If I wanted to put out cameras again the new cellular ones also take this out of the equation and allow you to get in closer on the deer without disturbing them.
  14. Nice thing about the fire knocks is I purchased their matched weight practice knocks. flies the exact same as the lighted ones and no need to burn batteries or risk a knock during practice. TO me the best feature is the simple inverted tap to turn them off.
  15. Bow take will not get it done. If what the DEC is claiming is true we could double the annual bow take in these areas and not come close to solving the problem. I don't get the approach of using the least effective weapon. (And I bow hunt)
  16. there isn't much public land in these areas. That is part of the problem. But if I could get an early season with additional opportunity I would be more likely to do a little leg work and see if I could find a place to get in.
  17. My only concern about going late is that I have seen buck with their antlers off later. I know the temps are not great earlier but the odds are an antlerless is a doe then.
  18. Do you even hunt these areas? In 8h you can get 4 doe permits. Why the need for multiple dates on a tag? Just print another tag.
  19. that makes it a nightmare to administer. Check in of taken does. issue the buck tags. I think they are taking a totally wrong approach in reducing opportunities and expecting a standing ovation. They should have been expanding opportunities if they wanted the program embraced. it would have caused hunters to migrate INTO the impact areas rather than AWAY from the impact areas. It really is simple. Over the counter purchase for those areas and it does not effect the regular doe permit draw. No limit. 9 day GUN season in the middle of September.
  20. I have several stones and a full Lensky kit. This seems to be my go to now since it does such a great job on my knives AND my broadheads. http://www.lowes.com/pd_177450-10803-DBSF___?productId=1207127&pl=1&Ntt=dimond+sharpener I do carry a small draw type sharpener in my backpack for quick field touch ups.
  21. WNY, next time you wrap in bacon do a basket weave with the bacon into like a sheet and then wrap whatever you want in it. . it stays in place nicely. I do that with a stuffed goose breast recipe.
  22. I am going to use a dirty word here but I haven't been able to beat the pricing on a filter and oil for my 3 vehicles. (Walmart)
  23. My daughter's Forester have NEVER gone into a quick Lube place and not had a leak on either the drain plug or the filter. Even after I tell them to pay attention to it, it leaks.
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